Saturday, July 31, 2021

Pastures new?

There was an advert on Facebook for a Saturday market in a village fairly local to us, so last night we decided we would go.

Rather slothful after a bad night we were late getting up, but after a swift breakfast we sailed forth.

Win the village what a disappointment!! It was held in the playground of the school in the village we lived in briefly. There were just 4 stalls, one large stall selling fresh veg etc, a small plant stall, a stall selling refillable, green washing up liquid etc and a bread stall. Two tarts and a sour dough loaf fell into my basket and then a bowl of nectarines, a large cauliflower and a butternut squash. Things were expensive but excellent quality.

Back home a cup of rosy lea was called for. I then tackled moving all the cardboard that is under the bed in the sewing room, its all boxes for my sewing machines etc, we are banned from putting anything in the loft, so boxes broken down and shoved under the bed along with a few other things, like the clothes airer which I rarely use these days.

I have taken belly pork casserole out of the freezer for supper tonight, we have homegrown green beans, potato and carrots. The apricot and raspberry tarts will do for dessert.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Not a good day

My stepson rang yesterday to tell us that his fiancee had collapsed and died. Apparently her parents had rung to say they were going round to see the little one, when they could not get a reply they let themselves in and found L unconscious. The ambulance people tried for over an hour to bring her round, eventually taking her to hospital where she died.

It was a massive shock, brought back memories of Dec 2015 for us. L was an only child, I feel so much for her parents. We will not know until later what happened.

Needless to say I did not sleep too well last night.

Expecting a delivery today from the wood people, if its a reasonable weekend I might get the arch made up. will have to wait for the gardener to dig the holes for the fence posts. Possibly next week. I also need to get postcrete.

It has rained overnight, more forecast for later today, so no gardening, although I guess DB will be out in his new project!!

We were watching Escape to the Chateau DIY last night and I noticed this on the wall in Grandma's kitchen.

The framed embroidery I sent to Jenny for Christmas last year, it was in several shots of Jenny, Angel and Arthur making Dorothy's birthday cake. Fame at last!! Angel sent me the picture, you can see Dick and Dorothy framed against the kitchen door.

The verse reads, ' Cafe Grandma, is the place to be, for a slice of cake, and a cup of tea. Yum Yum'

The usual fish and chips for supper tonight. We have picked all the raspberries, so will have to find something else.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Absent husband.......

I appear to have lost the husband to the greenhouse!!! He could not wait to get out there this morning. Hey Ho what ever gives him pleasure.

I have a date with a mop and bucket to clean down the window frames, door frames and under the canopy on the front door, have been going to do it for weeks......kept putting it off.

Its a sunny but breezy morning, quite a bit cooler which suits me fine.

The wood etc for my next project is due tomorrow, so will be wilding the screwdriver putting the arch together.

No idea whats for supper...

Oh dear..... phone call from my step son, his fiancee collapsed and died last night......I knew something was wrong when he phoned he has not been in touch with his Dad for over a year.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

We had rain

On the way to see the dental techie it threw it down, the wipers were having a job to cope. By the time we came home it had gone off. DB is getting a new to denture and a partial plate at the bottom. It was fascinating watching him work. He made both plates using moulding wax and fitted them, it was so good to see DB with teeth not tombstones. I also had a fitting for my new top plate.

 During the conversation we discovered that he and I had lived quite close during our childhood and had in fact gone to the same infant and junior school. Memories of various people and shops were aired.

We have another visit next week for a final adjustment and to collect the finished articles.

Nothing done at all yesterday, we came home to 3 parcels on the door step.......

Its a much cooler morning and threatening rain, DB is out in the garden to do his 'jobs' before it rains.

I need to do a freezer rummage to find something for supper.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Cloudy and cooler

Much cooler this morning, it had rained during the night, but we could do with several days of steady rain. Guess who was told to water last night and ended up getting soaked when the hose parted from the sprayer.. Had to change all my clothes.

Had my hair cut this morning, 3 inches off, so much cooler and easier to wash and dry.

