Monday, May 31, 2021

Garden visit

our visit to the garden yesterday was a bit of a damp squib and quite expensive. I know the money goes to charity but there is a limit.

The garden was split into several 'bits' not a huge selection of plants apart from alliums and forget me knots which had run rampant

 there were several very pretty ones in pots.

It was very hot, the coolest place was the church which was open but because of Covid they were not doing teas.

We came home and made a cup of tea and sat in our garden until supper time, we just had quiche with a small salad and a dish of strawberries and ice cream.

Pale mauve tulip with a frilly edge

Lemons on a tree in the conservatory.

More frilly tulips

These are double tulips, never seen any like this before.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

On a jolly today

I cooked tonights supper yesterday as we have planned to go to a garden open day the other side of Melton, almost into Rutland. The garden is open under the local garden scheme 2 - 5. For charity, I will not feel like cooking when we get back, so a quiche in the fridge and if need be I can whip up a salad.

We watered the garden last night, the sun is out bit its a bit chilly, guess it will warm up later, there is still a chill in the air.

Wandered round the estate when I got up to check on the plants we put in on Friday, they all seem to be doing ok

 Need to go and do the bacon for the butties and make a pot of tea. We will be eating outside.

Whilst we were eating we watched a pair of red kites, swooping around, obviously looking for lunch, they moved off and we then saw 3 of them hovering over the fields further up the lane.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wot a day

 A busy day yesterday, between us we put in all the plants that have been in the cold frame, there are a few gaps, I need something to cover a bare bit of the wire fence, may be another clematis........I do love them, second only to lilies. I got told off by our gardener for lifting a bag of compost, I was told 'thats what you pay me for!!'

This morning we nipped to the nursery to leave the baskets for filling and order another 3 bags of compost, they are very busy just now. I bought two Indian Mint trailing plants to go in the container with the trailing fuchsia's. We were going to have coffee but they have not opened the cafe yet. They are very busy, there were some large baskets going out through the check out.

We made tea when we got home and sat in the garden to drink it. The sun keeps coming and going, but its warm enough to sit out without a cardigan. We will have lunch out as well.

I need to forget the garden and get on with the book pillows, need to cut 2 out and put the zips in before I put them together.

Supper tonight is quiche and salad, possibly tomato and celery with a jacket potato, just enough jelly left, although I have some strawberries....hmmmm.

Friday, May 28, 2021

A lot of sun

Yesterday started off cool and cloudy, after lunch the cloud disappeared and the sun shone and believe it or not the fountain which has not been working started to work after I took it out of the container, gave it a good shake and put it back. We sat in the garden for our afternoon tea, with the sunshade up!! Its bright this morning. Gardener due after lunch so plants coming out of the cold frame ready to be planted.

All the pockets for the book pillows have been done, still waiting for the zips.......

Supper tonight will be fish and chips, with raspberry jelly and ice cream for dessert.

Lined up waiting to be planted.

Although the sun was hardly out the fountain was working.

Ready for T to plant them up this afternoon.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

A little sun

 but a lot of flipping rain, it seemed to rain all day yesterday.

This morning we have very pale sun and quite a bit of cloud, wish it would shift.

Towels in the washer, they will go on the line. DB is out fiddling round the back, clearing up, the place looks untidy. I lifted the lid of the cold frame yesterday, hopefully T will be able to plant up tomorrow, everything is ready. DB never waters properly which annoys me, he just sprinkles water on from the can instead of drenching the plants and then emptying the excess water. I have lost a lot of plants due to his watering technique. Suppose I had better do it myself from now on. Another thing to add the the list.

Morrison order last night, so fridge is stocked up again, we have a lot of eggs, so tonights menu is changed, bacon and onion fritatta and salad. Raspberries in jelly for dessert.

I embroidered the last pocket for the book pillows yesterday, cannot do any more am waiting for the zips, hope they come to day want to get on with them.

Waiting for a call from the Dr. I have another infection, really getting fed up, its only a few weeks since the last one. Expect it will be another trip to the surgery with a sample.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Dull start to the day but DB assures me that the sun will break through 'soon', wish it would hurry up. Its still quite cool, the heating is off, but I have a cardigan on.

