Saturday, October 31, 2020

Still incarcerated

DB has been moved from CCU to a ward, no idea, when or if he is going to LRI. At least he has a phone so can ring me. I had just got out the shower this morning when he rang. He had another bad fall yesterday, had to go for a scan to see if he had broken anything. It appears not although we await confirmation. He is getting a bit depressed, he says he keeps crying, its frustration more than anything else!!

I had a bad night, was reading and drinking tea at 3am, so did not get out of bed until 9.30, just had a shower when the phone rang....the morning report.

Have a mixed load in the washer and then the towels to do, they will have to go in the dryer, its hissing it down, very grey and overcast.

No real plans for the day, I am trying to get as much rest as I can just now, it will be full on for a few weeks once DB comes home.

I do have a sewing job to do my friends zip has given up on her dressing gown, so I have sent for a new zip, hopefully it may come Monday.

Problem with the TV there is a fine line across it and the bottom of the picture keeps going fuzzy. Need to try and get someone to see to it for me. It looks like we may be going into another lock down, I could really do with doing something before that happens. Fortunately I have enough food in the cupboards and freezer and Sainsbury will, I hope, still deliver. its fresh fruit and some veg I will need.

Supper tonight will be all day breakfast I have 2 links of sausage to use up as well as bacon and tomato. No egg, I had egg yesterday.

Update: After talking with a techie the TV has had it. Disappointed we had not had it that long, but a repair would be more than the TV was worth. Ordered a new one coming on Tuesday, will then have to get rid of the old one.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Toys out the pram

 Apparently DB threw his toys out the pram yesterday, he had a massive blow out when things were said!!! So a Doctor spent an hour with him talking over what was going to happen. Apparently he is to get a CT scan and will then go to a medical ward at LRI.

I must admit I was surprised, he usually keeps blow out to home, however I think they have got the message that things need to be sorted, neither of us have any real quality of life with things hanging over us as they are.

I had my curry last night, half cold, as I was talking to DB on the phone......Paid for it this morning.........I have to nip to Asfordby to collect the embroidery I left to be framed. Then it can go off sometime during November.

I received a copy of the Strawbridges new book yesterday, it makes interesting reading, refreshing what when on during the first year they were in the Chateau. Fortunately for them, living in France for 5+ years, they should not be too badly affected by Brexit.

Booked a grocery slot for Sainsbugs for 9th Nov. by then I should have used up some of the stuff in the freezer. I will have soup at lunchtime, not sure about tonight, doubt it will be fish and chips, might be eggs on toast with jelly to follow.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Not Good

 Yesterday DB was moved to another ward, just after he had spoken to me he went into VF rather than AF, so he has been moved to CCU where he can be monitored better. I did speak to him just after 9pm but he was very shaken up.

I have been to Aldi this morning, so was not expecting him to ring, if I have not heard by lunch time I will ring the ward. They do not have phones there as they do on CDU, so he has to borrow the phone from the desk.

Shopping completed and put away, I treated myself to a chicken Korma for supper tonight......I can only have curry when DB is not here, he cannot stand the smell. I also picked up some baby stuff from DD2's. she has had a new front and back door, they have managed to dead lock the front door from the outside, so she can only get in through the back door. Waiting for the fitters to come and look at it.

Will be putting my feet up this afternoon and reading.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Still there

 DB phoned last night, they are waiting for a bed for him at LRI, I have to nip out this morning, so told him to ring and leave a message if I did not answer the phone.

Chap coming this morning with a letter from the council, the plans for the kitchen and back bedroom have been approved, so we can get the work done........

Not a vast amount done yesterday, I did manage to clean the bedroom and sitting room, but then there is only me here just now and its not getting so untidy as when DB is here.

Soup for lunch, no idea about supper will see what I fancy, might have a ready meal.........

update: DB has been moved to a different ward in the same hospital, the unit he was in is a diagnostic unit and they needed his bed for someone else, so he was moved, they are still waiting for a bed at LRI to become available.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

At Last

 After extensive tests they have come to the conclusion that DB's fainting attacks are neurological, so after a CT scan he is being transferred the Leicester Royal. What have I been telling them for more than 2 years???? I knew they were not connected to his heart, but would anyone listen? No!!! He only gets them when he is anxious about something, which is when he is in hospital and does not know whats going on. He very rarely gets them at sure if he is being transferred or sent home and seen as an outpatient.