This afternoon we have to visit the dental techie DB needs impressions for his new plate and I need to try the wax for mine.

Went up to the PO after I got my hair cut, so thats one job out of the way.

Yesterday I sat and took the one row of the quilt I had joined together apart. I am going to sew all the blocks and then trim them to size, I have cut 3" wide strips for a 2 1/2" sash between the blocks. Might do a couple more this morning before lunch.

Supper tonight is chicken cassoulet with veggies. I guess it will be more raspberries for dessert.

Monday, July 26, 2021


The greenhouse is finished!! M came round yesterday and put the runners on the door, we ordered them from Amazon, we are still waiting for the replacements to come from Halls!! All that remains now is for DB to fill it up!! 

I have a couple of plants I managed to get cuttings from when the basket fell off the wall, they need potting up and can go in the greenhouse for a couple of weeks.

Its a dull morning, quite a breeze, very different to last week, I feel far more comfortable. Laundry in the washer, it will dry on the line.

Cleaner here this morning,  I have been hoovering the sitting room and kitchen, bits getting brought in form the garden. I do miss the boot room.

No sewing done, still trying to make my mind up about sashing in between the blocks it will make the quilt wider and then I can use the borders to widen it further.

Supper tonight will be cold gammon and salad with raspberries to follow, we will soon look like raspberries. The blackberry also has a lot of fruit on, I need to do a freezer dive and sort the drawers out. Easier said than done.


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Going on a jolly

3 years ago we went to a local garden open day. The garden is open again today, so we are off to see how it has developed in that time.

Late waking up, so a slow start, we had melon for a change from our usual orange and pineapple.

Its a bright but very breezy morning, the sun keeps coming and going, we have not had any of the forecast rain, thunder etc, so it will be watering again tonight.

We are looking at may be dividing the garden up into two bits, I would like to put a low picket fence and wooden arch in to divide the top part of the garden off. Also thinking about putting another path in. We will see, winter is coming and will give me time to mull things over.

Supper tonight gammon, roast potatoes and courgette, peas. More raspberries for dessert.

Pictures of the garden, very much as we remembered it, one or two things had changed.

I like to grow clematis like this too.

Fabulous red dahilas

A new white bed

Lettuce anyone?

Someone else grows sweet peas like me.

A very green corner, the seed heads are from alliums.

Fabulous coloured lily, no scent though.

Hostas along the side of the greenhouse.

Massive sunflower.

Alstroemeria I do love them but they are expensive to buy the bulbs.

Not sure if this is an aloe vera


After the walk round the garden, coffee and cake on the patio.

Thats it folks for this time, needless to say as if I do not have enough plants I came away with five more and the name of a sweet blue clematis. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021


Apart from the door the greenhouse is finished, the top window and louvered vent went in and then the glass, the door is glassed but waiting for the new runners, I think they must be coming by extra slow snail mail!!

DB managed to fall over his feet, M and I picked him up, he was banned from the garden and had to sit, with his jailer, in the sitting room and watch progress through the back door!!

It was so cool yesterday, such a difference from the day before, the duvet is back on the bed.

I need a quiet week, the painkillers have been rather too much to the fore for my liking, so I just need to scale back a bit.

I am going to cook the smoked gammon joint this morning, we will have it tomorrow night with new spuds and green beans. DB will need to pick more raspberries. 

Supper tonight salad with something, not sure what yet.

Friday, July 23, 2021


Its cloudy this morning and there is a nice breeze, I woke in the night and was actually cold!!

I have all the front and side windows open as well as the back door.

The chap from the council came yesterday afternoon he was checking out things from the visit of the team that were at the village hall meeting, he was very pleased to hear that we had the outstanding jobs done. I asked him about a fan for the kitchen, even in winter I have had to open the back door, it gets so hot, he is passing on word to see if he can get us one, it will make the kitchen cooler.

I need to go out with my secateurs and dead head the roses I can reach, I will have to use the long handled loppers for the rose on the fence, its going up to heaven.

