Tuesday, November 30, 2021


with help from my cleaner we managed to turn the bed onto the side wall, so much more room in the bedroom that was. I have ordered two chests one for each side. Decorator is coming 31st Jan to do the bedroom, so I can sort out the curtains and carpet.

Quick trip into Sainsbury this morning for some fruit and veg to last me till the weekend and the farmers market is ,hopefully, back.

I made a pot of Scotch broth yesterday so thats lunches sorted for the next few days.

Smoked haddock, poached egg and bread and butter tonight.

Monday, November 29, 2021

? moving day

Hoping to move the bed round with help from my cleaner, it has two chances either we can or we cannot. Its stripped, have to take the mattress off and move DB's chest. The sheets etc are in the washer, doubt it will dry outside, so the dyer will be on later. I split it into two lots so the duvet does not crease too much. Then when its dry two lots to go to my ironing lady.

We had sporadic snow yesterday, no more overnight but its froze, so the roads will be like a skating rink. Hope my cleaner can get here. We have the main road through the village and its a bus route, so hopefully it will have been gritted.

Soup mix soaking for scotch broth, will sort it out shortly.

I ordered a smaller table for the kitchen at the weekend, it arrived about 20 minutes ago, DGS is coming this week to put it together for us, will store the old table in the sitting room. Its a gate leg so folds down quite small.

No idea whats for supper, will have to do a freezer dip and see what I can find. What ever we have will have to be with either rice or smash, the farmers market was off on Saturday due to the high winds.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


posting today, I slept right through last night, still tired, but hopefully will also sleep tonight.

It was calmer this morning, but it is now snowing, DB says its not to be much. I hope not. He has decided not to go to Evergreens tomorrow, I need to go into town for veggies at some point.

Need to ring B and see if her grand daughter did get here yesterday. I have a feeling she might have been on an overnight flight from SA.

Rolled shoulder of lamb for supper, roast spuds, carrots and cabbage for supper. DB can have the last raspberry trife if he wants a dessert.

Saturday, November 27, 2021


The wind woke me about 4am, I had just managed 2 hours sleep by then, spent the rest of the night listening to the wind and rain!! It still blowing and we now have sleet.

The farmers market has been cancelled, the wind was too strong, good job I have enough veg for tomorrow, will have to go to the supermarket on Monday to stock up.

Beryls grand daughter was due to fly in from South Africa today to see her Grandmother, not sure if she made it or not. Beryl will be disappointed if she is unable to come. I will ring later and see.

So no market, we will sit and keep warm. I will fill a couple of flasks just in case the electric goes, 

We decided to go to the garden centre yesterday afternoon, picked up a holly wreath for the front door and treated ourselves to a cream tea. So no fish and chip supper last night, we will have it tonight instead.  

Friday, November 26, 2021

Very sad

this morning. A lady who had quite a few health problems, caught covid and passed away yesterday. She was a very brave fighter, loving wife and mother to a large family. It was such a shock to read on MSE this morning that she passed away last night. She will be sadly missed by those of us who posted on the MSE board. Its really knocked me for six.

The sun is trying to shine, not quite as cold as it was, but the weather is to change tomorrow.

Usual fish and chips tonight.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Last day for one medication

Thankfully we are down to the last of one of the drops DB was given, just 2 weeks of the last one to go, I will be so glad when they are finished.

Busy morning, phone call to our house insurers, they did not tell me it was time to renew. I have also covered my embroidery machine. I am going to a workshop weekend, so I wanted the machine covered against any damage. Just off the phone when to grocery delivery came, and then a plum tree that DB had ordered arrived. Phew I need a rest.

Lentil soup made yesterday, enough for today and tomorrow. Supper will be quiche, salad and jacket spuds.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesdays child

is full of woe.......thats me.... fed up with eye drops and having to get stuff down for DB. I managed when I had both my eyes done.......however, just 2 more weeks to go before he is back to doing stuff that involves bending down or reaching over his head.

Very grey and cold, I went out to get the milk in, its delivered 2L fresh milk Wednesday and Saturday it was very chilly.

