Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Bungalow

now is sparkling outside as well as in. The cleaner did a really good job. It was obvious she was going to go over her 2 hours so I made cheese on toast for lunch. I was invited to inspect the work when she had finished, it looks great now.

I am busy making more stuff for the sale, I now have 10 finished open glasses/mobile case, am on to the closed ones next. 10 small and 10 larger ones, then its coasters. I soaked the stabiliser off the angels with golden wings this morning, they are drying.

Ian came and collected the wood for the bonfire this morning so Ican now tidy up the side of the house where the growhouse is.

Supper tonight Spag bol, no garlic bread DB will have to make do with a skice of bread, to mop up his plate. Enough rasp jelly left for dessert.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Life goes on

Sunny but very cold morning, the cleaner is coming this morning to wash down the windows, doors and surrounds and clean the windows. I have no idea what has happened to our window cleaner, he has not been for months.

Yesterday I decided to increase the number of things I have ready for the stall by making more of what I already have, so spent some time cutting out fabric etc for the open top glasses cases. I have had to order more plain lining fabric, I am making extra of what I have already in the box. Fair is 18th November. I did a very sneaky repair on the table runner, it is stitches on wash away stabilser which goes sticky then you wet it, sprayed the bit and stuck down the fabric, I cannot see where it was, I I will finish that one later and use it myself.

I have two loads of dark laundry today, as winter appraoches DB starts to wear thicker shirts etc as well as vests. It might dry outside but I doubt it so the dryer will be on.

Yesterdays supper was fine, we are having frittata and salad tonight, I am going to do some HM potato salad to have with it. Rasps in jelly for dessert. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunny Sunday

but DB tells me its very cold outside, so I am staying where I am.

Usual Sunday lie in, have prepped the veggies for supper, very unusual for me I have run out of fresh veg, I have some courgette in the freezer which I will do with the roast spuds, the other veg will be carrot and frozen peas.

I have been reading an article about craft fair sales, I was going to do some extra stuff but have changed my mind, will do a few more of what I have for sale.

I had a massive fail yesterday was doing a table runner, freeing the second piece from the hoop I managed to snip into the first piece. I will finish it and use it myself. Wether I do another one really depends on what I decide about the stuff for the stall. I have some more tree decs to float off and bag, I also plan to decorate the white sudeo tree with some of the decs as well.

So roast prok, roast spuds, carrots courgette and peas, with a raspberry jelly to follow.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


or so they tell me, we will see. Yesterday afternoon we were linked into the fibre broadband, so our telephone no longer works, we have to rely on my mobile........there was a long discussion how to get the cable into the house, I refused to move the sitting room round to enable the wire to be brought in next to a double power socket, so they had to sort out a way, eventually they decided to bring it in through the sitting room at the front and run the cable along the skirting board, round the door frame to the double plug in the corner by the fire. They did do a good job and also connected everything up to the new network, including my sewing mchine. The first time anyone rings will be interesting. I have to go through all my contacts and give them the new number.

I spent a couple of hours last night going through the stuff for the sale and pricing it, I have more tree ornaments to price up, so am now sorting through other stuff to sew.  I will get round to Santa on his sleigh eventually, hopefully before Christmas.

This is the order I finished yesterday, its bagged up ready to go to my friend on Wednesday, she will then sent it off.

I was exhausted by bedtime, acutally almost slept the clock round, 10hrs 14 minutes, I did wake briefly to go to the toilet but went straight back to sleep. Thats brought my sleep score up a bit. Its clocks back time, our closkd go back an hour tonight, so an extra hour in bed tomorrow.

A white wash in, am just about to go and cut out the fabric for another celtic runner in red and white. I may well make a few of the quilted bags for the sale, most of the stuff is Christmas stuff so need a bit thats non festive.

Its fine but cold, think there was more rain in the night but the slabs in the garden are dry.

Supper tonight is ADB, chocolate mousse for dessert.

Friday, October 27, 2023


yesterday was a rather frustrating day, one way or another. There was an item on my bank account I could not reconcile, rang the help centre, unable to hear what was being said because of the din in the background and the assistant gabbling along at 100 miles per hour. I was awake in the night and the thought occurred to me that it was the annual payment for our Mossison delivery........checked on the web site......there it was.

I am also having ptoblems getting text messages on my phone, they are not coming through. This means a trip into Leicester to the big Tesco to sort it out.

