Sunday, May 31, 2020

Last day of May

The sun is shining and its 31o already in the garden. DB is in the shade potting up plants or repotting some that have outgrown the pots. Wish I could get to a garden centre......... 

Veg prepped for supper, hopefully there will be enough strawberries for dessert with some cream. I have taken the pork I sliced a few weeks ago, will wrap it in foil and put it on top of the veggies in the steamer to re-heat.

I am about to go and tackle the block I managed to vandalise a week ago. It was so easy finding the thread now they are in numbered boxes, just looked at the list on the top of the box and zoomed in to the right reel. What I need now is a 10 thread stand for the machine, then I can put them on the stand in order of using them. It might have to wait, I have already spent my pocket money for the next 4 months!!!

Yesterday I reluctantly cancelled the holiday in the Isle of Wight we were going on in September. I will get a full refund for the travel lodge I booked. The hotel was booked but it was paid for on departure, its just the ferry fare now, think I will get 50% back. I have not rebooked, we will be a year older, driving that distance would be pushing it for me. So at the turn of the year we may book a week in Whitby. Will see how things go.

Heard from DD2 yesterday DGS goes back to work this week, she has not heard about her job as yet, so she will have the baby for part of the week. I see problems ahead E has been used to daddy at home for the last 10 weeks, going back to nursery part time is not going to be a walk in the park.

This is the vandalised block, you can clearly see the trimmed edge!! I will post todays possibly tomorrow.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Its Saturday

Not that it feels any different to Friday!!  When we were working Saturday was 'house' day, washing, cleaning and cooking. On Sunday once a month we used to go out somewhere. These days we rarely go out unless its to our friends or shopping.

With the over 70's still in lockdown we really do not know when we will be free to see friends or our family in the city. We are lucky we have the garden, and I have my sewing; although just now I am feeling lethargic, fighting to keep myself from sliding down into depression.

DB is in the front, we discovered yesterday that something we thought was a flower is in fact a horrible weed. We cut it off, once we get some rain the root will have to come out and I will have to make sure all the root is out. The blessed thing was covered in black fly.

The rose on the top of the arch is out, the second peony has burst, but not opened properly yet. Its a pale pink double. There was a massive chatter from the birds a minute ago, a red kite flew over, obviously looking for breakfast. There are a pair of kites nest down near the canal. We also see buzzards fairly regularly. The is a crow which starts hollerin' about 5.30am. blessed thing. It will sit in the tree at the back of us and makes a noise. I usually shout at it to 'shut up'. Not that t takes any notice.

Veg etc done for supper, beef casserole out of the freezer, more of the poached pears for dessert. There does not seem to be any more
strawberries ready yet.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Garden Doings

Much better night last night, woke at 5.30 but corried down for another 3 hours. 

There was a piece in the local paper last night saying that our town and the surrounding villages was one of the places with very few, if any cases of Coronavirus........shows what can be achieved if people do as they are requested.

A white load in the washer, its very hot in the sun, although there is a nice breeze if you are in the right spot. I have spotted what I think is ragged robin in the border, one plant is quite big, so its coming out. The bergonia we saved from last year are doing nothing so I am planting geraniums in the pots instead.

The roses on the left of the arch at the top are starting to come out, the one on the right is at last starting to go up to meet the other one, buds on but no open flowers. A lovely white lupin at the top of the herbaceous bed. Thanks to the very dry weather in the spring both lupins have survived, the other one is just putting the flower spikes up now, I think its purple.

The compassion rose has one bud open, right at the top of the fence, reaching for the sky.

You can just catch the scent on the breeze.

Prepped the wedges for tonights supper. DB has requested brad and butter rather than peas. He has been putting more preservative on the coal house that was. 

Morning tea in the garden, very pleasant sitting on the bench for a break.

So supper tonight is fish and chips with bread and butter. I might open another tin of fruit out of the store cupboard. I ordered more of the apple chutney at the weekend, it arrived yesterday, so 2 apple chutney, one bread and cheese chutney, Apricot and one jar of mango and ginger. Should keep him going for a while.

Decided to do a dessert after all, poached pears with the first of our strawberries from the garden.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Oh dear

Last night was not pleasant, I woke about 1.30am with raging indigestion, It was 4am when I eventaully settled down. Thats the second time in as many weeks, if it happens again it will be the Drs.