We got what we wanted from Dunlem, so next time I change the sheets I will change the pillows over, need to just swill the sheet and pillow cases through in the washer to wash out any stiffening left in the fabric.

DB will be out to the garden shortly, I need to check the plants in the cold frame, hopefully T will be able to plant the new clematis I bought and also plant up the containers, I have plent of fleece to cover them if there is a chance of frost.

One pink pocket to do this morning, still waiting for the zips to arrive, want to get two of them done for next Wednesday's coffee morning.

Need to get my brain in order, we are away for a few days in the middle of next month, DB will be 88 whilst we are away, so a special tea somewhere on the day. Worked out the best route yesterday. We will leave before lunch and stop on the way for a picnic.

Supper tonight, spag bol and garlic bread. I will make raspberries in jelly for dessert.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dull and wet

I managed to get the bed linen almost dry before the rain came, finished it off in the dryer, all folded up. Then we had rain, sun, rain and its still raining this morning. I have coloureds in now.

We are off to Dunelm this morning, I need to replace some bed linen, the sheet I took off the bed yesterday you could read a paper through it, but I suppose after 25+ years it has earned its retirement.

After it being too dry to plant out the tubs, its now too wet. I hope the forecast good weather next week allows us to plant them up.

I have the two blue pockets embroidered, just need to do the pink one then when the zips arrive, I can start putting them together. would like to get them finished.

Sausage, mash and beans for supper tonight, will finish off the crumble for dessert.

Monday, May 24, 2021


but still cool, I hope to get laundry dry on the line, its in the washer. DB tells me it will rain at lunch time, so fingers crossed it will dry by then.

According to the forecast we are due some very hot days by the end of this week. I may get T to plant up the urns and pots, if there is a frost warning we have plenty of fleece to cover up.

I got the embroidery done on one of the book pillows yesterday, hope to get another one done today and again tomorrow, once the zips come I can put them together. We are going to Dunelm tomorrow to get the cushion pads as well as some other bits I need.

DB is working in the garden, his time has slipped to 3/4 of an hour, there is such a lot to do just now.

Yesterdays lamb was delicious even though I had to use white wine for the marinade. I need to take the meat off the bone, fingers well out the way!! Then I plan to do some Scotch Broth, the dried peas etc are soaking ready.

So tonight its lamb with something and rhubarb crumble for supper.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

A better day

although it did not have a good start, news that a friends mother passed away yesterday. She has not been well for some time and her daughter  put her own life on hold to move in and look after her Mother.

Yesterday was wet and then it cleared and the evening was warm with sun and blue sky. However then as evening developed it became very cold, for the first time in ages we had to pull the quilt up.

We had our usual slow start to Sunday, I have prepped all the veggies for supper. Pulled some rhubarb and made the crumble topping, will cook that later. I had to use white wine in the lamb, I forgot to get another bottle of red wine. It will go on auto pilot later after I have cooked the crumble.

Yesterday I decided to put a zip in the book pillows rather than the envelope I made for Niblets pillow. Spent a while working out how much they were going to be. I have set up the machine so hope to get one front done today. Have to wait for the zips to arrive before I can put them together.

DB is out in the garden, I went out earlier to pull rhubarb. I can see various bits that need some type of plant in. I have some sedum seedlings I am going to get T to plant as ground cover. I was concerned that the crown Imperial had not flowered, the leaves are there, will have to wait and see if anything develops. The lupins and delphiniums are really growing, the dry spring meant that the slugs did not get at them. Once the cistus has flowered it will get cut back, as will the spirea. They have both developed into quite big bushes over the years. I weakened last week and bought another Acer. Will grow it on in a pot and keep it on the patio with the other one.

The Hosta that was in this pot has not grown, will get T to empty it and plant it up with something else.

The Acer I bought a couple of years ago, this needs potting up into a bigger pot.

The new Acer I bought this week, it is such a pretty colour the older leaves get a red tint to them.

So supper tonight is roast shoulder of lamb, note to self, to use a fork to hold the meat when I cut the cold meat off!! Roast and steamed veg, rhubarb crumble and custard for dessert.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Rain again?