Just now I am catching up on videos for my embroidery machine, it does so many more things than my old one did. It has given me a few idea for next year.

Was going to put a load of white laundry in this morning, changed my mind will do it tomorrow instead, will set the machine to wash whilst we are in bed, then, if its reasonable, I can get it our early.

Egg, chips and beans tonight. The pork was delish last night, have enough in the freeze for another supper. Rice pudding was good too.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

One day at a time

is the pace we go at. We do make plans in advance and have to cancel, but as a general rule, apart from things like cleaning and the garden we tend to go  a day at a time. This morning it is sunny but very cold, I have to go up to the post office in the next village this morning. I also have to ring EE and get a phone unlocked;  cook a casserole for supper and a rice pudding Apart from that the day is mine.

Visit to B went well, I got her some shopping she wanted. Her Grand daughter is coming from South Africa to see her next week. They have a guest room at the home she can stay in, its booked for a week, then she is going on to stay with an aunt for a few days before flying back.

Time to get on.

Monday, November 22, 2021

We had a visit

from Jack Frost last night, the grass is very white this morning. Hope the greenhouse is ok, the plants are covered, just hope the compost does not freeze, DB watered them on Friday.

A nothing day yesterday. Apart from cooking supper and making a crumble I did nothing else.

Laundry in the washer, my hands are very bad this morning, so it will be going in the dryer, I am not asking for trouble!!

DB's eye is doing fine, he is on his second week with one lot of eye drops, then we will be down to one lot x 4 times a day for another 2 weeks.

I did sit and trim the lace tree ornaments and fix fine gold ribbon on them. Need to take one lot of snowflakes with me this afternoon to Beryls. Cleaner is coming this morning, will get her to do the kitchen first so we can have an early lunch. Have a busy afternoon. Drop DB at evergreens, then go to Sainsbury and on to Beryls with her shopping. Nip into Aldi and then pick DB up before returning home.

Cheese and potato pie with beans for supper. I have some cheese which needs using up. We will have the last of the plum and ginger crumble for dessert.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunny morning

but very cold, its one of the days I like, cold and crisp.....the children loved this time of year when they could shuffle and kick the leaves fallen from the trees.

Mary Poppins was on TV last night, have not watched it for years, nothing else interesting on TV so we sat and watched it, classic and timeless.

The acers have dropped their leaves, just the  bare outline of the branches, they will need a trim in the spring. We have a lot of leaves in the garden from the trees in the garden behind us, they will need collecting up and putting in a black bag with some airholes in to make leaf mould. 

Pork for supper tonight, roast spuds, carrots and the last of the french beans from the greenhouse. I have also taken the stones out of some plums to make a plum and ginger crumble for dessert.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Market day

A trip to the little farmers market at the school in a nearby village, just need fruit and carrots this week, we are using up beans and cabbage from the greenhouse and garden.

Dull morning, DB says the UK is covered with cloud, so no sun for us. I really dislike days like today, I want to stay under the quilt all day.

No real plans, just take the day as it comes. I have reviewed the Christmas card situation and need at least 12 more, so Aldi will get a visit when I go to see Beryl on Monday. She phoned yesterday, worried I did not go on Monday, she had forgotten I only go every other week.

DB and the gardener sorted out a few bits in the garden yesterday, he is coming next week to put the grease bands on the fruit trees and finish cleaning up for the winter.

No idea about supper, will have to put my thinking cap on. I need to do a freezer audit and a menu plan for the next 2 weeks.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Sunny but very brrrrrr

Managed to miss posting yesterday apart from the photos, nothing exciting happened, just the usual day to day things.

We have bright sunshine, but its very cold, gardener will be here this afternoon for one last session. We need to finish emptying pots, re potting some plants and storing the empty pots behind the shed until the spring.

I dried towels on the line yesterday, forgot they were out until after 9pm, so a quick trip into the garden, put them in the dryer for a few minutes, folded them and put them away. I need to have a clear out in the old airing cupboard, things are getting a bit untidy in there. I have started another bag for the CS. its amazing what you find when you look.