Another bright morning, DB was going to start using the wood preservative on the shed, opened the container and it was like water, so I have to order more for him. We can get it delivered from our local tool shed. I have suggested we get a more expensive one that only needs re-doing every 5 years.

Garden was watered late last night after it had cooled down a bit, DB says the temperature is climbing again, he will be coming in shortly.

Had a phone call yesterday from a friend who goes to the coffee mornings, Like us she is self isolating although her husband is a farmer so he is still having to milk etc. It was nice to hear from her, caught up with the local news.

Supper tonight is fritatta and salad....... will probably use cheese in it. I cooked some rhubarb in the oven yesterday so will finish that off for dessert.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Sunshine all the way

but DB says there is a cooling breeze. He is out in the garden planting out seeds.

I had a very senior moment yesterday, I completely forgot I had put in an order from Morrison, it was only when I got an email to say it would be delivered between 4 - 5 I remembered. Had to do a swift call to DD2 and stop her visit to Aldi. She is going back to work 8th June, so from then on its either an online order or Aldi. DGD is off for at least another month.

Chicken and bacon pasta was delicious, will do it again, its cheaper to buy 5 chicken breasts and freeze them.

Short break, DB wanted me to help cut the net for the rasps and strawberries, we have strawberries ripening up already. Just off for morning tea, back later.

DB in, its too hot outside, even with the breeze, I am perspiring too.

Thread, 50 reels of it arrived yesterday so spent quite a while in the sewing room sorting it into number sequence. There were some duplicates that I had already got, so they are in a separate box. I noted down the numbers and then printed off a list, so each box has the content numbers on. It should make it easier to find what I am looking for. I now have 101, reels of thread in varying shades

Mince for supper on the hob, have also done 14 stick of rhubarb, some in the freezer the rest cooking slowly in the oven.

Some pictures I took in the garden this morning.

This looks like a Nelly Moser, but it isn't

Not sure what this is looks like a montana.

Not sure anout this one either. When we left to come here, DB dug up the clematis but lost the labels, so I have no idea what they are.

The roses coming out on the arch.

This is a Montana that much I do know, the compassion has buds on but they have not broken yet

The peoney first time it has flowered, there is another one further up the garden, I think it might be pink also, but will have to wait for the buds to open

The weigeia in the front garden, the bees are going frantic. There is also a variegated one the flowers are pale pink. This one came from Morrison 4 years ago. I also have a jasmine on the front fence which comes out later, the smell is glorious. I love scented plants.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Heat wave?

Very warm again today, DB has been out, but says it too hot so has come inside. Later we need to sort out the nets for the fruit, the strawberries are forming.

I have broken my isolation this morning, went to the PO to get cash, The PO is working on a one in one out basis and has hand sanitizer to put on before you go in. 

A bit of a quiet morning really, no laundry till later in the week, still debating about going shopping. DD2 is going to Aldi for me this week, enough for 2 weeks......might chance going myself then, will see. There have been cases locally but very few hopefully things are getting better locally.

Expecting delivery today, the thread I ordered, I will need to sort it and put any duplicates in the two boxes I have for them. I made another bag in a bag yesterday, my cleaners mother wants one, so its ready for when she comes next. Having the cleaner once a week is great........just swish the GTec over the carpets if they need it. I spent ages yesterday unravelling thread that had wound itself round the brush, note to self, stop dropping cut off threads on the floor!!

I have a problem with my car, road tax runs out on Sunday, MOT due at the end of June. Letter from Vehicle Licensing saying not to tax my car before I get my MOT. Go onto a site and according to the site my cars MOT is due 30th June.......As clear as mud. I understood that MOT's had been deferred for 6 months.......arghhh.
I do not think our local garage is working, so no idea......

Supper tonight, use up bits night, chicken and bacon pasta......I opened a tin of peaches to use up some cream last night.

Monday, May 25, 2020

I am fizzing

Having listened to BJ last night, I am so angry he has not seen fit to sack Dominic Cummings. This Country is on its knees, our financial situation is rock bottom. Thousands, in fact millions of people have stayed in lockdown, except it is quite alright for a government advisor to travel 500+ miles, not once but 3 times, while the rest of us sit at home........people have sacrificed their jobs and their families to do what the government asked us to do, but DC was a special case. was quite alright for him, just not for the rest of the plebs. Boris will be the looser in this. He should have a vote of no confidence and be chucked out himself.

Sorry to start Monday with a rant, but I am so angry over this, I am sure I am not the only one.