Its a very grey morning, we had heavy rain then sun all day yesterday, I got soaked a couple of times. The gardener came in between the rain, he has put down the gravel, but I need a couple more bags to finish it off. It will be easier to keep the edges weeded now.

Pink fabric came yesterday for the book pillow, so I have enough fabric to do one blue and one pink, will get the panel embroidered for all three of them whilst I have the pattern in the machine. Once the blue fabric comes I can assemble each pillow and get then sewn up. Will try and get two done for the next coffee morning.

I need to spike tomorrows lamb with garlic and marinade it in red wine......

All day brekkie tonight, will use up the cheese cake I found in the freezer for dessert.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Gone to its new home

The new quilt was well received, Niblet got undressed and laid on the settee with it over him.

I also gave him the book pillow, he wanted a book to put in it I gave him one I bought ages ago about Thomas the tank.

They stayed for a couple of hours, had been to Ikea on the way here so picked up a couple of plate lids for 'ding dinners', they are only £1 each from there.

Very high winds yesterday afternoon along with driving rain, the wind is still blowing this morning, so guess the gardener will not come unless it settles down a bit. He cycles everywhere. Would hate him to get blown off his bike.

White load in the washer, did not want a triple load of washing next week, its sheet week. Will dry todays load in the dryer. It would get blown off the line.

We were going to go to Dunelm this morning, but I am expecting a delivery, so we have put it off till Tuesday.

I have sent for fabric to do the pink book pillow, will also have to send for some blue now I have an order for 2 blue pillows.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, easy to cook in the oven, I use steak cut chips, so the two cook well together. Possibly ice cream for dessert, although I could do rasps in jelly.

Update: message from my granddaughter: Niblet insisted on sleeping under his new quilt, and appeared downstairs with it wrapped round him and trailing on the floor for his breakfast. I think he likes it!!


Thursday, May 20, 2021


Very ominous looking sky this morning. DB went out yesterday to weight down various things that may try to 'take off' in the wind.

A lot of nice comments about the quilt, and 3 orders for book pillows. I made GGS a book pillow for Christmas but it never got to him. The pillows themselves are quite easy, its the embroidered pocket that can cause problems. Niblets was the prototype so I wrote the measurements etc down, can I find them???? No!!! typical.

DD1, DGD and Niblet are coming this afternoon, so may be pictures tomorrow. I need to get my feet on the floor and bake a ring of scone and also cook the pork casserole for tonights supper. DB is going out to the shed 'to potter'.

Not a lot going on, the farmers are muck spreading, so we get wafts of the smell if the wind is in the right direction. We need some sustained sun to ripen the crops ready for harvest in June onwards. Gardens are showing colour. Not many of the gardens have plants in the front, they are mostly just grass. A couple on the main road have planted bulbs in the grass verge in front of the houses, looks nice in the spring.

So supper is pork casserole with veg, no idea re dessert, will have to put my thinking cap on, I could do rasps in jelly, I did buy a small container in Morrison last week, soft fruit was 2 for £3, so strawberries and raspberries in my trolly.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Its coffee day

at the little chapel, a chance to see friends for a drink and a chat. When we went to the last one, I had no change, so had to leave an IOU.....I need to go to the post office and get some change to pay my debts!! Will walk up the garden before we go and see if there is any rhubarb. DB says it has grown a lot since we had the rain.

We spent quite a bit at the garden centre, we also treated ourselves to coffee and a toasted tea cake, not something we do regularly, but we thought as we could, we would!!

I put extra stones in the pool and then rested the fountain in the hollow I had made, the wretched thing would not work, typical, there was plenty of sun.

The finger I tried to chop off two weeks ago has more or less healed, it is just starting to grown new skin, it will leave a small scar. Note to self, use the carving fork when cutting meat off the bone.

I posted a picture of Niblets quilt on one of the quilting group I belong to, this morning there are 229 likes or loves and 30 comments. One read, I am sure her GGS will not like it, she should give it to me.....I love it!!!