Gave my sewing machine a good clean, quite a bit of fluff hanging about, its all nice and clean and has the cover over it until I need it again.

All the Christmas gifts are now done, unless I remember someone I have not allowed for. I need to sort out Christmas cards and see if I need to get more.

I have done an order for Morrison for next week, will have to have a trip to Aldi next time I go to see Beryl,  for bits I like from there. The Christmas beef is in the freezer and has been for quite some time, I also got a small turkey crown.

Usual Friday supper, fish and chips, we finished the jelly last night so no dessert.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Out for coffe

at the little chapel this morning, we did not go 2 weeks ago DB was in bed with a bad back.

Its a cold, windy and dull this morning, glad I do not have any laundry to hang out, I would need to wrap up.

Lettuce are still growing in the greenhouse, so have cut one to have with tonights salad.

I finished the cushion yesterday, have to trim the mat and put the binding on then its finished and our Christmas giving is complete apart from the GGC who get money into a bank account we started for each of them when they were born.

Supper tonight salmon in white wine sauce with salad, raspberries in jelly for dessert.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

wash day 2

I put a second load in the washer to wash overnight and forgot to switch the machine on!! so its on now. The sheets partially dried on the line, just finished them off in the dryer. Its a grey morning and has been raining so they will do in the dryer.

Cupboard from our bedroom collected, the room gets bigger by the minute.

Also had a visit from a friend who works for the council. She had some extra questions arising from the display they put on earlier in the year. During the course on the conversations she said she had come to visit us because she knew I would tell her as it is, not gloss over things. She was right there, she went back with extra notes written all over the back of the questionnaire.

The spray glue came yesterday, so I can finish the table mat, have also half finished the cushion cover, just have to work the button holes and sew it up, sew on the buttons and its done!! Waiting for the inner cushion to arrive. 

Spent time yesterday working out Christmas cards, will have to see if I have enough.

Supper tonight is sausage, mash and veggies. Raspberries in jelly for dessert.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Wash day

Bed linen in the washer, I need to get clean linen out to remake the bed. We were late waking up, I managed to fall asleep sitting up after I had taken my osteo medication, here's to two days feeling rough.

The pine cupboard has sold the lady is coming for it tonight, so until the room is decorated in the spring thats it, there sure is a lot more room. It will be ok as long as I keep weeding out clothes for the charity shop, rule is if its not been worn for a year, out it goes. I need to get DB to try on his suit.

Its a grey morning, no real sun for the last few days and very little wind, will end up putting the linen in the dryer.

Cold chicken tonight, I might do veggies and have an extra dinner, rather than salad. I need to make a raspberry jelly for dessert.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.

Those brave men women and children who gave their lives for us.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Cold but dry

We both had a decent nights sleep, DB's eye is gradually clearing, he is now back to cleaning it with his Bepaclens.

Out to the market for fruit, quite a lot of people there this morning and extra stalls.

Its a cold morning, it rained during the night but its dry now. I need to have a quick trip up to the greenhouse for green beans. We also have cabbage and lettuce to use up.

Fabric has arrived for the table mat and Beryls cushion, so will get ob with them once I have finished clearing up the stuff from the pine cupboard and tidied the sewing room again!!

Beryls bungalow was cleared yesterday of the rest of the stuff that needed to go to the tip. I did rescue a paper rack and also two plants from the garden which the gardener has put in our garden. There are still the pots to sort out.

Supper tonight is all day breakfast.

Friday, November 12, 2021


So day one with my nurses pinny on again!! DB slept very well, wish I could say the say the same.

I have put the first lot of drops in for him, 4 times a day 2 weeks for one and 4 weeks for the other. I sincerely hope thats time for this year.

I went into town and delivered the 3 phones, so a weeny bit richer now, not for long though. 

Fabric came yesterday for the table mat, also bought a lovely two wick candle yesterday, both are for my cleaner for Christmas. I need to hide the candle, wish I had bought 2, I love the smell. Parhaps Santa will bring me one??