Cleaner due this morning, so need to get a shuffle on, I am going to sort out my threads whilst she is here, I want to get them in number order before the extra spools I bought arrive.......I know some of them will be duplicates, so I have a seperate box for them.

Bright morning, washer on, will dry on the line. Both gas and electricity readings were down this week, thanks to the decent weather.......DB will be off into the garden shortly, we will sit out for morning tea.

No idea about tonights supper, the chicken last night was delicious, I mixed lemon peel and juice in the stuffing and left a slice of lemon on top whilst they were cooking......yummy.......

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Its a cold, grey, windy morning, we have had strong winds all weekend. Showers are forecast for later, I really think we could do with a decent downpour to wet the ground its so dry.

DB is not happy, two days he has not been able to go out in the garden since Friday.......he is suffering with withdrawal symptoms, lots of heavy sighs!!

We did not do much yesterday, I finished reading the book DB had on his tablet. I now have one to finish on my tablet.

I have just sent a shopping list over to DD2 she is going to go to Aldi for me sometime this week.

No sewing yesterday, I keep seeing that wretched block on my sewing me nightmares.........

Chicken for supper tonight, I slit the breasts and make a pocket for the stuffing, then wrap them in foil to cook, open the foil for the last 10 minutes or so to allow the meat to brown. roast spuds, and veg.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sat down, feet up

Its Saturday, sunny but the wind from yesterday is still around, not so strong, but strong enough. DB went out this morning and rescued various things that had blown about. No garden work today.

Yesterdays order from the chemist got mixed up, DB's arrived mine did not. After a complicated phone call mine finally arrived just after 5pm. Thank goodness. I had been without my heart medication for 2 days.

Shopping list compiled, just need to check there is nothing else I need, will then send it over to DD2 she will go and collect it for me and DGS will bring her over with it. Delivered to the back door,still distancing.....I will put a cheque for her in the jar for collection. Gloves on and everything wiped over before it gets put away.

Hopefully I have ordered enough to last another 10 - 14 days.Neither DD2 or DGS have heard whats happening regarding work......Thankfully DGS and his partner are not affected by the changes at the firm they work at.  DD2 has been furloughed to the end of this month.

Nothing spoiling this morning, I am trying to read a book on DB's tablet, he is wanting the tablet back, so will be reading for most of the afternoon.

Waiting for a delivery from the West Midlands, not sure when its coming, though it might be today. Everything seems to be taking longer just now.

Have taken gammon steaks and chicken breasts out of the freezer, the steaks are for tonight with egg, tomato and fried bread. The chicken breasts will be stuffed when they have defrosted. I will roast them tomorrow for supper.

I need to go up the garden and get rhubarb to cook for tomorrow. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Disaster day

yesterday started out a nice day, but in the afternoon deteriorated. I decided to resew the second block, changing the colours. All went well, no puckering, and the colours were good.......took it off the machine and un hooped it, and started horror I realised that instead of cutting away the stabiliser I was cutting the block.........b*&^%r, DB wondered what was wrong, shouting, screaming, stamping feet........!!!!! I have never done that before in all the time I have been embroidering......aarrgghh.

I have kept the piece, will hang it on the wall in front of my cutting table........a reminder. I now have to go over the colours again and make sure I get the same ones. I am going to change to something different before I tackle the block again.

Another sunny warm day yesterday, this morning it is blowing a hoolie again, the sun is warm through the window, but the wind takes the heat away in the garden, so no gardening for DB today. He is sorting out moving things from his old computer to his new one.......there are many times I wish I had not taught him to use the wretched thing.....however it keeps him out of mischief.

Our local chemist is amazing, we put our repeat scripts in and usually get them delivered either Monday or Tuesday.....this month I have run out of two of my medications. I rang this morning and they are ready so delivery this afternoon.......well done Lloyds pharmacy in LC. I need to keep a check. scripts only give you a 28day supply which means that as the months go by you have to order a week earlier or, like me, you run out.

Supper tonight fish and dessert.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Phew, I am bushed

Decided this morning to change the quilt for the light weight summer one. DB spent all last night moaning, first he was hot, then he was cold, and so it went for my sanity I made him help me change the quilt over. No idea why, I ended up doing it myself. I have no idea what happened to the sense he was supposed to be born with!!

I am now frazzled and HOT!!!