I had to dry the laundry inside, we kept getting rain showers, so in the dryer it went. I also gave the wet room etc a once over including the floor, was crackered after that, had to have a sit down. 

Spent the rest of the day either reading or watching TV. I cooked the veg from Sunday, and had some of the roast lamb. some in the fridge and some awaiting me putting the electric pressure cooker on to make scotch broth. Soaked the soup mix over night.

The car is going in for service today, they will collect it this morning and return it after I have paid the bill.......I am also expecting the delivery of the long awaited hooping stations due after 10.30 this morning. Soup for lunch.

Expecting a call from DB sometime this morning after he has seen the Drs.

Supper tonight will be egg and chips and some of the rasps in jelly.

What's in a big box like this??

At last !!! the hooping stations. Hooray.

I just need to put them together and start using them. All the way from Aus via manufacture in |China.

Update, just heard from DB he is waiting for a bed at LRI......


Monday, October 26, 2020

Another day, another dollar

 DB is back in hospital, with very firm instructions to make it plain we need to have a resolution, I am fast loosing the plot, he has been in and out of hospital more than a fiddlers elbow!! I had a call from the Dr last night, they are going to do more tests to try and find out what is causing his blackouts, its not his heart. He had 4 after he got into the hospital.

I had a reasonable night, put the light out at 12.30pm, woke for the loo and than woke at 7.40, tablet time, the weekly it was 8.45 before I got my breakfast.

Washer is on, not so much to wash as DB is not here and also no whites, he has started wearing a vest, so once evry 2 weeks I get a full white wash done.

Wet room and loo to be cleaned shortly. DB will ring when he has seen the consultant.

I did cook the supper, but put half the veg in water in the fridge, will may be cook them tonight and have them with some cold lamb. Enough jelly to keeo me going for almost a week!!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Good Morning..............

 Its a bright and sunny one here. Yesterday the wind ramped up, trees were going every which way and it looks like most of the leaves are off. It has dropped this morning and it looks like being a reasonable day.

Our usual Sunday breakfast, both of us slept well, unbroken sleep for DB, I was awake for a few minutes around 4.30am.

Lamb prepped for supper, no red wine, so garlic and rosemary today. Veggies also done, have not made my mind up about a dessert, might not bother, although I could do rasps in jelly, we do have some cream.

I sewed out another doily yesterday, took a lot longer than the first one, as I had to slow the machine down, there was a little hiccup when the bottom thread ran out, but soon fixed. 

DB continues to sort out the shed in 30 minute bursts. After our neighbour next door died last year, we removed a lot of stuff from her  garden at her families request. DB has sorted through it and put quite a a bit to recycle and some on freecycle.

Our plans re the garden have changed, we have bought the heavy top dressing which suppresses weeds, DB was concerned that if all the plants got taken out from the big border it would be a waste, they had been built up over the past 5 1/2 years, so...........some plants will come out and be potted, mainly the hostas, to keep the snails etc off, the pots can then be stood in the beds during the summer. The very tall lily needs to go into a bigger, heavier pot which will be done shortly. they too can be moved into the bed for the summer. The top dressing we have bought is strulch.......we did have some last year and it did work quite well although it was not put on deep enough to really suppress the weed growth. fingers crossed we do not get an early frost. The ground is very wet just now, but I do need to get on it. 30 minutes bursts......with a chair handy to sit on. I will also need to get some more potting compost, we can get that delivered locally.

So supper tonight is roast lamb, roast spuds, carrot, cauli and calabrese. Raspberry jelly for dessert.

AArrggg DB has just come in he has AF again...........what happens when you cannot get a call to a Dr till Monday????

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Yum Yum

 So yesterday we were invited to grandsons for a late lunch, 5 of us in total, the baby does not count, and social distancing.

On the way in I filled up the  car with diesel.

DD2 was at GS's she is on holiday so was spending some time with little miss.

