Friday, March 31, 2023

Gardeners approach

At 8.30 this morning an email dropped in my box, could the gardeners come today and do some prep work, as they had been rained off another job? So we await their arrival.

Yesterday was shoping day, so we are ok for another week or so. I really must do a freezer audit and see exactly what we have.

I set the sewing to embrpider and walked away, just went back every 15 miutes or so, apart from needing a bobbib filled it worked perfectly.

Yesterday we should have been travelling up to Sheffield for the retreat, I cancelled it after DBs exploits last year.  A message from K to say she wished I was there........I am keeping my fingers crossed that we can get away next month as planned.

More embroidery planned for this morning, I need to get the packs of ornaments finished so I can pack them up.

It is a very dull morning and rather wet.  The workmen were back at No 8 yesterday putting new windows. The painter has finished so hopefully we may get a new neighbour in  before too long. They have had to spend a mint of money on it. Another case of, its not my house. It was in a dreadful state.

Fish and chips tonight, possibly a dessert, we will see. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Shopping day

Db decided to come with me to Aldi, I managed everything on the list and a few extras.

Yesterday we had our heating bill, last night I found a +£200 refund.......but they have put our DD up to £121 a month. I just cannot figure out what they are doing, our total duel bill was £72???? Hey ho......

On the way back from shopping it did not stop to rain, it chucked it down. When we got home there was no sign of the rain. Everything put away.

We had soup and toast for lunch, Gammon salad for supper, I found 2 stray portions of the chocolate mousse, so we will finish that off for dessert.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Up early

DB had an appointment to get his wrist checked and redressed. We are going to have to go until the hole seals up, he made an appointment for next week for his wrist and also a blood test.

Sad news this morning, one of our favourite comedians and TV presenters passed away on Tuesday night, he was only 67. Such a shame he was well loved by everyone. He was an ambassador for Battersea Dogs home, and re-homes several dog himself. He will be greatly missed.

After our late start yesterday not much was done, I dried the washing in the drier. Have done a load of tracksuits and jackets this morning, they are on the line at the moment, its looking a bit grey if it starts to rain I will fetch them in and stick them in the dryer.

Pot of scotch broth in the Ninja for lunch, it will be salad of some sort tonight.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Rain again

We must both have been suffering from the clocks going forward, it was 9.45am when I woke. I am exhausted all the time, so it was good to have a 'sleep in'. We have just had poached egg on toast was well as our weetabix, so I will cook supper a bit earlier.

I have the washer on with a coloured load, it will have to go in the dryer. There will be a heavier load tomorrow, tracks suits etc, DB seems to have mucked up 3 pairs of trousers somehow.

Supper tonight is liver and sausage with veg. We will finish off the chocolate mouse for dessert.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Better morning

It was very cold overnight just above freezing at 7am, not much warmer now. We are due a sunny say so sheets etc are in the washer. Its also cleaner  day. M came and cut the grass yesterday so I need a trip to the bank to pay her. I am out of cash.

I spent part  of yesterday sewing, havae more ormaments to s oak off and dry. I managed to get cello bags on Saturday so I should be ok for a while. Its when I do the bigger things I will need to source bigger bags.

Last night supper was very tasty, I have a couple more packs in the freezer.

I have got a tub of beef stew out for tonight. We will have chocolate mouse for dessert.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Its raining again

Yesterdays visit to the dentist was ok. She asked if DB wanted his plates checked, he told her no way, only our techie was to alter them. After the mess they made of the ones last year, no way were they touching it.

We stopped off on the way home for some lunch DB had bacon and I had sausage in a wholemeal roll. So thats Aprils treat gone. DB went for his seista when he got back. I realised that the sets of 4 ornaments were short of the star. I had done 5 in mettalic thread, but not the gold ones for the sets, so I have done them. I have put a set of the 10 small ones into the machine, so I can check I have the full set for the envelopes. I managed to pick up 40 cello envelopes from the craft shop in town. I have seen a small tree made from a painted white branch, I think it will look better than a Christmas tree, easier to see whats on it, so thats on my 'wants' list.

Supper tonight is roast pork and veggies, raspberry sponge for dessert.