Yesterday was stoatin' I got so cross seeing the news, people on the beach, no social distancing, next thing we will have a spike in the virus and we will be back in lockdown again, some people are so stupid. I can see us being locked in until December.

Sorry rant over.....its another lovely morning the temperature is climbing, not as hot as yesterday, but getting there, the fan may have to come out.

I have sorted out the colours to redo another block, changed some of them......yellow for pink. I may have dropped a bobo with the sashing and backing fabric, I ordered yellow and green.....found out yesterday favourite colour is pink!! When the block are done I will audition it and see what it look like, a photo to my quilting friend in the US will be called for.

Supper tonight is pork casserole from the freezer and pilau rice, change from veggies.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

More Laundry

Towels this time, its very warm outside so they should dry in record time.

DB is pottering in the garden, still lamenting the fact that his seeds are not germinating, although two more bean plants popped up yesterday.

Not a lot going on, I am just beginning to get cabin fever.......wish I could go to sleep and wake up when the world is normal again. One good thing the death count seems to be going down, but there are a lot of people still testing positive for the virus. Its 10 weeks now since we shut up shop.

Some bad news in the paper, it would seem that the Company my grandson and his partner work for are closing a line which employs 400 down, they have said they will transfer workers to other lines if they can, but its not good news, especially when they have recently moved house.

Can't believe the idiot the US has for a President, he says he is taking a medication which, it has been proved, causes other problems. The man is cracked!

Time for morning tea, better put the kettle on, it will be nice to sit on our new bench in the garden to drink it. I need to sort out some foam for cushions. 

DB asked for stovies tonight, need to sort out the spuds and an onion, no real prep just peel and slice the spuds and fry off the onion before starting it off. Will leave the siced spuds in water till later.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A mish mash sort of a day

Load of coloureds in the washer and on the line, have put DG's gardening stuff in now on a short 50o wash.

Supper prepped, sausage and mash, carrots, cabbage and a bit of cauliflower I was wanting to use up, also onion peeled to cook with the sausage. I make the gravy in the fan the sausage has been cook in.

The pastor from the little chapel called round to collect precriptions to go to the drs. should get the medication on Monday. Had a chat from the safety of the door step.

DB has been out in the garden, he has planted more beans in the hope that this lot grow.......we have to sort out the net for the strawberries and raspberries, the fruits are forming on the strawberry plants.......they are mine, not the birds!!!

Sun comes and goes, there is a breeze but it is coming from a different direction, so its coolish, not too cool we sat out for our morning tea.

I am going to have a shot with a smaller pattern on the machine I can take it up a bit which hopefully will make it less dense and not ruckle. If this does not work I am going to have to resort to a quilted table runner. Very disappointed.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday, monday

Up, showered and dressed, my cleaner was
coming back this morning......she does such a good job and is pleasant with it.

It was horrid medication morning. I have  had to start taking pain killers again, and the two did not mix, they started fighting, I ended up with raging indigestion. 

This morning I took my life in my hands and started the blocks again. I stuck the fabric to the stabiliser and also basted it so it would not move. I also changed the violent orange for pink.

It still looks wrinkled, will see what happens when I take the basting out and cut the block down to size. I am not too happy really, The design is very dense.

DB spent the morning in the garden, the three of us sat out drinking our morning tea.

Supper tonight, spag bol and garlic bread. Rhubarb and cream for dessert. We did not have any last night we were both full after the chicken. I finished the breast that was left in sandwiches at lunch time with cranberry sauce on......yummy.....when my stomach finally decided it was going to settle down.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The sun is back

DB tells me its quite warm out in the garden.

I had a better night last night, and our usual Sunday breakfast so after 9am before feet hit the floor.

I have spent the morning sorting out fabric and stabiliser, I have found some slightly heavier stabiliser so will be working the last block on that. If its ok, will fiddle with the colours and work the first two blocks again.

DB was out planting up his cucumber and courgette he has raised from seed. The ground is very hard and soaks water up like a sponge. I need to go out and have a look at the peonies, one is going to be red and I think the other is pink, time will tell.

Nothing of note has happened really, the close is very quiet, just deliveries and the carers coming in. The whole village is quiet. The farmer has finished spreading manure so the air is sweeter. We can tell our neighbour at the back's children are growing up, no screaming and shouting in the garden, just the hens cackling after they have laid.

Veggies prepped for supper, roast chicken......I also cooked rhubarb, we have some cream so rhubarb and cream for dessert.