Beryls son has been this morning, everything is now cleared from the house, he has gone in the hand in the keys and also sign off the tenancy. So thats that. She and Pete moved in in 1998. We are still having problems looking for her sitting in her chair in the window.

Tonight is fish and chip night. I am also expecting a delivery from Morrison.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Late today

DB has now had his second cataract done, do is like Long John Silver.......We now have a month of eye medication 4 times a day.

I spent some of the waiting time in Home Bargains at Loughborough, managed to pick up quite a few bits to stock up cupboards and also a new washing up bowl, I had the other one just over 7 years so decided it was time for a change.

Just had lasagna for supper. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The clear out continues

The pine cupboard the TV used to stand on was in our bedroom, for years it has been used for a dumping ground and storage for files etc. So the files have been cleared out and are now on a shelf in the back bedroom. 10 years of old diaries have been ripped up and paper shredded. The shredder almost gave up the ghost, so I have ordered a new one, its being delivered today, the old one will have to go to the tip, not very green, but needs must.

I started a second embroidery yesterday in shades of pink, I need to source some fabric to use for the rest of the cushion cover, might have to have a rummage in the charity shops, see what I can find if there is nothing in my fabric boxes. The cupboard will go on the local gumtree page. Its ideal for someone to upcycle or paint. Just need to take some photos.

DB had his pre op interview yesterday by phone, we plan to have a late breakfast tomorrow, he has to be there for 1pm, should be home by 4pm.

Smoked haddock and poached egg tonight, no dessert.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A bit of a clear out

I decided to sort out the shelf of quilting books and other stuff cluttering up the set of shelves in my sewing room, they are now in the Age Concern shop along with some other things and I have 2 clear shelves in the sewing room. Now, I can now clear the cupboard in our bedroom prior to it going and making a bit more room in our bedroom.

I went to see Beryl, she has been in her new home for almost 2 weeks and has settled very well, she is mixing and seems to be enjoying herself. She was waiting in the hall for me when I got there. We had a nice chat and a cup of tea. When I left she was going down to the lounge to join her friends. I have to admit to being very relieved. It still seem odd, we automatically look at her house to check she is ok. I guess that will go on for quite a while.

When I left I nipped into Aldi to get some of the things I cannot get from Morrison, then picked DB up from his Evergreen meeting.

I changed what we had for supper, egg and chips and finished off the plum crumble.

We were late switching off the light, so only just up and finished breakfast, I need to prep the supper and then tackle the mess that is my sewing room. Age Concern were delighted with the stuff we took yesterday.  Very large box of books, I have only got about 8 quilting books left, all of which are small projects. I have let go of some of my all time 'go to' books. Sad to see them go but No longer making big quilts its time someone else had them.

So supper tonight is mince and tatties, no dessert, finished the crumble last night.

Monday, November 8, 2021

So its Monday

 again, nasty medicine day.

Laundry in the washer, its a bit suspect so will dry it in the dryer, 20 minutes and its done. My back does not like me reaching up, as I found out yesterday trying to get something out of a high cupboard.

DB is going to Evergreens, I am going into Morrison and then to see B. I phoned her yesterday, she was out!! Phoned me back later, she had been down to the lounge, so she is making the effort to integrate. I am so pleased. She has in the past said how lonely she feels, especially when we are away.

I sewed out a design yesterday, do not like the colours so I am going to do another one in blues and pink. I discovered to my surprise that there is a programme in the machine that shows different colour ways a design can be done in. Wonderful what you find when you are not looking.

Supper tonight gammon ham, jacket spud and salad, will finish off the plum crumble.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Oww my back!!

I am suffering now, I stayed out to help the gardener on Friday, now have a bad back, hey ho. Have not resorted to the painkillers yet.

Slow start to the morning, our usual hour lie in. Since I got up I have prepped the veggies for supper we are having pork steaks cooked in the Ninja. I got some plums yesterday at the market, will make a plum crumble for dessert.

Sat and sewed out a design yesterday, managed to sew part of the end onto the back so have had to trim it down a bit. I do not like it for the person it was for, so going to go in and change the colours. Will give the one to someone else.