No work on the greenhouse, still waiting for the door rollers to come, we need to assemble and put in the roof light and louvered vent, then once the door is hung we can put in the glass. It will be a 2 man job, I ordered toughened glass.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, raspberries for dessert. We are still picking quite a lot, I have quite a few bags full in the freezer.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Its back

The heat that is, it cleared up yesterday morning and was another hot afternoon. It was cooler earlier last night.

M came round and we now have all the rubber beading in for the glass, we just need to assemble and fix the top window and louvered window then we can struggle to put the glass in and it will be done.

I sent him home with raspberries and green beans, I have some beetroot but N has never cooked any before so  said I would do it for her. Will have to have a scout round for a jar.

Went to Aldi this morning to do the shopping, I actually went into the store and picked my own stuff......£51 for 2 weeks shopping, managed to pick up salmon fillets 30% off so got 2 packets, in the freezer.

So another afternoon inside in the cool, will have to water tonight.....If it cools down I also need to dead head, the roses especially.

Sausage for supper, no idea what with, possibly new potato's and green beans. One thing I do know, I need to put my feet up for a bit!!


Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Thank goodness its cloudy this morning and cooler, doors and windows open to let some fresh air in

Coffee morning at the little chapel, last time there were just the 4 of us, will see how many are there today.

We spent all yesterday inside with the fans on, just a quick nip into the garden to hang out the laundry and then collect it in a couple of hours later. DB went out late last night to pick another bowl of raspberries and just water the pots and hanging baskets.

I phoned the greenhouse people and they are sending me a complete set of the fittings for the door runners. M is working away, so it will possibly be next week before its done. No problem.

I am still on the painkillers, I did sleep last night. It was quite cold around 4am so I pulled the quilt up.

No idea about supper, maybe something with salad, will see what I have. WE are still on the soft fruit for dessert.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

And again

another very hot day in prospect, yesterday almost finished me off, mind you it did not help I spent a couple of hours helping M to make up the door to the greenhouse. We managed to try and put it on the wrong way round and then the top runners collapsed and shed very tiny ball bearings everywhere, so I have to ring and try to get two more with the fittings.

By the time we finished it was too late to cook, so a couple of ding dinners from the freezer went down well.

We slept better with just a cotton sheet over us. the duvet is hanging over the bed end and the quilt just folded at the bottom of the bed. I have  a load of laundry in which will dry on the line.

Its a take it easy day today, I was out at 9.30 last night watering the garden and pots, I need to do some dead heading but it can wait. Painkillers are at the fore this morning.

So tonights supper is last nights which I put in the fridge overnight, will change the water in the veggies. Raspberries are going good style, DB is picking a bowl full every night, we have some for dessert, a few on our breakfast cereal and then rest I open freeze and bag up for the freezer.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Hot, Hot, Hot

According to yesterdays forecast today is to be hotter than yesterday........I love warm weather but not this warm. The fan was on in the sitting room all day. I put the bedroom fan on mid morning and then again before we went to bed. I still had a rubbish night, awake at 3am.......too hot. I might put a sheet on the bed with the patchwork quilt folded at the bottom, the duvet can go on the bed in the back room till it cools down a bit.

Bed linen is in the washer, it will dry on the line no problem.

DB is out feeding his tomato's before it gets too hot, we should be able to have our morning tea out before the sun hits the back........

Work on the green house is suspended until next weekend.......just the door to make up and the glass, which is very heavy, to put in.

I have no plans for the day, cannot raise enough energy to do any sewing especially as the sun will hit the back before lunch.

Something with salad for supper tonight, we are beginning to look like raspberries now, more to go in the freezer.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

65 and still going up.

Did not sleep too well, heat plus messing with the greenhouse, painkillers to the fore. It was 60+ when I got up at 8am.

M is cutting the grass, he was going to come yesterday, I am glad he didn't it was far too hot. We went out and watered the pots just after 8pm last night and it was still very warm.

DB has been out and collected more raspberries, they are open freezing on a tray, will sort them into bags along with the others. Enough left from yesterday for tonight.

The weighing scales came yesterday, so we have both weighed ourselves, I think DB needs to loose a stone and a half. Me ........thats a secret!!