Another block, different fabric same problem still ruckling. Arghhh.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

not 99%

A bad night last night, 3am and I was still awake, so a bit peally wally as they would say north of the border. Hope for a better night tonight.

A sunny morning but we still have that cool wind, pity I have not washing to do. DB is out in the garden pottering about.

Sorted out the threads for the next block yesterday, I may start it later today with heavier stabilizer and float the fabric, just secure it with the basting stitch. Will see how I feel.

DD2 sent a message yesterday, she will go to Aldi for me the week after next, she is furlough until the end of the month. Will sort out a list later next week for the week after. I was not happy with the morrison delivery this time.

The chap came yesterday to check the gas, all masked and gloved up. Wiped the door handles with bleach after he had gone. They will come and service the boiler later when things have eased down a bit more.

We have sat on the bench in the garden for a while yesterday, but it started to get cold, so we came in. I need to get plants for two pots to put either side. I would love two standard roses, but they are so expensive. Autumn would probably be the best time to get them, will have to see.

DBs seeds are not doing very well for some reason. Nor are the begonias he put in pots, no sign of them coming through. The potato's, leeks and garlic are doing ok and the strawberries are forming, the plants are full of flower, even the runners we took off last year. We do not usually pick from first year plants, but I might well be tempted. Memories of the allotment we had, In 2008 we had so many strawberries I sold some and also made strawberry jam.......We had a party for DB's 75th.......strawberries and cream and cream scones were the order of the day!!

No idea whats for supper, but I will cook the rhubarb I pulled yesterday, will have it with custard.

Sewed another block this afternoon, its ruckled, I am waiting for some better weight calico to come. I am not happy with the big leaf at the bottom, if you enlarge the photograph you will see the travel lines in red from the grasses on one side to the grasses on the other. I am using these as stitchouts, I am going to change the colours on the ones for the runner. I can use a sharpie and write the new colour number on the calico. I plan to do the same with the other one.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Another sunny morning, but still a cool breeze, a white load in the washer, it should not take too long to dry.

I worked a block yesterday on the machine, the fabric is light and the pattern was quite dense, so it has ruckle. I am going to try starch on it, if it works I will redo the first block.

DB will be out in the garden, we are expecting the chap to do the gas safety check sometime today.......the heating is off once more, putting a jumper on if I feel cold.

So we enter our 10th week in isolation.......another couple of weeks and I might venture out as far as Aldi, we have face masks and gloves. I could also do with a visit to a garden centre for plants for my pots. 

Supper tonight is fish and wedges, I am using up the last of a sack of potatoes from Morrison, it has done us well over the last difficult weeks.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ah........the sun,

At last the cold wind has gone and we are back to sunshine, even early its quite warm in the sitting room.

DB is in the garden, I have to call him for his morning tea, we may well have it sitting on the new bench in the garden.

Thread I ordered arrived yesterday, so I am about ready to start on the table runner. Try to do one design a day.........then I need to rummage through my stash to find some fabric for backing and sashing.

I was going to do belly pork casserole tonight but have changed my mind, corned beef salad I think.

I still have not sorted DB's laptop, will have another go in the morning, otherwise it might go out the window!!!

We made the decision last night to ask the cleaner to come each week.....I have to admit doing it myself has taken its toll mainly on my back. I am waiting to hear from her. I know she will be glad of the business quite a few of her customers have set someone else on. I do think thats not really fair. She did what she was told and self isolated the same as we did, She also did shopping for those who needed it.

Block embroidered, its badly wrinkled, No awfully keen on the colours, I may well change the colours if I do it again.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Trying to set up a new laptop for DB, it does not  like his date of birth.......tough.......I gave up yesterday in disgust.

Fine morning, hooray!! we can have the cleaner back, BJ has lifted the she will be starting back on Monday.........cannot wait. We have worked out a way she can work with minimal contact with us. She has her own PPE which is good. I am planning to go to Aldi after I have done the 3 months we were asked to do. My Morrison delivery yesterday was full of replacements which I had to accept, we needed them.

DB is about to go out into the garden, the sun keeps coming and going, its warmer this morning so the heating is off.

Just had a phone call, our friend is coming to put the bench together, he will do it on the front grass and we can carry it round when its made up. He will also put the fittings on the garden hose for us.

I am going to do chicken in cream sauce for supper tonight with veggies, we usually have rice with it, but I have cabbage I want to use up.