Saturday, March 25, 2023


DB has an appointment at the dentist this morning, its his annual one., so a visit to town this morning. I also need to go into QD and get the loo paper if they have any left.

The gardener came yesterday and we got several plants out and potted up including 2 camellias. There are just a few more bits to come out and then the chaps can get on with the job when they  come next week.

I have started sorting out the ornaments I have made, they will be soaked today and let to dry, then I can match them up in bags of 5.

Supper tonight will be ADB.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Garden day

Our gardener was not well last week, I hope he is feeling better this week, he is due today. We need to start lifting plants I want to save, the garden work is due to start next Saturday. We put stakes in by most of the plants, but I guess one or two more may well have started sprouting by now.

L went home happy with her book mark. E phoned yesterday, the mats had arrived with her friend, she is delighted with them (phew) so I should be getting some welcome cash next week. E asked me to make a navy book mark for another friend who has a birthday, so will try and get to that either today or tomorrow. I am still floating off the stabiliser from the ornaments I made earlier. I must make myself do it when I have finished a set rather than leave them for later.

The sun is shining but there is a brisk breeze. The decorator from the council is in the bungalow opposite, so I guess we will be getting a new neighbour soon.

Tonight is fish and chip night, so an easy supper.

The garden this afternoon before we started taking plants out and potting them up.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


L from the coffee morning came to see how I made the bookmarks, I set the machine for her to make it. 25 minutes later it was finished. soaked off and folded into an old flannel to dry off. I have a feeling she may well decide to but an sewing/embroidery machine. We will see.

Its a very bright morning but with quite a breeze, a good drying morning, but nothing to hang out. DB has been out to the shed to sow some seeds.

He went to the hospital falls clinic yesterday, he is going to get some exercises to do at home. He managed to have two vacant spells whilst we were there and then last night complained about chest pains. I put it down to the stress from yesterday, he is fine this morning.

Chicken with rice for supper tonight, I have to prepare and cook the chicken, will do it whilst DB has his siesta. We have a Morrison delivery coming this afternoon.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


however the forecast is for high winds this afternoon.

Yesterdays visit was a short one. We went into QD on the way and got snaffled buying a large terracotta pot for the cherry tree, reduced from £100 to $49. 

B was ok, she had been back in hospital again overnight. The home she was in did not order the medication she had been given in hospital, so her legs started to fill up with water again. The Dr at the hospital was annoyed to say the least.

DB has an appointment at the falls clinic this morning. He has not fallen for a while, but the Dr insisted. I will have to go in with him, he will not remember what he is told. I also need to put petrol in the car, its down to half full.

No idea whats for supper, will have to look at the menu and see.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


We are going to see the neighbour who lived in the close this morning. She has been in hospital again with her legs. I also need a quick visit to Lidl for some posh biscuits, have someone coming for coffee on Thursday. She wants to see how I make the bookmarks. I have found a supplier of cello bags 200 assorted sizes for £15. I will be sending for some a bit later. Things I cleaned off are now bagged up. I have quite a few FSL tree ornaments to soak and dry, will do some after supper tonight and leave them in the kitchen overnight to dry.

We had several showers yesterday and it looks like it might be the same today. It was very bright when I woke up, but grey clouds are scudding over.

I managed to get some pigs liver from Morrison, so we are having liver, bacon and onion tonight with mash and veggies. There will be some liver to freeze once its been cooked, possibly enough for another teo suppers, either with bacon or sausage.

Monday, March 20, 2023


 wash day comes around with amazing regularity. Its wet outside so it will be dryer time again.

I started yesterday sorting out  the things that are finished and needed cleaning off. I have quite a few FSL ornaments to do, I am going to package them 4 @ £2.50 for the white and red ones, the gold ones will be £3. 50 for 2. I found a sheet of small labels I can use to price stuff up.

DB has to see the nurse with his wrist this morning, there is more skin forming and dead skin sloughing off, so far it has not become infected. I am hoping it stays that way!!

I am getting geared up to start sewing again, this time a hexagonal mat with Christmas fabric.........

Supper tonight, cold pork, jacket potato, tomato and celery salad. I migh do a sponge pussing, we have a bit of clotted cream left from the scones, we can use it up on the sponge.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Mothering Sunday

 Today is Mother's Day. Emails from both DD's. Flowers from one and a Cornish cream tea box from the other. We had scones etc yesterday and there is enough for today.