DB had an appoitment for his insoles so a trip into Melton. I spent a short whhile putting poppers on some of the gift bags, will carry on today. Have soaked the bookmarks, hey are drying out, will use the press to press them flat and then they are ready to go.

Beef casserole for supper finished off the cheese cake. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Yet more rain

T called in yesterday to say that as it was forecast to rain again on Friday, he would come this morning. When we woke up, it was raining!! It appears to have stopped, but its very grey.

I managed to finish off the sewing for the big order, now have to clean it all off and put on poppers where needed, then thats it. I am going to go through the box for the fair and see what else we need, and price whats there ready.

Neighbour called in to see if we needed anything from Morrison, very kind of her. We ended up having tomato pasta and garlic bread for supper, the servings were big so we have saved some to have at lunchtime today, will remember in future to have one between us , maybe with salad.

Tonight is braised beef and beans with veggies, I have a cheese cake for dessert.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Another day at the coal face

We went into town when DB got up after his siesta, into Sainsbury and stocked up on ding dinners, DB also got some new socks, he needs to go through his sock drawer and get rid of those he does not wear.

The meeting last night was to go over what, as a group, we have achieved since it was set up a year ago. Our commens and suggestions have been taken on board, so now we go forward for a second year.

We had a cream cheese and cucumber roll and cheese cake when we got in.

I have just one glasses case to do and they are finished, I then have to clean them off and put the poppers on......phew........I now need to concentrate on stuff for the sale, I might do a couple more of the cases for that.I really do want to do Santa on his sleigh, so will earmark next week to do that.

Its fine but chilly this morning. A very weak sun shining.

Supper tonight is a ding dinner, cheese and tomato pasta, mousse for dessert. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


yesterday ended up being quite a busy day. Cleaner was here at the same time as the person from the falls clinic, DB has now been discharged from there too, she was pleased to see how he walked with the walker and has been doing his exercises.

After lunch the surveyors arrived to take 5 bricks out and check the condition of the frame. We discovered, much to our surprise that there is polystyrene in the cavity, so there is some form of insulation. The chap said they had also noted the state of the brick work, the bungalow needs pointing, we will see.

After they had gone it quietend down a bit. I did manage to do one spec case and half of another, so just 4 to go, clean everything up and put the poppers on and the order can go. I put a new needle in the machine it was pulling stitches, took the opportunity to clean the bobbin race as well. I need to get a spare bobbin case, cannot afford to be without a spare.

Did not sleep too well last night, was reading at something o'clock, glad I am feeling better. We have a grocery delivery coming this morning and after DB has his siesta we are going to stock up on ready meals and then go on the council meeting which is early today.

No supper, we will have chicken salad at lunch time, so rolls when we get back.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Chemical Flu

I had my flu injection on Saturday, I woke up in the night shivering and feeling disorientated, spent most of yesterday in bed. Thankfully I feel better this morning, but very tired so will not be doing much, cleaner is due this morning. No sewing today or maybe tomorrow too.

A lady who lives in a 16th Century cottage in the village has been fighting to get the outer wall, which was bowing, sorted, well ir will have to be done now, the wall has collapsed into the street, due no doubt to the wind and rain. She will have no choice but to move out. I feel so sorry for her she has been passed from pillar to post trying to sort it out and got no where.

It is a sunny but cold morning, we are told more rain is on the way, there wa an accident on the lane on Saturday, 3 cars involved, I guess one was going to fast and skidded on the road into two cars coming the other way........The lane was impassable on Friday, the police were sending people the other way round down Harby hill to get into the village.

Not sure what we are having for supper tonight, possibly chicken will do a few roasties with it as well as veggies.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

under the weather

I had the flu and covid injections yesterday, think they are having a side effect, not at all well'

Supper will be cheese on toast, hope I am feeling better tomorrow. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

That was the day

when it more than poured down with rain and blew more than a hoolie. Lots of flood damage and damage from fallen trees etc. Thankfully we were ok, the rain did run under the shed, but the drain took it ok, I guess the garden is now more than soaking.

We have an appointment for our covid and flu vaccinations this morning. We were late waking up, so will have to get a move on. I have finished the 14 gift bags, so am now on to the spec cases.

I had a computer problem yesterday, not saying too much but it cost me money to get it sorted, it all came about because I could not get the new printer to work. Drivers were missing. I was not a happy bunny at all. Was concerned it was a scam and

 that our bank account could be at risk, so a call to the scam people at the bank. They have put a block on the account for now.