Mince and tatties went down well last night, we finished off the bread and butter pudding. I have just cooked 2 salmon fillets for tonight, we prefer them cold, so once they have cooled down they will go in the fridge. We are having new buttered spuds and peas with them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Its sunny.....

 not for long though, rain is forecast and then its to be sunny again.

We are off to the garden centre this morning to get bits that DB needs, Scottish pebbles, so I can finish the fountain and gravel to fill the channels round the lawns.

Last night supper was very good. I seem to be hit and miss with mac and cheese, last night was a hit!! so was the bread and butter pudding.

As we expected our neighbour has sacked her helpers!! she 'can manage on her own' except really she cannot. Nothing we can do until she acknowledges herself that she cannot manage. At least she has accepted the gardener, so it takes a bit of the burden off her son and his wife.

Now we are out of lockdown I am hoping that we can get her to socialise a bit more, rather than sitting on her own. I went across yesterday afternoon for an hour, will go again tomorrow. I am also hoping to persuade her to come across to us for a cup of tea and a scone or cake.

Mince and dough balls for supper tonight, will finish the bread and butter pudding for dessert.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Wet Monday?

not so far but its rather overcast and DB says it will rain by lunchtime, so I guess the laundry presently in the washer will be going in the dryer.

We finished off tidying the old coal house, everything got moved to the plastic shed we inherited from our neighbour. Now I cannot get to the bin with the compost in unless I half enpty the shed. Grrrrr. I made DB get rid of a load of stuff, heaven knows what he was saving it for. I did find a container with a load of fleece in it, so glad I did not order more, there are yards of it.

I sewed a couple of blocks for LM's quilt, I think I am going to have to sew scant 1/4" seams, no matter how I  carefully cut and sew one piece always seems to be slightly out!! Aarrgg!!

Cleaner due this morning, so better go and remake the bed and unlock the front door.

Supper tonight is mac and cheese with salad, bread and butter pudding for dessert, using up the last of the white bread that came in the tea box.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ready to go.

The quilt on the line, there is a good foot hanging over the line.

It is all packed up now waiting for Thursday. I am hoping Niblets mum will take a video of him getting it out. I had to use a large charity bag to put it in.

Its a funny morning, dull and then the sun breaks through for a few minutes and disappears.

DB is off into the garden after he has his morning tea, I am going to prep the veggies for supper. The meat and spud pie went down well, neither of us wanted a dessert, we had strawberries and cream later.

Not sure what I am going to get up to, mind you the sewing room could do with a tidy before I start on Little Miss's quilt, which is going to be quite a bit smaller.

The garden is looking really good and the perennial plants start to show themselves and bloom, there are still a few gaps to fill. We have been leaving the top of the growing frame open at nights, no frost on the horizon. The tubs are all full of compost ready to be planted out.

So pork steaks, roasties and veg for supper, will finish off the strawberries and cream for dessert.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Where is the sun?

Its the middle of May and the sun seems to have gone back to sleep apart from short bursts. Its very cold too, DB had the back door open, it was brrrr.

No much going of here just now, gardener was here yesterday and did his usual sterling job. We replaced the tap in one of the water barrels, he helped DB with another job and then weeded and put down the weed suppressant round the lawn. I just need to get the gravel now and fill it up.

DB has asked for meat and potatop pie for supper so will have to roll my sleeves up and get on. Veggies with it and fruit and cream for dessert.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Garden May 2021

Its a while since I posted pictures of the garden. The late frost we had did a lot of damage and the garden is only just beginning to recover.

Solomons seal a friend in Scotland sent me 6 years ago. the Rhodi is full of flower but we need to feed it the leaves are starting to yellow.

The top part of the garden past where the arch used to be, there are now two obelisks in with climbing roses on. You can just see the edge of the fountain pot, I need to get some more Scottish pebbles to build it up a bit before I put the solar fountain back in.

T on his knees clearing the weeds out before putting weed suppressant down. I need to get the gravel to fill it up.

Strawberries for tea? not now but soon.

Rhubarb, rhubarb rhubarb........its a good job we like it.

The camellia was full of lovey red flowers, most of them have dropped.