I have sliced the pork I cooked yesterday, some for supper, the rest is in the freezer. I  really hate the slicer I bought, you cannot get the tray off to clean it, and unless the tray is half up, you cannot get the blade back in. I have sent emails both to Amazon and the makers. Why am I surprised neither has replied?

Nice sunny morning but DB says its quite colds still.

So roast pork and veggies for supper. Not sure if we are having a dessert.

Saturday, March 18, 2023


I really should pace myself reading, I was deeply immerced in a book last night, did not put the light out intil after 1am!! So we were late getting up again, a swift shower and breakfast.

Its Mothers Day here tomorrow, a bouquest of flowers arrived this morning form DD1. DD2 has put sometning in the post so I guess it will come later. Its a bit of a dull morning, we did have a shower of rain earlier.

I have a piece of pork in the oven, will slice it tomorrow when its cold and we will have some for supper tomorrow night.

I am really off sewing just now, need to get myself back into gear, I have been looking for cello bags to put the book marks in. Wish I could get them locally, the postage is horrendous. There used to be a place in Melton, they have moved and I have no idea where they are now.

The gardeners contacted me yesterday, they are working 2 weeks behind so they will start work 2 weeks today. It gives us longer to get out the plants I want to keep. The comppost arrived yesterday along with the two pots I bought, we ordered a small cherry tree for one of them. It will be here next week. I need to get some John Innes no 3 compost for it. We also need a tree tie, so I guess a visit to the big garden centre will be in order before long, it will count as one of our 'days out.'

Supper tonight is ADB again.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Late posting again today

Time got away from me somehow.

The gardener came this acternoon and I sent him home, he has a really bad cough. We had a message from the company who are doing the garden to say that they were working behind, so thats fine, it give us a bit longer to get out the plants we want to save.

I have changed DB's dressing each night, the top skin is gradually slophing off and there are signs of granulation underneath. The Dr said he would not prescribe anti b's. DB is allergic to so many, he wants to wait and see if the wound became infected. So far its ok.

Nice sunny day, quite warm as well, its ok out of the wind.

Fish and chips tonight for supper. might just have ice cream for dessert.

Thursday, March 16, 2023


This morning DB decided to stay at home, we were expecting a delivery, which, of course, did not come. I tootles over to Bingham to do my shopping, called at the shop on the way home to get the TV choice. So shopping put away and supper prepped. We are having salad.

We have just been out and put stakes in where there are shrubs to be lifted and also bulbs dug out, I have ot heard from them so can only assume they are behind due to the weather.

Its still rather cold and it started raining when we were out in the garden, it seems to be blowing away.

No sewing done, the mats have gone off, so just waiting for payment. I have given up with the book covers, I need to look for a different pattern. Will be starting on some of the Christmas stuff, have a pattern for a hexagonal table mat, made in the hoop; using strips of fabric.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Coffee Morning

at the little chapel. I have the mats and also the small TV in a bag to go round.

DB's blood test went off OK.

We had several hail/sleet showers yesterday , bright sunshine in between.

I had to redress DB's wrist yesterday. l guess it will continue to leak until the skin has granulated and sealed it again. He has to go once a week until its healed.

I have given up with the book covers, they are just too small looking for something to take their place.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Another visit to the Doctors surgery

 Yesterday DB had his dressing changed, the nurse also cut away dead skin. I have changed it again today. This morning I took him to get a blood test, and then went on to the garden centre to order compost and also bought two tubs. Colin will deliver the stuff later today. We treated ourselves to scrambled egg on toast, yummy.

We came home in a sleet shower, I had left washing out so it was a quick dash to bring it in, it was almost dry, so a quick blast in the dryer.

I made another book cover, not making any more, when they are finished they are too small. It was a huge effort to fore ce book in. I need to find a different pattern.

Belly pork casserole and rice for supper tonight.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

No snow,

 weak sun and bitter wind this morning. We had a very disturbed night so slept in this morning.

I have prepped the veg for supper, DB is busy emptying the bins. The sewing room ones were both full.