Lovely lunch cream cheese and smoked salmon canapes, braised steak, dauphinoise potato's cauliflower cheese, beans and calabrese with bacon, followed by pavolva with summer fruits. Washed down with cups of tea. We did not need anything else to eat last night!!

It was a fine morning but the wind is gusting very strongly, we have also has a shower of rain.

R has been and sorted the cupboard for me, so my threads are all in one place along with the bits for the embroidery machine.

I am working on another lace mat. slowed the machine down it will take just over an hour and a half.

Supper tonight all day breakfast.......

A more complicated lace mat, took 107 minutes to sew.

Thread storage etc now up, bottom two drawers have the bits for the machine in, each shelf holds 3 thread containers, room for 4 more containers, as my thread collection grows.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Its Friday

At 7.30am British time, 8.30am French  time we looked at the photographs we took in France all those years ago and our thoughts were with Jo at this difficult time. Dave did not want a funeral as such, he was just cremated, no one there was at his request.

We had a bad night, its was after 2am again before we went to sleep, so a very slow start to the morning. A phone call from R he is coming in the morning to finish putting together the cube. I forgot to ask him if he had the straps, so will have to send him an email.

I finished the snowflakes yesterday, I spent ages this morning putting invisible thread through the holes to hang them up, it does help if you are in a reasonable light!!

I wanted to use the invisible thread so they look as if they are just dangling in the air and are free to turn.

I will be doing another of the mats on organza over the weekend, this one is oval.

No fish and chips tonight, braised beef instead.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

So sad

 This lunchtime I received a message from our friend Jo in the south of France to tell us that her husband Dave had passed away.

I first came across them when posting in Living France magazine forums. She and Dave had bought an old mill, the mill itself was derelict, but the attached barn was in fair condition. They travelled down for a number of years on holiday doing various jobs whilst they were there, even spent Christmas there one year. Conditions were spartan although they improved after they bought an old land Rover and took down a cast iron Rayburn cooker in various bits. Dave used the land rover when later they put up the joists for the bedroom floor. The joists were loaded onto the roof of the land rover and driven into the barn, they were then hoisted into place by Dave and a friend on two step ladders. Dave made fantastic french doors, 3 sets that were in the sitting room and replaced windows as well.

We visited them in 2008, we had been on holiday in Vias Plage and Jo invited us to stay a night. There were such friendly people, we went out to lunch with them and some friends, and spent the evening talking.......we intended to return for a longer stay, but Edwins health began to break down and we were not able to see them again, although we kept in touch.

3 years ago Jo mailed me that Dave had leukemia and was very ill. He was put on a very new drug and although he never really recovered he was able to resume life again.

We are so sad that another friend has passed away and wonder what Jo will do now. I have written to her.

Dave, myself and Jo in the sitting room just before we left to start our journey home.

The mill, as you can see the roof of the mill itself has fallen in, however the sloping roof to the right covers the barn which they had renovated when we were there. The mill was in a deep valley, the mill stream flowed through the grounds, and Dave blocked if off behind the house to form a natural swimming pool with  a diversion if there was heavy rain and the water rose. In the winter they were often cut off by heavy snowdrifts. 

A sunny morning but cold

A better morning than yesterday.

I managed to finish all but one of the tree ornaments, off shortly to finish that one and cut them out. I did have an issue with the machine so had to do the 5th one twice, got a rough bit of thread which mucked the whole thing up. Will have to give the machine a clean up after I have finished sewing today.

Guess DB will be in the shed for half an hour this morning, he has not finished sorting it out. We do have a nice clear coal house though, not that it will stay that way for long!!

Morrison delivery came last night, no will have to source some from somewhere, possibly a quick trip to Aldi. I have to go into town to fill the car up at Tesco.

Frittata and salad for supper tonight. WE are on the no dessert route again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Its raining, so the forecast was right.

Hooray for a better nights sleep, although I did not expect it, have another infection...getting very fed up, its less than a month from the last one.

Nipped to the Drs after a telephone call then went on to the post office to get DB's TV choice.

Managed to get 2 snowflakes done yesterday, one more done this morning, want to try and get 2 more done today, leaves me just one to do tomorrow.