Possibly sausage and mash for supper tonight, we are out of chips, I am going to do an order again, for Morrison for Tuesday morning.


Friday, October 20, 2023

Oh bliss

not, it was eaining when we went to bed and it is still pelting down now, the trees think they are ballet dancers swirling around in the wind.

I was going grocery shopping this morning, no way jose.......the roads will be flooded and I have no desire to skid off the road into a ditch.

My scan and cut came yesterday its unpacked but so far have not done anything else. It is on a set of shelves in the sewing room. I had a seriously bad day yesterday, ended up putting an almpst completed bag in the bucket, forgot my glasses at the hairdressers and had to go back for them.

So I guess this morning I will be sewing the gift bag order is almost finished, just the glass cases to go and thats it, order finished.

Uusual fish and chips tonight.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Wish it would make up its mind

This morning it had obviously rained, but started to dry out. We had a hair cut appointment, it was raining, now just after lunch the sky is clear and there is a glimmer of sun. It is still quite windy though.

I managed to leave my glasses at the hairdressers, only remembered as I was driving up to Harby to get the TV choice, so had to go back and collect them. I am calling today the 13th, my Morrison order was cancelled because I changed the delivery time, I forgot my glasses and managed to sew a gift bag wrong. Should go back to bed and see if I get up in a different order!! I will have to get up early tomorrow and go to Aldi.

DB has not had any further dizzies, touch wood, he is on the medication for a couple of days, will start weaning him off on Saturday.

Not sure whats for supper think it might be quiche, jacket potato and salad.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Coffee morning

round to the little chapel, not so many people there this morning, ended up being 10 of us.

I have had the printer on the net for 2 weeks and no one has answered, so I offered it to B at the chapel, he will either use it for the chapel or sell it on, the money will then be classes as a dontation.

Its a fine but cold morning, very windy, there is a storm on its way, the wind is blowing well.

I managed to get thread looped iin the machine, I have got most of it now, once I have finished my sewing I am planning on sending it up to Sheffield for a service.

DB seems to be ok today, I have put him back on his medication for a couple of days, will see how he is then.

Supper tonight frittata and salad.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Don't let the sun fool you

It is sunny but bitterly cold and we are forecast another storm lasting 2 - 3 days starting tomorrow!!

I have a white load in the washer, it should dry, I finished yesterdays off in the dryer and aired some on the radiator.

Rude awakening this morning, the phone went just after 8am, the surgery putting DB's medication review off until November. He did apologise for ringing before we were up and has put a note on not to ring before 8.30am. Its a good job I have a telephone in the bedroom.

Two bags finished yesterday, I can now do them without having to look at the instructions which cuts down the time, the actual sewing only takes 12 minutes, its the fiddly bits trimming etc that male them longer to make. I have cut out enough fabric to finish the order. Then its on to spec cases, they are quick to do as well.

DB is still complaining about his gut, he says it is not as bad as it was, but if he gets anouth bout I am phoning the Dr. I need to speak to them about my arthritis etc as well. The medication is not working as well as it did.

Supper tonight shepherds pie and veggies.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Double Brrrr

Down to -3 during the night, DB requested we put the winter duvet on when we change the sheets. The heat came on first thing, but has gone off now until later in the afternoon.

Next door neighbour had a problem with his van last night, the headlights kept coming on.........obviously there is a fault on the van somewhere. 

Load of laundry in the washer, will hang it our but dare say I will have to finish it off in the dryer.

We enjoyed our lunch yesterday, the restraurant was very busy. The Christmas menu is out, £16 for a Christmas lunch, we may well partake in the week before Christmas. DB has asked for Pork for lunch on Christmas day.

Ploughing on with the order I have, finding the cutting hard on my hands, thinking of getting a fabric cutter......Scan and cut..... trouble is it does not cut wadding which means I will still have to hand cut that. Mind you if it cuts vinyl I cannot see wht it would not cut thin wadding which is what I use most of the time.

Supper tonight, egg and chips, possibly with beans, might do a crumble for dessert, I have fruit to use up from the freezer.

Sunday, October 15, 2023


 yesterday was a sunny but cold day, we had a heavy shower, DB said it was hail, in the late afternoon. This morning it is cold, looks like we had a slight frost, sun is out now but its brrrrr......

Out for lunch again today to the carvery, we go about every 6 weeks or so, saves me cooking supper.

I finished off the Christmas mat and started on the guft bags, made a complete hash up of the first one, I got one finished and another one almost complete, I have 14 to do. I need to know which size of glasses case J needs, so will have to phone my friend and find out.