Made up and carried round, took about 10 minutes to make it up. I need to look for some foam and fabric to make a cushion for it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sunny but brrrrrr

It is quite sunny, but the wind is chilly, I have put the heat off for now, will put it back on this afternoon. Sun keeps coming and going.

Bedroom day today, just having  my morning cuppa and will then start. getting done every week its not too bad, I need to put the Gtec on the sitting room floor as well.

DB is preparing to go out to the garden, he will need a woolly on.

Morrison due this afternoon, have booked a slot and started a list for the next delivery, just basics, I can then add any extras later.

Letter from the bank yesterday, interest on the savings accounts goin down to 0.01%, not worth saving really, but I do like to put away the money for car and house insurance etc.......and, unless they backtrack, the money for the TV license which we used to get free.  

Supper tonight is frittata and salad, just enough of the rhubarb left for dessert. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Another day another week......

Greyish skies again this morning, we had a bit of sun, and just as I was going out to put out the laundry it started to rain!!

It was my early morning medication for my back this morning, so did not get up very well. 

Busy morning, wet room and toilet cleaned, mop swished over the floor. load of laundry and have also got the beef and bean casserole in the PKP, some for tonight, veggies also ready, and some to go in the freezer.

The rhubarb and creme caramel went down very well, enough left
 for a couple of nights probably. I will need to pull more rhubarb its going mad up the garden. When R comes to put up the bench I will give him another bag full.

No gardening for DB this morning, he may go out after his siesta if the wind has dropped, its pretty strong at the moment. The frost forecast in the week did not arrive, the wind took the temperature up above freezing. I believe the north of England go it though. Watching for tonight.

So tonight, beef and bean casserole, cauli, cabbage and mash. There are carrots in the casserole. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What difference

A day makes, grey, cold and wet, what a shock after sunshine and sky high temperatures yesterday!!

Usual Sunday breakfast, we had to have mixed fruit rather than pineapple and mandarins for breakfast this morning. I have an order coming on Tuesday which should fill up the fridge and the food cupboard.........I have switched to wedges rather than chips just now. I have a sack of potatoes in the shed to use up.

Yesterday I sorted the pattern and threads for my embroidery project........more thread needed so ordered it should get it Tuesday, then I can start.
We wait to hear what BJ has to say tonight, but I have a feeling we are going to be in lock down for a whole while longer. A bit frustrated now to be honest. If the libraries open I hope they reinstate the vans, it would halp to have books as well as books on our tablets. 

No gardening today so DB is in reasonable clothes not his scruffy gardening stuff for a change. I have succumbed put the heating back on very low and also found my extra thick socks to keep my feet warm. Its brrrrr.........

Supper tonight will be some pork I froze a few weeks ago with vegetables, will nip out and see if I can get rhubarb might just cook it and have it with custard.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


According to the forecast today will end with thunderstorms......we need the rain, but not torrential, we can do without that.

DB has finished off working in the front garden, the edges are all neat and clipped, I have a couple of plants appeared which I did not plant, look like daisies but purple and very tall. Hey Ho.......

DB has had the razor applied to his hair, it was very long and he was complaining his head was sweating so he now resembles a skinhead.......need to get him the chains and bovver boots and he will be set.......

No housework today, did the kitchen yesterday. I read in the paper this morning that cleaners may be allowed back, will wait and see what BJ says tomorrow night.

I need to pare back spending we have gone a bit mad just lately. Our bed is so high off the floor I have to climb in, I bought the new mattress but we really need now to get the frame and I also need to look at ordering the new cooker in a couple of months. Expecting the seat anytime, so will need to get R to come and put it together.

The back garden is beginning to look good, I need to pull some more rhubarb, it is growing like weeds just now. DB is fretting because his french beans have not germinated, he has sown some more. I like the french beans cooked whole with a bit of butter. I put the butter in the pan after I have drained the water and give the pan a shake, yummy.

We sat out for our morning tea, everywhere is very quiet apart from vehicles from the farm going out with trailers loaded with manure, I guess they are muck spreading somewhere. 

Neighbours round about us were having BBQ's last night.......our new neighbour was outside talking with her father until it was dark. Not that it disturbed us, we could just hear the murmur of voices, we had the back door open. It had been a glorious day, very sunny and warm.

Supper tonight will be frittata with green salad, I cut a few too many wedges yesterday so will dice them up and cook them, make potato salad.