Sausage, mash and beans for supper, we are going to have to eat early, Morrison delivery coming between 6 - 7pm.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

And again

Another load in the washer, clothes this time, its fine and quite a breeze, so it should dry.

Last night I decided to load some freestanding lace ornaments onto a USB stick, when I put them into the machine, the trouble started, it did everything but load them, tried on two other sticks, same result, so gave up, this morning have used a different USB and it has loaded and is sewing!!

WFF due to deliver today, so we will be having 2 of them tonight, I am still feeling a bit peely wally. 3 bad nights on the trot, will have to do something about it it it continues.

Thats it for now folks...........


Monday, October 19, 2020

Wash day

 Bed stripped and in the washer. I cleaned the bathroom after I had my shower, just have to remake the bed and clean the bedroom, thats housework finished for today!!

We had a very slow day yesterday after 2 bad nights, pleased to say last night was better for DB at took me a while to get off.

Meters read, the main internet site for our suppliers is having problems, so another week I cannot put in the readings, the bill which came through last week was under £100 with over £100 carried forward, so that will go towards the winter bill. The heating is on already, it comes on first thing and when the temperature in the house goes off it shuts down until the evening. We wear jumpers if we feel chilly.

Little miss apparently had a very good birthday.......lots of presents and a lovely cake. It was 30 years yesterday since we walked away from unhappy marriages and into the sunset.........

We were supposed to be having a frugal October, just buying what food we needed, not quite sure what happened but it has been put back to next month!!DB wants me to order some Wiltshire farm foods meals for the freezer, so thats another £30+ out of the budget. I have to admit they are good and it means I can have a night off from cooking. I really should keep several of them in the freezer all the time, just never know what might be in the future for us.

Tonights supper will be chicken and bacon pasta in cream cheese sauce, we will finish off the Christmas pudding.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Its becoming a habit

Not getting to sleep, it was 1.30 again before the light went out, so a very late start this morning, so supper will be high tea today.

Grey morning, but no rain. DB has been out and planted up some onions into pots for our cleaner when she comes back in a couple of weeks I hope.

I tried to put the cube from Ikea together, but my hands are just not strong enough, so R has said he will come one day in the week and do it, either in the garden or the shed, depends if its raining!! 

DB has had a rethink about the herbaceous border, so its not coming out after all, we are going to get someone to come once a fortnight in the summer to do the weeding if we cannot do it ourselves. We bought 4 bags of strulch to put down over the bed to stop the weeds coming through. we have used it before and it does what it says on the bag!! I do need to sort out the pots though, I want to repot the lily into a bigger pot. I also need to go over the pots we have and sort out what's what.

I really like the lace mat I made, there is another one slightly different, will see how much it is and may be do another one.

High tea will be pork steaks, roasted spuds, calabrese and cauliflower. I was going to do the rest of the Christmas pudding, but think I might leave it till tomorrow.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Another rainy day

Wet again this morning. We had a bad night last night, both reading at 2am, so a late start.

Yesterday we had a trip out to take the embroidery to the framers, it will be ready in a couple of weeks, so then it an be packed up and sent off.

I have had a message from Ikea, the unit I ordered is coming today, they had told me it would be Monday, so something for me to sort out, our travelling pastor friend put the original one together, will see how I get on with it.

Nothing much else going on, beef and bean casserole for supper tonight. Last night I reheated a Christmas pudding I have had in the pantry for more than 12 months, we will finish it off tonight with some custard.

Have carefully cut round the edge of the lace, have not washed the  stabilizer out yet.

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Friday again and wet, its also quite cold, glad the heating kicked in.

Feeling a bit better but very tired, had a job to get out of bed this morning.

To clear up any questions re my cleaner. The village she lives in is in Nottinghamshire, as is her mother. We are in Leicestershire, so she cannot travel between the two counties, Nottinghamshire is in a higher group than Leicestershire although parts of the city of Leicester is still in a higher group. So for the time being I have laid her off, having gone this long we just do not want to risk getting covoid.

The surveyor came yesterday to look at the work the roofers did not do on Tuesday, he took pictures and is going to re schedule the work, he also took pictures of the two projects I have asked for permission to carry out, ie boxing in the dryer and putting shelves up in the back bedroom. He emailed after he got back to the office, so I have sent him a copy of the letter I sent to the council.