Veggies prepped for supper, pork steaks, new spuds, green beans from the garden and carrots. Raspberries for dessert.


Saturday, July 17, 2021

Are we nuts??

The answer to that must be yes!! Who else, on the hottest day of the year, decided to erect a greenhouse??

10am, neighbour and I were puzzling over the instructions for the greenhouse frame, DB was banished inside, whilst M and myself, taking an informed approach, put the greenhouse together......A couple of puzzling moments but eventually we had all the bits made and M started to put them together. I had to sit out several times thanks to the sun and my back, making cold drinks was my job at that point.

and here it is, clipped to the base but no door or glass in it yet. It will have to wait until its cooler to do that. its not leaning honest, its the angle I took the photograph, every measurement was check and rechecked as we put the base in.

It has been inspected and pronounced very good by DB. It blooming well needs to be, it will take me at least a week to get over putting it up. We have the soil and stones in it so once the glass is in the table will go inside and DB will be able to play!!

No idea what the temperature is here today, the fan is on in the sitting room and the heat outside is stonking.

Easy supper, I have hard boiled 3 eggs, will do a salad and of course raspberries for dessert in some form or another.

Friday, July 16, 2021

They say

its going to be 'ot. almost 9 am and its warm out, there is a bit of a breeze which should help to keep it cooler. I am not a fan of overly hot weather.

DB has gone out to the garden early, he has picked a bowl full of rasps each night this week, and more to come. We have replaced the strawberries with raspberries and I am freezing a lot to use later.

Washer is on with the towels in, they should dry well on the line.

Chaps came yesterday from the council and have filled in all the cracks, two really nice lads. The electrician also came and sorted the the loose plug socket in the kitchen. He had a Samsung phone, its one I was interested in, so I got a free demo.

Wiltshire FF also arrived with 8 ding dinners for the freezer, so a busy day with workmen, also had a phone call to say M. would come this afternoon to cut the grass.

DB has driven me daft asking for weighing scales, I threw the last lot away, I caught him weighing himself every day. I have told him I will weigh him once a week on a Sunday, if I catch him on the scales at any other time they will go in the bin too!! Watch this space!!

Gardener is due after lunch will get him to put the weed suppressant down in the greenhouse and we will tip the stones in as well, that way there is no humping bags in through the door. We also have to move the half slab along, its not quite central for the door. I need to get out whilst its fairly cool and do a bit of dead heading. We will have to water again tonight, no rain forecast.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, I do them in the oven. I guess it will be raspberries for dessert.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Its cool

yesterday afternoon was very warm again, this morning there is a refreshing breeze but its very overcast, guess we are in for some rain, the weekend is forecast to be hot!!

DB is fiddling making a new bed at the top of the garden, he should have come in a while ago.......

We are waiting for a chap to come and put calke in the cracks in various bits of the bungalow, hope its not the chap that came before, he wanted us to move the big wardrobe......sorry thats not an option, if I can reach from the steps so can he, remembering I am vertically challenged!! The council changed their contractors a couple of years ago and they were going to do wonders. They are worse than the company we had previously!! Some of the standards of workmanship are truly awful.

Supper tonight bacon frittata with salad, we are onto raspberries now, the bushes are heavily laden, quite a few in the freezer already.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wash day again

I have decided to do two smaller washes instead of one big one. I was finding it hard to peg out, my machine only takes in enough water to wash whats in it, so not too bad.

Yesterday afternoon my dental techie brought my plate back, he also looked at DB's denture, he was horrified he says himself its awful, the teeth have not been properly matched and it just does not fit properly, so two weeks tomorrow we go to get impressions etc done, DB for top and bottom and a new bridge for me. That will put a dent in the savings, but we do have the money put away.

The stone for the green house will come this week sometime, we can get it put down then before the greenhouse itself is erected on Saturday.

No idea whats for supper, will have a lucky dip in the freezer see what I can find. It may be beef casserole with veggies. No its not its chicken and bacon in cream sauce.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Well I would if I could

This morning we went into town, I wanted to see if Tesco had the phone I was interested in. No just pay as you go. So I will have to order it from the internet once I have cancelled my contract with 3. Filled up with petrol and then went on to order the stone for the green house. They will deliver it later in the week.