As requested the 6 mats. 2 blue and silver, 2 grey and silver 2 green and silver. The colour on the green ones looks yellow. I was stood on a chair so you can see the edge of the ironing board and the carpet, sorry.

We are having pork for supper tonight.


Saturday, March 11, 2023


Yesterday I finished the final mat of the 6 I was asked to make. They just need cleaning off and they are ready to go.

Yesterday afternoon I took DB to have his dressing changed, there was more gunk came out of it, but more liquid that before, he has an appointment for Monday to get it dressed again. They gave me some dressings and also gauze if I need to do it inbetween.

We had snow all morning, but by lunchtime it was clearing and by the time we went out the car and the roads were clear. It was cold overnight, but no more snow as yet.

I have cut out fabric for a book cover, I will have a go at that a bit later.

ADB for supper this evening. No dessert.

Friday, March 10, 2023


It snowed on and off for most of yesterday and again overnight. There are problems all around Leicestershire, with lorries etc causing blockages and hill roads very slippy. DB has an appointment to see the nurse this afternoon, not sure whether to cancel the appointment or not. I am not keen on driving in snow or ice.

I have the washer on washing towels, they will have to go in the dryer, no way will they be hung out.

I have almost finished the last mat, just the centre to do and then clean them off and they can go to the coffee morning on Wednesday ready to go off.

Supper tonight is fish and chips. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023


did manage to get to see the ANP at the surgery, as soon as she took the dressing off, the gunk started to leak out. It was synovial fluid. She managed to squeeze most of it out and put a dressing on, we have to make sure it does not get infected. He has to go tomorrow to get it re-dressed.

We had a fall of snow last night, it settled on the cars but not on the road, its snowing again on and off now, but  again not settling, just melting n the wet road.

The carpet chaps were here just after 12 noon and away before DB needed to go for his siesta. I was going to sew, but changed my mind, I set to and washed all the crystal and put it back on the dresser, along with DB's trophies etc. It looks less cluttered now I have moved the big bowl of lavender off it. Long may it stay that way!!

I have prepped supper, sausage casserole with veggies. I am off to start sewing shortly.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Two weeks agl a doctor told me DB's ganglion would not burst.........well this morning it did!! I have phoned the surgery, although what they can do remains to be seen. Unlike when his vein burst, the stuff coming out is jelly like. I have dressed it with a lint pad and he has a protective 'sleeve' on it.

Had a call yesterday to say the carpet fitter would be here at lunch time rather than late afternoon, I will be glad to get the hall back to 'normal'. There are changes coming, we are going to go in and out via the back door. Shoes will be taken off if someone comes in the front door!! I do not intend to change the carpet again.

I did manage to finish one mat yesterday, will start the second one today I just need to clean them off then and they are ready to go. I sorted a container out to put the fabric I am using in, rather then have it in a heap on the back of my cutting table.

Supper tonight is fritatta and salad.

So not easy to see but new carpet fitted. I now need to wash and sort the glass wear and put the stuff back on the dresser.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

No snow

 we were forecast snow overnight, there is none, but thats not unusual. We are  in a valley surrounded by hills, the snow often gets dumped on the high ground and not on us. Its still very cold though, down to 1c.

I managed to get up as usual this morning. The decorator is coming to ease the door in the back bedroom and I want to start sewing again. I ordered some christmas fabric and 6 A4 note books yesterday. Need to keep an eye on what I spend, my pocket  money is £60. Must try and not go over it this month.

Spag bol for supper tonight, I have garlic bread so that will go down very nicely thnak you.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Very tardy

this morning. I was woken by DB at 9.20. I obviously went back to sleep after I had taken my osteo tablet. I got my breakfast in bed. Have just had a shower and got dressed. The laundry is in.

I plan to start sewing the mats agin, I have had a sort out in the sewing room and have found two small boxes I can use. One to store fabric I am working on and the other for finished items waiting for cleaning off and bagging.

We do not have any snow as yet, apparently, it is the  north east of the country that is going to get the worst

I cleaned the hall chest on Saturday, it has clened up ok, except there is a patch on one corner which seems to have lost its colour. I need to see if I can get a restorative wax to try and bring it back.