No gardening today for DB. I want to go and check out a picture framer in Asfordby, so we may well do that this morning.

Fish and chips yet no dessert

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Phew...... thats better

Yesterday was not a good day, after a bad night with stomach ache, I had a very quiet day. Two meals just toast and frittata for supper and things are a lot better this morning. At least I have managed to get dressed and had some breakfast.

I have towels in the washer. Hopefully they will dry on the line.

We are waiting for a surveyor to come from the council to look at the eves of the bungalow. We asked back in December last year for them to sort out the cement under the tiles on the eves, two workmen rocked up on Tuesday, did a small repair on one side and cleared off, so yesterday DB rang the council and complained, they had not touched the side which suffers worst from the weather and which the council surveyor had previously said needed raking out and replacing. Hence another visit from the surveyor. I am also waiting for permission to sort out boxing in the dryer and two shelves in the bedroom.

I did not go to Aldi yesterday, it will have to wait a couple of weeks now and I will go then. Fingers crossed we are not in a lockdown by then. 

We had clarification yesterday that the cleaner cannot travel into Leicestershire to clean, Nottinghamshire is in the band above Leicestershire, there is no travel between the two.

Supper tonight will be Spag bol and garlic bread, there is still some crumble left, so that will be finished off.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Peely Wally

Not feeling 100% this morning still in jimjams, very little sleep last night. Trip to Aldi cancelled.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New Instructions

Hey ho here we go again.  Back to doing the cleaning myself for the next few cleaner lives just over the border in Nottinghamshire, her mother lives in Nottingham and W goes each week to do her cleaning. Having had a discussion with DB last night I have decided to lay her off to the end of the month. So its back to the same old routine. I have my own opinions why I believe we are in this situation..........

Its a better morning, although its due to rain at some point. DB will be out in the garden for a while, he is spreading manure on the beds ready to put in the onions and garlic.

I may tackle cutting the organza off the backing and soaking it, will see how the morning goes.

Spag bol tonight with garlic bread, I also need to sort the freezer and make room for the meat etc I will be getting from Aldi, I need at least 2 drawers almost empty.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Another Manic Monday

Not really, it was cleaner day, so we moved round from room to room as needed. DB spent some time in the garden. I put a load of laundry in and ended up putting it in the dryer, it started to rain.

Yesterdays sew out was greatly admired, questions asked and answered. I have to say my machine seemed to have benefited from her break not a problem in the whole sew out. I have to cut round it and soak the wss off the back.

Another grey day, rain is forecast for most of the week.

Supper tonight is the last of the garlic buttered chicken from last night, have made a calabrese and cauliflower gratin and will do jacket potato's with it. There are some poached pears left for dessert.

Lace doily worked on organza with a wash away stabilizer, I have to trim it up and finish it off now. It occurred to me that it would look very pretty if several were embroidered on a bridal veil.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

At last

some sun, although its cool in the shade, DB did manage half an hour in the garden this morning whilst I prepped the veg for supper, I also peeled and stewed the pears, they will do for dessert tonight and tomorrow possibly.

The organza I ordered came yesterday, so I can look at starting my next project, fingers crossed it works ok, its the first time I have used organza to embroider on, watch this space.

Really pleased, it sewed out so well, and no problems, the machine must be feeling well after her long break!! 

Cleaner here tomorrow morning, and as usual a load of laundry, its also horrid meds morning........I have to wake extra early now I have to take a slow release antacid capsule at least 30 minutes before the medication for my osteoporosis. I then have to wait an hour, sitting up before I can eat........makes for either a very early morning or a very late breakfast.

Neighbour came round yesterday to offer to shop at Aldi for me. I had put a message on about shopping in Aldi, crowds etc, it was very kind of him. I am thinking of going on Thursday and getting as much as I can, just in case we are made to shield again. There are things I like from Aldi which I cannot get at either Sainsbury or Morrison, so a bit of a stock up on these will be good.