Ah ha I can see you........DB inspecting the raspberries.

T was here for 2 hours this afternoon, he is a real worker, he filled the big pots with compost, helped us empty a rain water barrel and put on a new tap, the old one had seized up.  He then set to and cleared out the weeds and put down the weed resistant fabric ready for me to put down the gravel when I manage to get it. 


Its Friday

 and very quickly clouding over, although DB said there was not to be any rain today. Typical.....

Sorting out jobs for the gardener, I will take him over to see my neighbour later.

No real plans, I need to make the remaining casserole into a meat and potato pie for tomorrows supper, There was just too much meat.

I was going to wash the towels, but they will have to wait, not sure whats its going to be like tomorrow.

Grass was cut yesterday afternoon, the young laddie who does it has his driving theory test today, so if he passes he will be a bit closer to getting his own car. He has been saving for two years.

DD1, DGD and Niblet are coming over next Thursday to collect the quilt and the reading pillow I have for him. It will be good to see them, hope its a reasonable day.

Tonights supper is the usual fish and chips, have a cheese cake for dessert.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Late posting today

Did the shopping this morning, have topped up the outside freezer. I am going to go back to havng my shopping delivered. By the time we got home and had unpacked the shopping and put it away I was done in.

Heard from DD1 all of them have had the Indian strain of Covid. She is sure she caught it off someone in the shop, she works in the big shopping centre in the middle of Leicester. She is coming over next week and bringing Niblet and his Mum to collect the quilt, it should be interesting!! I am trying to get myself in the mind set to get on with Little Miss's quilt, and then I am done......No more big quilts!!

The garden has really benefitted from the rain, it is beginning to look very good, the plants we moved last week have started to grow away, the rain came just at the right time. I must take some more pictures.

Supper tonight is beef casserole with veggies, I have a couple of trifles to have for dessert.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Oohhhh Sun

A very sunny morning and DB tells me we are not due any rain until tonight. Pity I did all the washing and dried it in the dryer yesterday!!

Went over to see my neighbour yesterday, the carer had been, showered her and washed her hair. She was prepping her meal for later.

I stayed for about an hour. She is delighted that we are going to plant up her planters for her and that T. will see to the rest of the garden if she needs him to. Very glad to be home, although I know she will miss the companionship of the others in her 'little ward'.

I managed a bit more of the quilt binding, in between drying and folding the huge wash I did yesterday.

B the expression I used yesterday means not feeling as one should, and a ding supper is a meal from the freezer which you put in the microwave, it 'dings' when it done.

DB is making plans for his will be used to store some plants over winter before coming into full use next year. The garden is going to be just as I hoped it would be after a little more work. The penstemon cuttings I took, of the 4 two have definitely taken, will leave them in the pot for now and hope the other two root.

Lunchtime we will have the last of the chicken from Sunday in sandwiches, Beef casserole for supper and the last of the rhubarb crumble with some of the clotted cream that came in our teatime box.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Not enough

rain was the cry, now we have too much, its either feast or famine.

Our neighbour came out of hospital yesterday, she is getting some help in the morning, how long it will be before she says she can manage remains to be seen. I will go over after lunch and see how she is.

I felt very ropey last night, no idea why, it lasted a couple of hours, but I did not get to sleep until after 2am.

No sewing done, just did not feel like it.

Laundry was dried in the dryer, as will todays load be, the forcast is for rain every day this week!!

Will be haing a ding supper tonight, will see whats in the freezer.

Monday, May 10, 2021

New day

and so far a sunny one. I hope it stays I have the bed linen in the washer, need to get it dry on the line.

All the plantlets potted up yesterday, some look a bit iffy, will wait and see what happens. DB managed to cut his finger yesterday on a split plant tray.

I have ordered his greenhouse, we went for a slightly larger one, it will fit in the same place, he has pegged it out. will not be here until the end of September, they are made to order.

A bit more of the binding done yesterday, I had to resew a bit on the machine, it was not level. another couple of days should see it done. Phew!! I will do a bit more today.

No real plans, just take the day as it comes, cleaner is due in an hour, so better go and sort out the clean linen for the bed.