Knock on the door, very large parcel, the new bench, just waiting for the glue, an we will be Darby and Joan sitting on the bench in the garden.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Another hot day

is forecast, weather to change tomorrow so a white load in the washer.

DB is out in the garden, he wants to get things done before it gets too hot. The back garden got very hot yesterday afternoon.......I
had to draw the curtains in my sewing room, the heat was making the machine hot and I was having a problem seeing the screen. I did another small mat yesterday, have to admit its not my favourite, so will not be doing it again.

It needs the film soaking off, I have a couple of others to do so will soak them altogether.

We are expecting a flypast of the red arrows shortly on their way to a display somewhere......their base is quite close to us but in Lincolnshire on the air  base my Mother was based there for a while during the war.

Well that was a wasted half an hour, no sign of the red arrows, must have flown over Belvior Castle and south from there.

Kitchen cleaned, floor steamed. Just have the laundry to hang out when the washer finishes.

Usual supper but with wedges for a change.


My goodness its hot out there, have been out with the camera.....

Clematis Ville de Lyon

Not sure what this one is, but most of it has gone over the fence so our neighbour has a good show

This one is full of flower not sure I think it might be Prince George.

The Rhodi in full flower now.

The Compassion rose on the fence has gone mad, and the clematis at the side of it is full of flowers, I think its a white Montana, cannot remember.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

A bit of a messing sort of a morning. I was halfway through cleaning the sitting room when DB announced that DD2 had arrived, she had come to collect the wood from our two deep beds, she is having deep beds in her garden. So observing social distancing the wood was moved by my grandson into his van.

When they had gone I finished cleaning the sitting room, put on 2 eggs for egg mayo sarnies at lunchtimes.

DB has been working in the front garden again, he is making a new edge on the front lawn.

I ordered the bench yesterday, waiting for acknowledgement and a delivery date, also had to order some exterior wood glue. I can't wait, at last I will get the gardening boots etc out of the kitchen.....I do miss a boot room.

I did manage yesterday to convert some of the embroidery files, I need to put the PES designs in a different file, still have that to sort out so I do not have to trail through almost 1000 designs to find the ones I want.

Liver I cooked the other week out of the freezer, will do some bacon with it, along with mash, cauli and broccoli, No dessert tonight, we finished the crumble yesterday.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Its warm for May

DB was out in the garden, the thermometer showed 21c.....there is a breeze so towels are in the machine and I have done the ironing!!! I also have a loaf on. We had gammon last night there is enough left for sandwiches for lunch.

I have to cook the sauce for tonights spag bol. First time for ages last night I made custard, I had made a small rhubarb crumble for dessert, enough left for tonight, so more custard coming up.

I have crackered up my embroidery files on the new laptop.......I tried re-installing them from the external drive but no joy. I am going to have to get the laptop put back to set up and go through all the designs I have bought and reload the ones I want. It has also affected the designs for the Brother as well Grrrrrr

The bench seat with storage underneath. I have ordered it this afternoon, should be here sometime next week, our friend will put it together for us. It will sit on the patio between the kitchen and bathroom window.

No plans for today, we may sit out in the garden for a while. I am looking at getting a garden seat with a storage box under the seat. I am fed up of boots etc in the kitchen, it looks such a mess. I do wish we had more cupboard space in the kitchen so I could get stuff off the worktops as well. I would love to get the breadmaker and PKP into a cupboard, it would give me a bit more space.

So gammon sarnies for lunch, spag bol tonight with the last of the rhubarb crumble and some custard

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The chiropodist calls

DB had a toe nail that was causing him problems, his nails are so hard he cannot cut them, so a call from the chiropodist. Like us she has been isolating, came gowned, gloved and masked up. DB also had a mask on. I kept well out of the way cleaning the bathroom and toilet......once she had gone I made DB take the mask off, he dropped into a plastic bag sealed and into the bin......... washed his hands thoroughly and dried them on a clean towel which is now in the wash. We have made a double appointment for the end of June. I am hoping that there has been some sort of a lifting of the lock down by then.

A load of coloured laundry in and on the line, its a bright morning with quite a strong breeze so the laundry should not take long to dry, then folded up and put away.

Yesterday afternoon I sewed out another battenburg lace mat, I speeded the machine up a bit so it took an hour and 40 minutes instead of the 4 hours last time. I have it to soak the stabilizer off and allow it to dry. Getting ahead with Christmas presents.