Supper tonight is roast chicken with butter and garlic, roast spuds, cauliflower and calabrese, with the poached pears to follow.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

No let up in the weather

 Another very grey morning, it was bright when we got up, but the rain has decended again, so no gardening for DB today. He did get half an hour yesterday on the front, but had to come in again when it started to rain. However it did clear a bit in the afternoon.

I am getting very short of things to blog about, I hope you will excuse me if I miss a couple of days here and there. Nothing is happening and it looks like we are in for another lockdown until April again.......

I made a pot of leek and lentil soup yesterday, some for lunch today and tomorrow the rest in the freezer for later. It was yummy, always tastes better if its left to stand for 24 hours in the fridge.

I have taken gammon steaks out of the freezer for supper tonight. Home grown tomato's, egg and fried bread.........

Friday, October 9, 2020

Oh dear another grey day

Winter is not here yet, we are still in autumn, but the days are so grey, its very depressing, we have 3 more weeks before the clocks go back.

DB tells me its to rain again, so no gardening.

I am seriously considering going into Aldi in Melton and stocking up on the things we like from there.......a rather long shopping list will be needed I think, and the freezer needs to be a bit emptier than it is just now.

Apart from may be starting a shopping list not much going on here right now, we seem to be spending a lot of time reading, the TV is pretty dire just now, we have some programmes that we recorded so watch those if there is nothing we fancy on the TV. Thank goodness for the mobile library and borrow box!! DB plays games on his lap top which keeps him happy too.

Its Friday, so the usual fish and chips for supper, No dessert.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Not a lot going on.....

 We both overslept this morning it was 8.45 when I opened my eyes, so a quicky shuffle round to get breakfast.

Its another very grey day, keeps going darker, we have had some rain but not a lot.

This month was supposed to be a 'no spend' month, I think I forgot to tell DB!! two parcels arrived for him, so it will have to be November instead.

I pressed the embroidery I was working on, just waiting for some fabric, will then decide if I am going to make it into a cushion or frame it. I have found a lace pattern which is embroidered into organza and then cut out, I might have a go at that later.

Liver and bacon casserole for supper tonight. I have 3 pears which grew on our pear tree, I am going to peel and poach them in a white wine and syrup reduction, we will have them for dessert.

My goodness Niblet is growing up fast, he is on holiday with his family.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


60 years ago today my eldest daughter came into the world, a very different world to today. Cloth nappies, hand knitted and sewn layette, in hospital for 10 days, not a foot to the ground unless changing nappies or going to the toilet........ how things have changed since then.

DD is on holiday with her family, so I know she will have a lovely day.

Yesterday was sunshine and showers, I ended up finishing the laundry in the dryer, we just managed to get it in before an absolutely tremendous heavy downpour.

We had a bit of a start to the day yesterday, I noticed that our neighbours curtains were still drawn to at the back of 9am, which was very unusual for her, she is usually up before we are. I decided to ring her son, he phoned back to say that there was no answer and would I let myself in and see what was going on, as he was speaking I saw the curtains in the living room open, so he rang he back. Apparently she had a very bad night and had slept in.....thankfully all was well, phew.

A call from the Dr asking how DB was, he has put the increased dose of medication on repeat, if there are any more problems we are to contact him again, otherwise report to the Doctor when he goes for his OP appointment in December.

Supper tonight is quiche and salad, no dessert.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Grey skies again

 The laundry was still dampish when I fetched it in, I folded it, will iron it this morning and air it, it should be ok to iron without steam. I remember my grandmother insisting that laundry was fetched in whilst it was still slightly damp, she then rolled it up, it was ironed next day. We had one of those irons you plugged into a light socket, so ironing had to be done in daylight. It was a number of years before we got an iron you plugged into an electric socket.

Its a grey morning, DB says it will not rain until lunch time, well I am not risking it, the laundry will go in the dryer in two loads so it does not crease up too much. Most of it will be folded up and put away.

I do not think DB will be out in the garden, he did manage out for about half an hour yesterday. The tiny tomato's have finished, but there are still fruit to ripen on the plum and large round tomato plants.

No idea whats for supper tonight, I have some cod, may do baked cod with mash and peas.