I will take the rest of the chicken off the bone aand we will have it with salad tonight. According to the papers salad, tomatoes etc are in very short supply. When I was a child we never had salad in the winter, it was always  served in summer. I think we need to go back to seasonal food. A lot of our salad is grown in Spain, they had the drought worse than we did last year and it has affected supply of both salad and fruit.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Another late morning

We had our usual Sunday morning breakfast, made it up about 10.30. Have prepped the veg etc for tonights supper.

Yesterday afternnon I had a go at cleaning the hall dresser, I was astounded how much muck the cleaner fetched off. I now need to find a polish that will restore the colour to one corner, something has been put on it that has taken the colour out.

Its a fine day, but rather cold, not so much wind today. The forecast is for snow from tomorrow onwards. Good job I have enough in to keep us going till it clears.

I packed up all the glass wear from the shelves in the hall, now I cannot find it, typical!! will come across it when I am not looking. Need to decide which bits to recycle via the charity shop.

I did manage to have a bit of a clear up in the sewing room, thanks to my shifting stuff to the charity shop, I do have some shelf room in the cupboard I keep the sheets etc in, I also found a bag to keep the santa etc in util I need them again. I am just going to make one Santa and one Mrs Claus for the stall, at £30 and £35 respectively I am not ecpecting to sell more than that. If anyone else wants one, they will be made to order and have to pay a deposit.

I need to sort out fabric for a couple of the table runners I made last year and will maybe do one or two candle mats. I need to get more notebooks and make the covers. I already have quite a few fs lace ornaments plus santa and snow men coasters. I need to have a session cleaning the stabiliser off them.

So roast chicken and veggies, chocolate mousse for dessert for supper tonight.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Must be tired

Its was 9am before my eyelids opened, so we had a late start. Have made up for it since. Belly pork casserole in the ninja, and bread sliced,  so now its time for a cuppa.

Stuff came yesterday for the chest in the hall, will have a go with it shortly. It will have to be moved again on Wednesday when they come to lay the carpet. No sewing until Monday, although I have cut out the bits for the part of the mat I mucked up. I want to get them out of the way so I can start on something else.

We are forecast snow net week, wonderful.

Supper tonight pork casserole and rice. Chocolate mousse for dessert.

Friday, March 3, 2023


for the carpet next week. The decorator fininsh at lunchtime and went on to his next job, he was back at 6.30 to sort out our bedroom door which would not close......all done now.

Cleaner is due this morning, I need to get into the sewing room and sort it out now too. Then on Monday I will get on and finish the mats so they can go off. The stuff I have ordered for the hall dresser is due for delivery today, will have a go with that over the weekend and then sort out what is going back on it.

Another bad night last night, neither of us could sleep, so ended up making tea ay midnight. I am a bit hors de combat this morning, I must have eaten something my stomach did not like. 

Its very dark and dank this morning. We are forecast snow next week.....brrrrr..... mind you it has not been a bad winter so far, and to be honest I do remember it snowing in June once!!

Usual supper tonight, fish and chips, not sure about dessert, possibly raspberry trife for DB, I might just skip dessert.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Almost done

Decorator is on the last leg, painting the doors, its all looking very smart, he should be finished early this afternoon. I have ordered some special polish for the pine chest and wall shelves, We have had the chest 8 years so it could do with a bit of TLC. The wall unit we bought years ago.

The chiropodist came this morning, so feet all nice and comfy for another few weeks.

Its a cold day, the sun had tried to shne but given up the ghost......

Supper tonight is corned beef salad, I will use the left over corned beef to make stovies for DB. He loves them. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Pinch 'an a punch

its the 1st of March, freezing cold and raining!!

It was the coffee morning round at the little chapel, the usual culprits there, we had quite a laugh one way or another.

For the beginning of March it is very cold, there has been quite heavy showers of rain during the morning, we have gone from drought to waterlogged gardens.

The fabric I was waiting for had been delivered to the wrong address, so I can get on with the mats once Paul has finished and I can get into the sewing room, I covered everything up so the dust should not be too bad.

The walls and ceiling have been done, so do not know if Paul is going to start on the doors, they are going to take hime the longest to do, all 8 of them. He should finish tomorrow.

Supper tonight is egg and chips and chocolate pudding with any cream thats left.