Supper an old standby, egg, chips and beans. Will see if there is rhubarb for pulling, will do a crumble for dessert.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


Did I miss posting yesterday? Sorry if I did.

Sunny morning, we have 72 plants to pot up this morning, hope the rain stays off till I have done them, cannot think of doing them in the shed, its so full of junk!!

My slashed finger is recovering it has granulated, but is still a bit painful, took the plaster off last night, it will go on again this morning along with a rubber glove before I go out, do not want sepsis thank you.

More work needed on the quilt today. realised yesterday the quilter had taken the border off, I presume because of the backing, I really should have worked out how much fabric I needed and allowed a bit over. 

Not much else to report, usual curtain duty this morning, our garden is beginning to look good. The clematis on the front fence is just coming into flower, nit as many flowers as last year, I had it trimmed back in the early spring. T and I discussed getting a laod of srping bulbs to plant for next year.  I would love daffs in the front grass, but they look so awful for about 6 weeks after they have flowered.

Supper tonight is roast chicken and veg, we will have ice cream for dessert. When I have potted up all those plants I will be crackered.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Its not just raining

Its pouring down, glad we got plants moved etc and also the feed and weed down on the grass. Both will welcome the rain. One of the plants I moved had hardly put out any roots from its original size, I am hoping it will do a lot better in more open ground.

My neighbours son phoned yesterday, she will not be out until Monday at the earliest. Her echocardiogram was ok, but the Drs have said they are not letting her out until a care package is in place. With her sons permission I spoke to the gardener yesterday and we have hatched a plan for her garden.

I started sewing down the binding on 'the quilt' it will take me a few days, I am  doing about an hour at a time......... then I have to arrange delivery.

No plans for today as such, 72 plantlets have been delivered today, they need potting on, plan is to put 3 to a pot and then just plant the potful, I like to plant in groups of 3.

The penstemon cuttings I took have also taken, so they will need potting up too.

Supper is all day breakfast, will have to sort out dessert.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Life is a bit mundane

just at the moment. The weather has changed, although to be honest I am thankful, I do find watering the garden tiring, for now the good lord has taken it upon himself to water for me.....when my children were small and complained about the rain I told them it was God going his washing, my eldest son remarked, ' he must be very dirty then Mummy!!'

No real plans except to try and get some of that wretched binding done. I was flummoxed yesterday when I went to re-sew a block for little miss's quilt why one side was bigger than the other.......yes, I had cut it wrong, so one side is 1/4" bigger than the other. Hmmmm need to try and find a way out a 1/4" is not a problem on one but multiply that by 20 blocks and you have a real problem. I am so out of touch with my big quilting side!!

I made a bread and butter pudding yesterday, there is enough left to have after our usual Friday fish and chip supper. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

New day new dollar

Sunny but we still have that chilling wind. DB went out last night to cover up vulnerable plants as a frost was forecast. We also had some rain in the afternoon.

Tomato plants are going in the cold frame today to start and harden them off, I also need to sort out and place plants I want T to put in tomorrow and get the pot ready to transfer the lily to a bigger pot.

I ordered a celebration tea box from Morrison yesterday to celebrate VE day, it is coming on Monday and will keep us going for a couple of days, good value for £20 including delivery. I also spent time looking on line for a small greenhouse for DB, he expressed a desire to be able to  raise plants outside, It will be his birthday present, although it may be a few weeks till we get it, the garden needs to be prepped first, it will have to be anchored down, we do get some high winds here, do not want it taking off.

I am planning on starting to sew the binding down on Niblets quilt, my finger is starting to heal, but still rather tender, I replaced the dressing yesterday.

Cooked gammon salad for supper tonight with salad and a jacket potato.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

It rained!!

and rained and rained right through the night. No moans from me it was badly needed, the garden looks so much better, but we could do with more. At least I will only have to water the pots for a few days. I started to fill up the pot with stones for the fountain, I need another bag of Scottish pebbles to fill it up. OH managed to get a cougette plant yesterday and I replaced the azalea which got frosted last week. I have not thrown the other one out, will leave it in the shade and see what happens.