DB has his prescription review tomorrow, Wednesday its coffee morning and then we have our flue and covid jabs on Saturday, so quite a busy week.

No supper to cook tonight, just a roll and a piece of cake in the early evening will do us.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


it did not stop to rain yesterday, brief spells when it stopped but they did not last long. I guess there will be much flooding in various parts of the UK. It is sunny, but bitterly cold, the heating clicked in this morning, its off for now, it will come back on this afternoon.

I just have the centre to do for the mat I was making, then its on to spec cases and the gift bags, hopefully the order will be done by the end of the month. I can concentrate on the stuff for the fair.

The gardener did not come yesterday, noy suprising considering it was slining it down. Its mostly tidying up just now. We also need to get him to take the brick path up ready for the stones to  be put in. Reminds me I need to remind DB to measure it and get the small slabs.

Supper tonight is ADB, possibly rasps in jelly for dessert. I still have raspberries iin the freezer along with rhubarb, apples and black berries.

Friday, October 13, 2023

its raining

It must be some sort of a record, last night I was exhausted so went to bed around 9.15pm, was asleep by 10pm and although I woke briefly to go to the toilet, DB woke me at 8.50am with my breakfast, so over 10 hours of sleep..........I cannot remember the last time I slept so long!!

The forecast rain has arrived, the rain guage is full, not had this much rain for ages, guess there are going to  be lots of flooding.

At DB's insistance I have bought a new printer, the old one was causing a lot of blue/purple air. It arrived yesterday, I need to set it up, will then sell the old one on, its still useable. The thread to finish the star also arrived. I managed to do the 6 bookmarks, so they need soaking off. I can then get on with the mat. Will just have the small bags to do and that will complete the order I have. I can then concentrate on Santa on his sleigh. Will give the machine a good clean and cover it up for a couple of weeks. I seem to have been working at full tilt for most of this year. Its just over 12 months since we went to Woodseats to collect the Luminaire, since I collected it she has done 7,832,764 stitches, a way to go before she needs a service.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, not sure about a dessert, will wait and see,

Thursday, October 12, 2023


shopping day again. DB stayed at home, we are expecting a parcel, it had not arrived when I got back, but the pallett that DB asked B if he could get had arrived, its for the coal house,  we want to lift up the boxes we store in there so they do not get wet bottoms!!

Shop was fairly crowded, some stuff missing from the shelves, but mostly got what I wanted including a small shoulder of lamb, so lamb for supper on Sunday. Its the first time I have seen shoulder for ages, so DB will get a pot of scotch broth next week. Came to £71 and a few pence.

I ran out of thread yesterday quick call to the warehouse, they were out of stock, but the lady found one in a box of 6 assorted red threads, so hopefully it will arrive this afternoon. I left the mat in the hoop and went on to start the 6 bookmarks for E's friend. I also cut out wadding for half the small bags she wants.

Its a very cold morning, enough to give me red cheeks for a change, was glad to get home. We still have not got the heating on, just an extra jumper.

Supper tonight salmon with salad, not sure about  dessert, will find something. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Oh my goodness

news this morning that there has been a fire at Luton Airport a 3 storey car park has collapsed, it was believed to have about 1200 cars parked in it!! Its not an airport we know we either flew out of Heathrow, Edinburgh or East Midlands. What a shock for people coming home to find their cars have gone up in flames.

Only managed 3 hours sleep last night, was yawning, put my head on the pillow and ping..... wide awake. I am wondering if its sugar thats causing it. Need to do a little experimenting

I managed 2 more bits of the star yesterday, so just 4 more to do and the centre to put on. Fabric I have been waiting for came, so I now have fabric for the little bags.

Its seems to have rained during the night I need to go to the post office and get the TV Choice so DB can sort out what he wants to watch next week.

C came yesterday and measured out the garden, he is going to send me an estimate hopes to do the work before the turn of the year. We have arranged to have the ground levelled where the hedge is and slate put down, I can then use pots on it. I badly need to get out and sort out the pots. There are bulbs to go in for the spring. I noticed yesterday that one of the camellia's needs re-potting, so that needs doing too. I think we may be able to keep T on for an extra 2 weeks into November.

Thankfully all the laundry dried on the line yesterday, so it has been folded and put away. I have a tee shirt and two polo shirts that need a quick press. I managed to do the fitted sheet and pillow cases yesterday whilst keeping an eye on the sewing machine. I will do the duvet cover as well, then thats all the ironing done!!

