Friday, June 30, 2023


I am now nurse and general dogsbody. Agency could only offer 2 slots, 5am and 11.39am neither of which suite either of us. I got DB up yesterday and showered him, this morning he has had a wash. We have breakfast in bed and then after about half an hour I get him up. He is walking very slowly, but his gait is better, no longer walking as if he is on the deck of a ship, the consultant has geven him medication to help the vertigo.

Yesterday the helper did come, at 12.15........I told her the times were not suitable and I would not be taking up the package, I am just going to have to pace myself and rest as much as I can until he is stronger and can see to himself.

I have been out and watered the tomatoes, the gardener is due today so I need to do a list for him, there are several things I need him to do including help me to clear the rest of the patio and the bench so DB can sit out if he wants to.

Supper tonight will be fish and chips, DB is eating well, but I am cutting down a bit on the portion size. I need to go and pick strawberries at some point for dessert. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

He is home

 at last, DB arrived home about 5.20pm last night, tired but ok. He had his supper and then went to bed. Apart from waking a couple of times he slept the clock round.

We are now waiting for the promised help to come and get him up........... so far no joy. Another 10 minutes and I willbe on the phone..........someone will come in the morning I was told, no time or any other information given apart from telling me that it was a service I had to pay for..........sorry but on todays efforts no I will not be paying.

Have not been out to water, the greenhouse will have to wait. DBs medication has all been changed, so need to go down to the Chemist and get them to destroy his old boxes.

So nursing duties for me......supper tonight cooked gammon salad, have a couple of sponge puddings to use up.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

All the ducks in a row

everything is A Okay for DB, just waiting for the care to be taken up, as soon as thats in place he can come home, hopefully it will not be too long.

I picked a bowl of strawberries last night before I watered the garden, gave some to my neighbour, the rest are in the fridge. I ended up having sausage and chips for supper. I cooked the pork casserole, its in the fridge.

DB phoned just after 6pm last night, he had a good day, he had been up in his chair all day and had also walked to the toilet himself.This morning there was a message to say he was up and dressed. Hope he does not have to stay much longer he will be running out of clean clothes.

I have no plans for the day except to relax as much as I can.....I did sleep ok last night.

No idea for supper tonight, although I have got some ham I can have with a small salad and more of the jersey potatoes. I have some creme caramel to finish off.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

At last

good news, DB is due to come home tomorrow, he has been moved to a different hospital for discharge, I guess they needed the bed at QMC. He has an interim care package, someone to get him up, shower and dress him, no idea what time though, and we do not have to pay!!

I Sainsbury, have just got back from Sainsbury, took back the skinny fit Tee shirt and got another one plus one for DB.

I had a slight accident last night, put eggs on to boil for a salad, forgot they were on and burnt eggs and saucepan, and also stank the street out!! So I have to order a new saucepan........shush......have not told DB.

So no idea what to have for lunch or supper, will have to do a freezer dive and see what I have got in there.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Hottest day

It would appear that yesterday was the hottest day of the year.......I was saved from having to water the garden by a rainstorm just as I was going to go out. Forgot I had laundry out, so had to finish it drying once it stopped raining.

Lunch at the little chapel was very nice, chicken in savoury white sauce with cauliflower and calabrease, followed by raspberry fool and ice cream. I said a little bit before the meal, thanking them for the signed card, it was much appreciated. I came home and chilled. Had a cheese and tomato roll for my supper.

Bed stripped and sheets etc in the washer, it has just finished so will be going to hang it out. Its cooler this morning, not to be so hot today. I have also been up and watered and fed the greenhouse.

Lady coming today to deep clean the kitchen, I need to clean out the fridge this morning.

DB is now sitting out for all his meals, dressed, I have to take more clothes in tomorrow for him, am hoping that he will be out later this week or early next week.

I did get to sew yesterday, made another credit card/bank card holder, have one more to do, should get it done today, then an look at going on to do something else.

Not decided on toonights supper, might have some of the gammon joint I cooked last week with salad.

Sunday, June 25, 2023


 Another hot day, the sun was streaming in at 7am this morning, turned over and went back to sleep.

Usual Sunday brekkie, I am going round to the little chapel for lunch today, DB wants me to thank everyone who signed the  card for his birthday.

Watered the green house, also did a small load of washing, out on the line to dry, running out of underwear........not keen on going commando!!

DB is sitting out for meals, naps when he gets back into bed. Had an email from him, not thrilled with the nursing care early this morning, apparently he has complained.

One of the tee shirts I bought yesterday is too fitted for me, so will take it back and pick up 2 tee shirts for DB he is getting dressed each day, wants cool clothes. I need to have a rummage and find him some shorts, although I think they will be too big, he has lost quite a bit of weight.