We stopped off for coffee on the way home, I bought a geranium plant in a pot for N. next door.

Cleaner was here when we got home, she had found the source of the smell the kitchen, it was water trapped under the polished concrete chopping board, will have to remember and check when I clean the board.

It's a funny sort of a day, tried to rain a couple of times then stopped. Very clammy out.

Cooked a couple of salmon fillets for supper, will have them with salad.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday again.

We did have a quiet day yesterday, bumbled in the garden in the morning, watched tennis after lunch, it was a lot cooler than Saturday. We did sit out for a while.

Did not watch the football until the last few minutes, then watched on my tablet the end of extra time and the penalty shoot out, not a way really to settle a game, but there you are.

Cleaner rang last night and asked if she could come on Tuesday, the engineer is going this morning to try and sort out her boiler. We are going into town, need to sort out the gravel for the greenhouse, we hope to get it laid before the actual greenhouse is erected next weekend.

I also want to go to Tesco and have a look at their mobile phones. My present deal is up at the end of October and I am going to swap, Tesco has better deals than my present provider.

Think tonights supper will be egg, chips and beans. The jury is out re dessert.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Famous last words

We were going to have an easy day yesterday, well the morning was but the afternoon was spent filling the bed in the green house with soil from our neighbour, we also managed to fill up one of the deep beds. The sun was something else, by the time we had finished an ice cold drink was called for!! Then it was time for supper.

We have had a letter from the council saying that all the council housing stock, still in the councils hands is to be surveyed........that should be interesting. I went into the cupboard where our boiler is, it could do with a bit of work, its not been touched since the heating was put in. Originally part of it was where the hot water tank was, that bit is disgusting, I could do with it being sorted and shelves or something going in to hold the towels and stuff I keep in there. Including the bag of 24 toilet rolls I bought last week. There is also a rumour that we are getting new doors and windows.......we will see. The toilet could also do with some work, I would not mind having it tiled, it would be much easier to keep clean.

DB is messing about in the garden, everything is prepped for supper. I have sliced up the beef I cooked yesterday. I ended up putting it in the fridge whilst it was still slightly warm, only way I could keep the flies off even though it was covered.

So supper tonight, roast beef and veg, raspberries and either cream or ice cream for dessert. Off to get some lunch, want to watch the mens tennis final this afternoon. Will not be watching the out for a massive increase with people getting the virus!!


Saturday, July 10, 2021

An easy day

It was very hot yesterday afternoon, T came and he dug out the ceanothus and planted one of the roses we got from next door in its place, the other 2 have gone in the front. If they do not take I may well get new ones.

I spent time in the morning cutting back the clematis and jasmine on the front fence, it looks much tidier now, the garden just needs weeding again.

T also helped up get the root of an ivy out, the root was in my side neighbours garden, we had drastically cut it back 4 years ago, but it continued to come through into our garden, so with permission, it had to go. Not an easy job but with 3 of us we managed to cut the root back again and put root killer on it, we also removed some of the old wire fence that it had grown now I have a bare bit of soil......what to put in????

I have a small coloured wash in this morning, yesterday afternoon was very hot, more forecast for today, may be a shower later, so decided to wash what was in the bin.

Needless to say, nothing has been done on little miss's quilt, but I have decided to sash it with the green fabric, so have 3 blocks to unpick..hey ho.

We are having an easy day, will watch the tennis this afternoon and its a all day breakfast for supper, not sure about a dessert, the strawberries are almost finished. DB is picking raspberries now.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Thought provoking post

from Angie this morning, it is something that bothers me and I have gradually switched some things, cucumber in plastic drives me nuts too, it goes off very quickly.

I have started having milk delivered in glass bottles again, it is more expensive, but at least its another plastic thing not used. Morrison sells some fruit and veg unwrapped, but the bags you put it in are plastic.......I looked at our recycle bin yesterday, it was full to the brim, admittedly quite a bit of it was cardboard but there were things like yogurt cartons in as well.