Monday, October 5, 2020


 DB tells me I am going to get the laundry dry on the line.....when we drew back the curtains it was sunny, now its gone cloudy...hey ho!! It will go in the dryer if it rains.

Very lazy day yesterday, spent most of the day reading. Finished the crumble at supper time, so no dessert today. I have some eggs to use up, so will do eggs and wedges tonight.

Sainsbugs delivery tomorrow, 

We are waiting for the chap to come and fix the weather bar on the front door, not sure how cold it is out, but the heating kicked in this morning, need to read the meters as well, it the day for the bill to be calculated. Guess it will be quite expensive this time as the heat has kicked in so the consumption will have gone up.

Chap has just come to the front door, the weather bar is set too high and it needs a new rubber so another visit will be required.

Time to go and sort out the laundry.

Sunday, October 4, 2020


 but for how long is anyone's guess. DB checked the rain gauge, we have had twice as much rain in 2 days than in the whole of September.

Its fine at the moment, but rain is forecast for later.

Usual late Sunday start, no real plans for the day, DB will go out later and see what damage we have had to the tomato's, they will be coming out shortly, a frost will kill them off. I have a couple of bags in the freezer to use in Tomato sauce later in the year.

Several comments on Facebook about yesterdays fiasco at the Drs. it seems those who went early went straight in and out. Several people posted that they had disabled people with them, took one look at the queue and went home. Long Clawson is a small village with a narrow main street and very little parking, apparently at one time the traffic through the village was turning round, the main street was completely blocked. I was lucky and got in the disabled space in the car park........ I think the powers that be need to make different plans incase we are in the same position next year!!

Roast pork and veggies for supper will use up the last of the crumble for dessert.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

We have been to some caotic do's in the past

but todays visit  to the surgery  for flu jabs was one of the worst things I have ever seen, it was a dull wet day, which did not help. The queue was right round the building, and the back of the queue was past those going in to get their jabs.

DB joined the queue, when he got to the surgery I told them that he suffers from vertigo and had been standing for almost half an hour, they took him straight away. I do not have the jab I am allergic to the albumen in the carrier fluid. We were both soaked when we got home, I had to very gingerly back out of the disabled parking space, the car park was overflowing, so two cups of hot chocolate were forthcoming when we got in and took off our wet coats and shoes. I think its time to get my boots out again!!

Its a horrid day, dank over cast and raining, the wind is not too bad but there were a couple of trees down, in the fields, as we went past.

My set of magic markers came this morning, they disappear if they are ironed, will try them on something just in case it reappears as has happened with some of the other gel pens.

Still trying to make my mind up whether to frame the embroidery or put it into a cushion........

Its really a day for a warming stew, but I have eggs that need using up, so bacon frittata for supper. I used the crumble mix that was in the fridge to make a rhubarb and apple crumble, it will do for tomorrows dessert as well.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Yesterday was a nothing day

 and today looks very much like being the same.

Apart from getting meals I spent the day reading, trying to get over the stress of the day before. I was aware that my blood pressure was not excatly low.

DB has been ok, we have not heard from the GP I think he is having a problem getting through to the Doctor he wants to speak to.

It is raining this morning, so no outside work. I just may force myself to go and sort out the border design for the piece I am working on. Once its done it can go to the framers, so a visit into Melton will be required to do that.

I have just found out that my daughter and family are in plans to come home unless they are forced to, so they will be subject to quarantine when they do get back.

Today would have been Nicholas's 50th birthday, he is never far from our thoughts.

Its Friday so our usual fish and chip supper, guess DB will want peas with it. Again no dessert.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Despite increasing the dose of medication, DB,s palps did not stop until 5pm. We are waiting to hear from our GP is he managed to talk to the Drs at Glenfield. DB is ok this morning, but a bit tired.

Its very cold out the heating has come on, so I guess its going to be extra jumpers for a bit. I do not usually put the heating on until the end of October........

The reason I think we may have a hard winter, the cotoneaster is full of berries.

All the plants sheltered at the back of the bungalow.

No gardening for DB today, its too cold.

I am still trying to make my mind up about the embroidered border on the piece of work I did, I need to sort it out, then I can get it framed and sent off out of the way.

Supper tonight is pork casserole and pilau rice, no dessert.