DB is busy shredding all the stuff he has taken out the files in the cupboard in our bedroom. I am hoping to find enough room for them in the cupboard in the hall as I intend getting rid of the cupboard and replace it with a chest when we get the bed room decorated. I also want him to clear out some stuff he has the the hall cupboard. Some of it is mounted photographs, I am not into having them framed and on the wall.

So time I shut up and got on...........

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Hor off the machine

Christmas tree ornaments, sewn on Organza I have to soak the stabilizer off and trim up the edges of the fabric.


We are crackered

DB's back is improving, he is bending better, even when he thinks I am not looking!! He is staying at home this morning.

Phone call yesterday, he has to go at 1pm not 2pm on Thursday, great relief, I will not have to tackle driving home in the dusk. He should be finished by 3.30 at the latest.

Gardener here yesterday, we got the bulbs planted up and a few other jobs done, I managed to stay out apart from when we had a drink, I knew about it last night though. I was falling asleep in the chair and slept at night. Did wake once but dropped off again. Feeling much better this morning.

Off to the market shortly for fruit and veg. Do not need a lot this week, will pick up some brussels now they have had a frost on them.

Mac and cheese for supper tonight, will do a salad, need to get a lettuce in from the greenhouse.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Cruel me!!

I made DB walk yesterday, he kept saying his back was ok and then wincing every time he moved. So made him walk round, even up the garden in the cold. I need him on his feet for Thursday when he goes for his eye  op.

Fine morning but brrrr...... gardener is here today, we need to sort out everything on the back patio and plant the bulbs, I was awake for ages last night thinking about what we need to do.......

Rice pudding turned out ok last night, could have done with a bit more rice in, there is enough for tonight as well.

Fish and chips for supper tonight.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Day 2

of the bad back saga. He slept away most of yesterday, made him get up for his supper and he stayed up till 10 pm, which was ok. I slept much better last night.

We are moaning this morning, but I have made him get up, he's been in the shower and had breakfast. Under instructions to move around every hour. Yesterday disappeared in the dust. We had a ding supper last night, so I need to cook tonight, Frittata and salad and I am going to make rice pudding.

Towels in the washer, the sun is fighting to shine, I may well hang them out for a blow.

Off to the hairdressers to get my hair cut, its curling again.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Hey Ho

DB fell yesterday afternoon, he was ok at the time, but later said his back hurt. This morning he did his dying swan act, pain in his right hip. Just now he is in bed, dosed up with pain killers and fast asleep.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

ee by gum

its blooming cold this morning. Sun is out but very little strength to it.

Yesterdays visit was good. B has settled nicely into her flat, she showed me round, compact, but she has all she needs, lovely little kitchenette, fridge and Baby Belling cooker, toaster, microwave etc and cupboards. Her sitting room window looks out to the banks of the river, there is a footpath and she can see walkers going along. 

DB's appointment was quick, so we were able to spend an hour with her. It started to rain on the way home and threw it down for 2 hours, then cleared up and it was sunny. No heat in the sun at all.

Load of laundry on the line, not expecting it to dry much, so will finish it off in the dryer later.

Have some beef for a casserole, we will have it for supper and there will be enough for another meal in the freezer. Will do veggies with it, there is enough jelly for dessert.

Monday, November 1, 2021


the rain stopped late yesterday afternoon, but its really windy. I got DB to help me change the bed, washed the sheets etc overnight, have just hung them out they should dry ok, its blowing a hoolie out there.

Busy morning, need petrol, then DB has his pre op appointment. We are going on to see our neighbour, its her birthday today. I have finished the cushion, so will take it to show her. I have to hand it over to the recipient myself.

Glad we moved the plants etc on Friday, Saturday afternoon neighbours from next door No 10) went in and virtually stripped the place, very little left. No idea why.......B had said she wanted it to go to a needy family, no way are they needy. DB thinks they are going to sell it all.

Supper tonight is cold chicken, jacket spud, tomato and celery salad and jelly for dessert.