Admittedly our veg peelings etc go in the compost bin, but the bags the supermarket put their fruit in goes in the waste bin, they are not recyclable. 

I have a date with a pair of shears this morning, decided to take out the ceanothus, that thinks its a hedge, it was bought as ground cover, It does cover ground, but not as I expected it to. There are also bits of clematis and jasmine on the front fence that need snipping back. T will be here this afternoon, he is going to dig out the ceanothus and we will replant the space with plants I have sitting in pots. We will need to do prune the shrubs at the back too. They are getting too big for the space.

Sun is out, so it looks like being a warm day.

Usual Friday supper, not decided on a dessert, we may not have one at all.

Believe it or not, this is a courgette plant, we have had 3 courgette's off it and there are 2 more developing.

The lovely scented orange rose on the obelisk at the top of the garden. I cut it back in the spring, it has not made as much growth as the red one on the opposite side, it will catch up eventually.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Quite a busy day

Into town this morning to collect an order from Aldi, when I unpacked it I had chicken goujons I had not ordered, and no potato's. A swift phone call to customer services, a £5 voucher on its way.

After his siesta DB went out into the garden and I went over to see my neighbour, she is not doing so well, her medication is leaving her dehydrated.

When I came home T was there, he had dug out the holes for the pegs on the green house so its now cemented in, we can start and assemble the green house at the weekend.

We had a cup of tea and then started sorting out roses that needed dead heading and cutting the spikes of the lupins which had gone over. I also saw that this lily had come out, it was in a trough given to me by my neighbours daughters after she died, it is such a fabulous colour. unfortunately it does not smell.

Last night I sent an order off for the lilies I love that are highly scented, will be putting them in pots for next year. I may well plant them on gravel, they like fairly free draining compost.

Supper was quiche, jacket potato and salad, we finished off the strawberries that DB picked, he is on the picking raspberries now, I am open freezing them and storing them in the freezer to use in jelly and trifles.

The forecast is for it to be really hot next week........

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Coffee Morning

This morning, have pulled some rhubarb for J. Also cut a bag full for the freezer, the wet has made the rhubarb go nuts.....

Yesterday was a mix of cloud, sun and sudden downpours. So far its cloudy sun with a breeze this morning, am hoping to get a load of washing out on the line to dry. I dried yesterdays in the dryer.

No real plans for the day apart from coffee, I have got one set of blocks put together, I think I am maybe going to have to do an extra row 4 x 5, otherwise its going to have to be wide borders to make it a decent size. will need to see if I have enough fabric. The only alternative is to undo the row I have done and put 2.5" sashing in between the blocks. I would not have to match the joins that way. It would then make it about 10" bigger across and down. I am sending it to the long arm quilter to be quilted.

Sausage, mash and beans for supper tonight, probably strawberries for dessert, no ice cream left so it will be strawberries on their own.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Late again.

 Had to take DB for a blood test, they are testing him for diabetes, 

I really hope not, 

I have enough problems with him without that!! After the Dr's we went and got another bag of post Crete for the green house.

I have cooked chicken cassoulet for tonight's supper, we will have it with either pasta or veg, depends on what DB wants.

A coloured wash went in the drier, it has rained quite heavily since we got home. All dried and aired ready to put away.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday, mondy

 the bed linen is in the washer, hope to dry it outside, the sun keeps coming and going.

Cleaner is due, I managed to get more of the carpet cleaner I used to get the blood out of the hall carpet, I will get her to a spot clean on the sitting room carpet, there are some marks on it.

The library van is due this afternoon, so new books to read once I have finished the one I am reading on my tablet. Borrow box is really useful when you run out of library books and the van isn't due for 10 days!!

The pork I cooked on Saturday sliced really well. My slicer is a Laser 2000, I have had it a number of years, before that I had a Kenwood. So useful, I am hopeless at slicing bread and meat, so it is well used.

DB is out in the shed, it keeps clouding over, I guess we will have rain at some point.

The base of the greenhouse waiting to have the metal pegs cemented in.