Chicken and rice tonight for supper, will finish off the chocolate mousse.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Indian summer

although it has been windy it is quite warm, not that its to last apparently it will rain all day tomorrow.

I started the mat for a lady at the coffee morning, once its done I can carry on with the order for E's friend. I hope to get it done by the end of the month, then I am closing down until February, apart from the few bits I make for the coffee ladies.

The library van came yesterday so we are stocked up with books again, I can plan forward and request books for next year from borrow box. I am waiting for Jeffrey Archers new 'Warwick' book to come in DB has ordered it as well.

Bedding done yesterday, will iron it this morning, a dark load in the washer this morning, hopefully it will dry. I have managed to get our fuel bill reduced even more, I worked out that £80 a month was far too much, they are already holding over £100 in the account, so based on last years use from Sept to March, I got it reduced down to £64 a month...... result. thats half  what I was paying a month.

We ended up  having salad again yesterday, I had some cooked gammon to use up, there was chocolate mousse for dessert. We are having spag bol tonight with garlic bread, there will be enough sauce to freeze for either shepherds pie or pasta. I have some tomatoes I want to use up.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Start of the week.

I did not post yesterday, we were at the Little Chapel for the harvest service and lunch. Sermon was a bit long winded like 45 minutes. I was reminded of a friend who was a minister in the Methodist Church, and conducted Karens wedding. He used to have a saying, if you can't say what you want to in 20 minutes, its not worth saying!!  No need to bore people!! Get your point across and then shut up.

We always used to have the harvest supper on Saturday night before the Sunday service, but covid put paid to that. The lunch was pretty much what we would have had at the supper, ham, corned beef, jacket potato and salad. There were various pies etc for dessert, then tea or coffee........ we really enjoyed it. Although it was well publicised there were only 4 of us there from the village........very bad really, but thats the way things seem to go these days.

My friend E had a problem with her heating, I asked our neighbour if he would go round and have a look, so he did and sorted it in 10 minutes........He really is a gem.

Once home we both collapsed into a chair for half an hour. When we had our late night drink, we both had a round of toast with honey on, nothing else needed.

 On saturday,I had another go at the bags, managed to do two, so just 12 to do, I have just over a month to get the order done. Today I am going to start the second star mat that C asked me to make, will see her at the coffee morning next week.

I need to give the machine a really good clean, I am going to send it for a service after I have finished Santa and his sleigh. It has had a very busy 12 months since I bought it.

Cleaner is here this morning,  bed stripped and in the washer, she has not been here for a month, I have done my best to keep things tidy, but with DB around that is not easy.

No idea what we are going to have for supper, will have to do a freezer dive.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Oh dear

the second night I have had very little sleep, I was getting so much better, now its going down hill again.......DB woke me at 8.45 this morning reminding me we had a visitor coming to get greenery for the harvest service tomorrow. I am so stiff its unbelievable, a sure sign the cold weather is coming.

63 years ago today DD1 was born, in many ways it does not seem more than a few years ago. They usually go away for her birthday, but now Niblet, her Grand son, is at school they have to holiday out of term time.

I made the decision yesterday to not take any geranium cuttings, DB said he would like the small begonias in the tubs after the bulbs have finished. So will get T to empty the pota and back fill them with compost and plant the bulbs.. I need to go out with the scateurs to cut back the growth on the two clematis on the front fence.

Bad day sewing yesterday, two shots at the small bags ended up in the bucket, one was almost finished...grrrrrrr I am going to try and do them a different way, if that fails then forget it.

Its a cold but fine morning here in middle England, the trees in the garden of the house at the back of us are shedding leaves like the north wind is blowing.

Supper tomight is all day breakfast, I think, we have chocolate mousse for dessert.

Friday, October 6, 2023


When we were at work Friday was poets day, 'push off early tomorrows Saturday!!'

Its a grey but windy morning, I seem to have done notheg but wash clothes etc this week, I have towels in the washer today, thats it until Monday when the bed gets changed.

Gardeners day today, he is going to do the shed with preservative, Looking back yesterday it is 6 years since we had it put in. It has not been trouble free, we had three kits before we got a decent one, it was November when it was finally erected.

I have been ordering fabric, thread etc  for the big order I have got this week. It will be the end of November before its ready to go. I managed to do the second basket yesterday, I just have to clean it off and sew it up, then its on to the second mat that C ordered. Perhaps then I will be able to get on with Santa on his sleigh. My 'bib' project for this year. I may also do the nut cracker, will see later. I am doing no more then until February!!