No supper tonight, will may be have crackers and cheese, picked more strawberries this morning.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Late today

I did not get up too early this morning, was off to Sainsbury after I watered the greenhouse. Came home with 3 new tee shirts cheaper than I could get them in the charity shop and also several individual meals plus 2 x 2 portion ones. It  rained heavily on the way in to town, by the time I got home the sun was out. Its been very warm again this afternoon.

Finished off a mat I was making for a friend, will take it with me tomorrow when I go back to the Chapel for lunch.

I cooked the steak for supper, cooked it both sides for 7 minutes then deglazed the pan with red wine, scrummy. I did new potatoes, cauliflower and calebrease with it.  I really enjoyed it. Am now sitting with a cappuchino coffee watching TV.

DB has sat out a couple of times to eat today, he says when he stands up his vertigo kicks in. He is doing much better, not sure when he might be returning home.

Friday, June 23, 2023


this morning, apparently there is fog in Melton......typical as I am going over there shortly to see our old neighbour.

Not a goodnight for me, was very tired when I went through to go to bed, put the light on and bingo woke up!!

Gardener is coming this afternoon, I need him to plant out the beetroot, so will have to water the garden before he puts them in. Will be going up the garden and water the greenhouse shortly.

DB went for his scan yesterday, will be very surprised if there is anything, but we will see. It rained very heavily as we were going over to Nottingham yesterday, but not here so it mush have been very localised.

Fish and chips tonight, I had the curry when I got in from the hospital last night, enjoyed it, will probably  have the steak tomorrow.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Cooler this morning

but the sun had just come through, we are forcast thunder storms again, must say it saves me watering the pots etc, but I still have to do the green house.

DB messaged me quite a bit yesterday, no physio, but the Drs were there. I am going in this afternoon, may not get in again until next Tuesday, I do not like asking Martin to take me at the weekend.

I am off to do a very small shop at Aldi, have decided to treat myself to a small piece of steak and also if I can get one a curry, DB wants fruit and has also asked for orange juice, which I already have.

Coffee morning yesterday was very pleasant, usual group there, I stayed until the end for a change. Have 4 orders for the card protectors, so when I have finish Eileens mat I will make 4 more. One lady wants a black or dark navy one, no sure if I have any black or navy fabric, will have to do a rake.

The lady came yesterday re the kitchen, she is coming on Monday to do a deep clean, her charges are £9 less than I pay my cleaner!!

Possibly steak for supper tonight......may be with some salad, will have to see.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

My goodness

did it rain yesterday. It was very heavy during the morning and then stopped, it dried up a bit and this morning we are back to sun but with a cool breeze.

Yesterdays visit to see DB was very good, my neighbour came home from work early and I was able to get a volunteer to take me up to the ward. DB was delighted with his gifts especially the telephhone I bought him, ..although he asked me to bring it home,  I will need to teach him how to use it, I spoke with his sister last night, for once she did not dominate the call, I just kept talking for a change.

A reasonable nights sleep, had a shower and yogurt for breakfast, am just about to go out and water the tomatoes and pull some rhubarb for the coffee group. Am planning on a quiet day myself, I did do a bit of sewing yesterday, might do a bit more this afternoon.

No idea what I am going to have for supper, I  might have to do a quick visit to Aldi tomorrow, am running out of potatos.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

From the sublime

to the rediculous, its freezing cold and pouring with rain. 

Today is DB's 90th birthday, he is spending it in hospital!! I am going in this afternoon to see him, have a bag of stuff for him, cards etc.

No watering needed today, hope it goes some way to filling up the rain water barrels, we were getting very low. I will have to brave the rain and water the tomatoes, although they should not need so much water today as its so much cooler.

Another bad night, it seems to be every other night, it was 4am and I was still awake.

I thought I had a tin of chicken in cream sauce in the cupboard......wrong, 2 tins of stewed steak, so wll have to think again about supper tonight. I muct admit my appetite goes down a lot when its hot, do not feel hungry.

Having a problem sorting the phone for DB tried to load it with cash yesterday several ways, no joy. Will try again this morning and see what happens. If I cannot do it I will have to get a prepaid sim. am taking the phone in anyway.

So dank dark and wet, not idea what I am going to do, have not touched any sewing for 2 weeks..... have just lost the desire to sew, things are changing rapidly, I have doubts about the fair in November.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Thats better

We had a massive rainstorm last night, started around 6pm and was still going when I went to bed. As I had a bad night on Saturday, so I went to be early, had a reasonable night. Its sunny but there is a nice breeze, should keep the temperature down a bit. The warm weather is due to last at least another week.

DB is seeing the consultant today, depends on what he has to say about him coming home, we have to wait for the care plan to be picked up first.

No watering last night, I have been out and done the greenhouse. Stirred myself to clean our bedroom found a massive cobweb behind the bed, not there any more. I have someone coming to see me to do a deep clean in the kitchen. Cleaner will not be here for another 2 weeks.