Supper tonight will be cold pork, jacket spud and salad. I think there are enough strawberries for dessert, they are gradually going over. DB needs to set runners, the bed we have picked the most from will be dug out shortly once the runners have rooted and will be planted out in the spring. We have 2 more beds to pick from until the runners get established. I doubt we will get many on them next year.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Start of a new week

Do you start your week on Sunday or Monday, I suppose that Monday is the start of the working week.......the TV Choice seems to think the week begins on Saturday, as its the first day in each issue......

Yesterday, we got the grass skimmed off and the base of the greenhouse put together in between the rain showers. I need to get another bag of postcrete, the holes are going to be bigger then we thought. So a trip on Tuesday for a blood test and we will go on to get another bag.

Meat was roasted yesterday, so now its well cold I will slice it, I re-heat it in foil over the veggies......I will cut enough for at least one other supper and alter the slicer to cut it a bit thinner for sandwiches.

So tonights supper, roast pork and veggies...... toffee cake with ice cream for dessert.

Saturday, July 3, 2021


forgot to post. It had rained overnight, but cleared up, then rained again later in the morning. I went out and marked out the grass to be lifted. T arrived and skimmed off the grass and then he and I put the base together and placed it. I need to get another bag of postcrete the bag we have is not big enough.

We had a massive down pour just after lunch, but then the sun broke through and its been really hot. Black clouds scudding over now though.

My next door neighbour gave me a shepherds pie she had made for us, exchange for the strawberries, we are having half tonight and I have frozen half for another day. Real cannot be bothered day today, I have opened tins of peas and carrots to have with the pie and also made gravy. I slow roasted the shoulder of pork joint I bought last week. Its in the fridge, will slice it tomorrow, some for supper and the rest in the freezer sliced up. Should do some sandwiches and a couple of suppers.

Shattered now......watching the tennis..

The pale pink rose on the obelisk, there is a honeysuckle through it as well.

...The red rose obelisk half way up the garden.

Friday, July 2, 2021


Yesterday turned into a lovely sunny day, a bit over the top after lunch but great to see the sun again, this morning its cloudy.

I am not happy with DB and his leg. We spoke to the Dr yesterday, he said he did not think the medication was the cause of DB's pain, so he started taking them again, took 3 at 6 hourly intervals, woke me at midnight moaning about the pain. He did eventually go back to sleep, I was awake until after 4am again!!

We did manage to put the base of the greenhouse down to see where to dig out the grass, we actually need to move it a bit, the slab to the door way is too big. I have a half slab which will be better. Hopefully T will move it for me and also dig out the turf, then the  base can be put together and the spikes cemented in. We then have to erect the greenhouse itself.

Watered the garden last night, it needed it. I did the flowers, DB the veg.

Super tonight, fish and chips, the strawberries are slowing down now, but the raspberries are beginning to ripen up.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Pinch 'n' a punch

 For the first of the month.......the year is now more than half way through, the thought of winter fills me with dread!!

We went to the meeting yesterday, it basically was about the councils new charter for leasee's of council property and what the council are preparing to do. It looks like a number of properties will get a new kitchen. I doubt we are amoungst them as our kitchen is at the most 10 years old. I could do with a better designed one that includes a dish washer!!

We went for a jolly yesterday afternoon to a new venue by the canal basin at Hickling. We sat outside watching a family of swans and cygnets out for exercise

Its better if you enlarge it, I was using my phone.

When we got back, our next door neighbours were clearing out the front borders to put stone down. She is not a gardener and likes everything neat and tidy, they ran out of stones so had to stop until they can get more.

We are hoping to get the greenhouse up this weekend. Waiting for a call back from the Drs. will then go out and unpack the base so we can lift the grass. We also need to order stone for the path and one side and also level up the slab at the door.

Supper tonight will be fritatta and salad, maybe some strawberries for dessert, depends how many are ready.

My Favourite rose Compassion, its delicate scent is scenting the sitting room. It always keeps its delicate colour I have grown this rose in every house we have lived in, but always left it behind for the next people to enjoy.