No plans for the rest of the day, have bed lien to iron, but it can wait till tomorrow.

Gammon and salad for supper tonight, DB will probably want a jacket spud, will have to have a look in the bag see if we have any big ones left. I have also taken mince out for spag bol tomorrow. I have garlic bread this time.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Another Monday

They seem to come round much quicker somehow.

I have been struggling with my computer, one of my embroidery files has gone rogue on me......tearing my hair out, want to delete the files and can't grrrrrr....

Dull day, slight breeze, but grey sky, we are forecast rain. Laundry out on the line to dry, heavy washing week this week, towels as well as a coloured load........great if I can get them dry on the line. Bedroom has been cleaned, heat is off its a warmish breeze.

DB is out in the garden, I believe we are starting our 9th week in isolation. Friend rang me yesterday to see if we were ok. The thought that we might have to stay in isolation for another 6 months fills me with dread. I would like to go out now and again.

Smoked haddock and poached egg with brown bread and butter for supper tonight. I need to put another loaf on at some point.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

A Surprise

Yesterday afternoon, a largish, very heavy package was delivered to us, inside was the strong white flour that I ordered during the week, so I am now well stocked up, although that will not stop me from buying more once it reappears in the shops.

What did surprise me was the fact that there was enough dried yeast in a packet sellotaped to one of the bags, enough to make large white loaves with the flour. I was  delighted, although the flour was not cheap, nor was the P & P they had sent me the yeast. It is a company I may well use again if I need strong flour.

Its a dull morning, the wind seems to have died back quite a bit, there are flashes of sun and blue sky.

Grass cut yesterday, M does a good job and earns some pocket money, he uses his grandfathers mower and strimmer.

DB is out in the garden finishing a couple of jobs before the rain we are forecast arrives.

Started to read a book on my tablet last night, after the first few pages I realised I had read it know the plot.......I think I must have had it out of the library, went through my list of books I had read on my tablet and could not find it.

I altered the time I took one of my tablets, have not had to get up in the night the last 3 nights. Thats a big improvement. I am still shattered though.

My ex's funeral went ok, just the close family there, 9 in all.

I managed to cut a lot of lamb off the shoulder of lamb we had the other week, so we are having lamb tonight. Need to prep the veg and sort out a pudding, might do a creme caramel, I have some eggs I want to use up.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Cooler day

The breeze is a lazy one, but its quite cool, the sun keeps trying to shine, but then gives up the ghost.

DB out in the garden. I took a couple of pictures, its the first time the Rhododendron has flowered, its pale pink but the photo shows it as white.

The bluebells were in the garden originally.

The two herb containers Nicholas made for us, could do with repainting.

My neighbours son dropped off a box of chocolates for us, he returned the tray and pots the tomato plants were in that we gave him. I had been yearing for chocolate, so they will go down very well.

Our new neighbour has put a small gate up to stop the dog getting out into the front garden. Her father, who lives across the road, has a spaniel, if there is a gap she will find it.

Our grass could do with a cut, DB will ring and see when M can fit us in. the rain has made it put on a growth spurt.

Supper tonight gammon and eggs, have to cook some rhubarb, we are drowning in the stuff.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Day

The year is almost half way through, we have been in isolation since the middle of March and it looks like going on for sometime. There is a rumour that DD2 may be back at work shortly.

It is my ex husbands funeral today, only people there are my children and 4 grandchildren. He would have been 80 in July.

A funny sort of morning, a bit of blue sky but DB says its bitter out, it is supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Not that it will make much difference to us.

We have spent ages reconciling some paper work this morning, DB is now filing it away. The bank account went down with a woomp this morning, a lot of our bills come out on 1st of the month.

I have put off cleaning the kitchen till tomorrow, although I may well do the cupboards and work tops tonight, then it will just be the floor to sweep and steam mop in the morning.

The garden is showing signs of extra growth after the small amount of rain we had. DB put some stuff on the dandelions in the front grass and they have died back, the grass needs cutting again front and back.

Still no sewing done, and I am late getting up in a morning, did have a decent night last night for a change. I just do not seem to be able to motivate myself just now. Doing a lot of reading.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, doing bacon sarnies at lunch time have some bacon to use up. I have to say the pasta bake I did the other night was very nice, it occurred to me I could also use the same sauce for meatballs, I would have to cook the spaghetti separately, thats not a problem really.