The sun is out but the wind is brrrr, the high wind from yesterday has dropped but its still cold. I have turned the heating off till lunch time.

Its coffee morning at the little chapel this morning, so a chance for a gossip and catch up with the village news. I have pulled a bag of rhubarb to take, I know one lady will take what ever is left, her husband loves rhubarb.

I was surprised yesterday when DD2 told me our glasses would be delivered to us at home instead of having to go into the shop to get them........mine are very different to what I have had before, everyone  in the shop liked them.

Sausage, mash and beans tonight for supper, will sort out a pudding of some sort. Right off to peel the spuds for tonight before we go out.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Late this morning

We had an appointment to get our eyes tested this morning, two new pairs of glasses, one for each of us, DB is also to get his cataract done, he is on the waiting list. It could be 9 months before he gets the call. That saw the bank account shrink by almost £400, however  we needed new glasses.

Called at Wilkinson for some bits we needed and arrived home just in time for some lunch. Had the cafe's been open in town we might have had lunch out. I also went to Boots Chemist to restock with plasters. The cut on my finger has stopped bleeding but is very sore. I changed the dressing on it this morning, it could possibly have done with a stitch in it.

The cleaner had been so everywhere was nice and clean and sweet smelling.

I am getting more used to the car, its very light on the steering and not as heavy a car as the Skoda, its taking a bit of getting used to, especially trying to keep to the speed limit!!

No sewing done to Niblets quilt, I am leaving it for a couple more days, see how my finger goes.

Casseroled pork for supper with veggies, not sure about a dessert.

Monday, May 3, 2021

The weather has changed

It has been warmish the last few days, this morning we are back to grey skies and a cold wind...brrrrr....

Continue to open and draw the blinds at our neighbours house. I spoke to her son yesterday, she is on a drip and a heart monitor, so no signs of her coming home. She really needs to stay for them to try and sort out her problems. I do what I can, but Edwin has to be my first priority.

Today I will start to sew the binding down on Niblets quilt, I want it finished and out of the way so I can get on with the quilt for Little Miss. I was playing yesterday with the blocks I have made, think I have found a pattern that I like.

The lamb yesterday was yummy, we will finish it off today with salad and a jacket spud.

Appointment tomorrow for new glasses, its more than 12 months since our eyes were last tested. DD2 made the appointment for us last week. She is on tomorrow, so the first time we have seen her since before Christmas!!

DB will do his usual stint in the garden. Early one morning last week we had an unexpected frost, it looks like we may have lost some plants including the hydrangea and it has also affected the acer. I need to repot the acer into a bigger pot.

Update: will not be doing any sewing today, have managed to cut my fore finger on my left hand, knife slipped when I was cutting the meat from yesterday off the bone. For most people the bleeding will stop after a few minutes, me? I have to be different, bleed for at least half an hour and the place looks like a murder took place. I have always been a bleeder........ Hot sweet tea for shock and sitting with the second plaster on and my finger up in the air!! What amazes me is that its not really that deep. Having to type one handed.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Onwards and Upwards

I managed to get the binding on the quilt yesterday and pressed it to the back ready to hand sew it down, I though afterwards I could have sewn it on the back and then machined sewed it down on the front. Its not something I have done before. Might try it on Little Miss's quilt which I will be cutting the bits for shortly.

Prepped the veg for supper, laundry in the washer, hope to get it dry on the line, that will be the laundry done for this week, the forecast is not so good for Monday and Tuesday. My cleaner is away until  Tuesday, so a swift run over with the GTec......

So supper is roast lamb and all the trimmings.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

The quilt

Niblets quilt on our bed.

Close up of the quilting.

The back.

All I need to do now is bind and label it and its ready to go. It will have to wait a bit, DD1 has picked up Covid and is isolating, she had her first injection, they have put her second one back to Wednesday.

Fine morning, DB tells me its going to rain after lunch, so a load of coloureds in the washer, I actually have a second load to do, track suits and a fleece, if it rains they will go in the dryer.

All being well I will be binding the quilt later, might not get it all sewn on today, depends on my back. 

Supper tonight will be all day breakfast.