Fish and chips for supper tonight, not sure about dessert, possibly fresh fruit.

Thursday, October 5, 2023


We now have a digital lifeline which works through our home broadband, lady came yesterday to fit it.

Coffee morning was very busy 15 of us, the most, I think, we have ever had at one go. It is the harvest festival on Sunday, there is a lunch afterwards, so I think we might go, DB is making noises in that direction. I also picked up 2 more orders, then E came in the afternoon and gave me a big order, 14 small popper bags 4 glasses cases and, more bookmarks, lily pattern. Wants them before Christmas. DB is sure she is selling them on.......I have the orders to do for the chapel first, so she will have to wait and also the stuff for the sale next month.

I have a white load in the washer, its a bit grey this morning but according to the forecast we should get sun later and its to be a bit warmer. We did put the heating on for a while yesterday evening.

No idea whats for supper, the lemon chicken last night was really nice, I did some pilu rice with it. Need to look at the menu to see whats for supper tonight.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Busy day

Small load of washing done and dried on the line, also finished the mat I was doing in between visits. We now have a new gate, especially made, just needs preservative putting on it.

Computer man came, I have dropped a boo boo with the tablet I bought for DB, it is an old, much slower model, not a happy bunny, I am going to do a factory reset and sell it on. I priced a new one with a faster speed, forget it £500, no way.......

C did not come to look at the garden, it was raining, fingers crossed he might come tonight. I need a quote for the work like yesterday. I am still waiting for the original quote from the local chap.......I guess he does not want the work........so looks like I might be looking for someone else.

Coffee this morning, so we will wander round a bit later. I have some bits and pieces that were ordered. Still need to go over the things I have made and see if I think I have enough. Might do a few more of the makeup bags. One thing I have not done are the scissor holders. I might also do a few of the stacked snow men.

Its ding dinner tonight, lemon chicken and pilu rice, have a couple of lemon cheese cakes to finish off aas well, so thats dessert taken care of.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Bright morning

but its very cold, the heating came on early this morning.

We had a very bad night, drinking tea at 3am, had to get up at the usual time we are expecting the computer Techie and a chap from the council.

Load of thick coloureds in the washer, should get them part dry at least, can finiah them off in the dryer if needs be.

I am half way through a christmas table mat, want tto try and finish it today if I can, have stuff to take to the coffee morning tomorrow. I am wanting to make some keyring holders, have some vinyl I bought a couple of years ago. Not sure if I need a special foot to sew it with.

Supper tonight is quiche and salad, fresh fruit for dessert. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Fine morning

Today Nicholas would have been 53 and a Grandpa again, his daughter had a little boy a couple of weeks ago. There is not a day goes by when we are not reminded of him, so many times his name crops up in conversation.

No laundry today, will do a load tomorrow. Finished a second basket, have just got to sew it up which I will do today. I was reading an interesting article yesterday about craft fairs, the person was saying not to have too many different things on the stall, I will review what I have in the box and then decide if I need to do anything else, or just a few more of things I already have.

We nipped down to the garden centre yesterday to see C. he is coming tomorrow to look at the garden and give me a quote if he is prepared to take it on.

I was reading the comment from the retreat which finished yesterday, it seems everyone had a good time. I would love to go again, but am doubtful because if DB. it means he would have to spend a lot of time on his own. There is no way I would leave him at home either.

Bit of a busy week one way or another, we have a couple of people coming tomorrow, coffee on Wednesday and the lady from the council is coming to put in our dihital life line. Sainsbbury's and to see our neighbour on Thursday 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

We had

a nicemorning yesterday DD2, son and his partner and Little Miss came over to see us. Goshia got stuck in my sewing room, went home with a make up bag and a stacked snow man. I have promised to let her know if we have anything left after the fair, she will take it to the Polish Club and sell it there.

GS put a hook on the bedroom door for me, so now  my dressing gown is hung up rather than slung over the bottom of the bed. Little Miss is now at school, she is 5 later this month, lively little girl, she goes to ballet lessons and gymnastics.

I spent the afternoon on my machine doing another basket this time in green and white.

Usual Sunday breakfast, we managed up just after 10am, DB is in the garden, although it is rather black, doubtless we will have rain at some point. I have made a plum crumble and prepped the veggies for supper, roast pork shoulder steaks, roast spuds, green beans and carrots. Crumble for dessert.