Enjoyed by supper last night, I have to slice the cooked gammon will do myself a salad and have a couple of slices of ham with it.

Have just had a delivery for DB from DD2, I guess its for DB's birthday, its edible, so will take it in for him to see tomorrow. Neighbour is coming this evening to help me sort out the new phone for him, so he does not have to keep using the ward phone.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Rain? What rain

The forecast yesterday was rain last night, wrong. I know Nottingham had a bad storn, DB emailed to say he had a bad night. The ground is not even damp here!!

I had a bad night too, no sleep until after 3am, so having a slow morning. 

DB had a reasonable day, he had watched Tv with the sound off. He is reasonably cheerful which makes a welcome change.

I will have some breakfast when I get up, have taken a pork chop out for my supper, have some strawberries for dessert.


Saturday, June 17, 2023


this morning thankfully, it was really hot yesterday.

DB had a move round day yesterday, first he went into a single room, then into a shared room, then back into a different bay. The two rooms were deemed too far away from the nursing station, he has to be 'in sight' at all times. He is also confined to bed until Monday. He phoned last night, very chipper, hope it lasts.

Gardener came last nnight and did a couple of jobs for me whilst I watered, S came with the ironed linen,

I have a small wash load on, trying not to let it build up too much, it should dry ok.

Trooping the colour on TV  this morning, DB has a TV near him, so guess he will be watching it.

I had a decent nights sleep last night, read till 10.30, woke at 5am, turned over and went back to sleep till 8.30. I have had a very ripe banana and coffee for breakfast think I will have a bacon butty at lunchtime.

I have a gammon joint in the Ninja, will have a couple of slices off that tonight with a salad.

Friday, June 16, 2023

That was the day that was

went in to see DB yesterday, he was not in a good place, in a great deal of pain. I had to wait for someone to take me up to the ward, so was sitting for about 45 minutes in the foyer. Managed to stay an extra 15 minutes before I had to leave.

Apparently QMV are now in touch with Glenfield, I wish they would move him there, its so much easier for me to go, not reliaint on my neighbour. So far he had refused to take any money, last night I gave him money for fuel, do not want to see him out of pocket.

Greenhouse watered, gardener is comng tonight when its cooler. I have some more plants I want to get in, will try and do some before the sun moves round to the back completely. I have been using DB's relxa chair, its really too big for me but at least I can have my legs up. I do not want to have to but a legstool just now, have an expensive time coming. I paid for the carpet yesterday.........I am so pleased with it.I have just had some strawberries from the gadren for breakfast with a glass of milk and some toast. Am not really hungry, just drinking as much as I can. At the rate I am going I will not need to do a shop next week. If I order from Morrison I have to spenf £25 minimum........I am mostly having eggs, cheese and salad. I have a gammon joint in the freezer, I am going to cook that and slice it, not wanting a hot meal although I will have fish and a few chips tonight.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Oh dear

he was doing so well. I had a phone call from the hospital regarding DB coming home. They were treating his constipation as it was affecting his water works. I expected to hear from him, but nothing so I phoned just after 6pm to find that he had fallen again and hit his head, so off for a CT scan, at the rate they are going his brain will be fried!! He did manage to ring me just as I was getting ready for bed. Needless to say I have not had a good night. I am waiting for M to say if he can take me in tomorrow rather than today. He will not accept any payment, to I need to find a way to give him some cash. It costs so much for petrol these days.

It is much cooler this morning although it is supposed to get warmer later. I have just had my breakfast, will go and water the tomato's after I have had my coffee. I did do a bit of clearing up ou the patio, but there is a lot more to do. I still have some plants to put in, they will have to wait until the gardener comes tomorrow.

No idea what to have for supper tonight, I had a cheesy baked potato last night. Might do a small salad.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Another day

another dollar.

Sstill very warm, up to 27c yesterday. Watered the green house and finished putting the books back, bit by bit. Not in the right order but guess DB will alter them in due time.

Went in to see him yesterday afternoon, he had not had a dizzy attack yesterday, they are still trying to get his bowels to work, I noticed his stomach was rather distended. it a week now, time they got him sorted.

He has now got how to send me an email to let me know how things are, the disruptive patient is still on the ward. he was quiet whilst I was there but apparently woke up about 7pm and was still going at 11 when they gave him more medication.

I made myself an egg salad when I got home. I have some smoked salmon the the fridge, took it out of the freezer, will have it at lunch time, not sure about tonight......possibly cheese salad.

I have to pay the bill for the carpet today.........ouch!!

It is going to be another hot day, will be keeping in the shade. Need to run the GTech over the carpets and blow the dust around.



Tuesday, June 13, 2023


that was a storm that was, thunder, lightening and pouring rain for a couple of hours, so no garden watering needed last night, have done the greenhouse this morning and have a small load in the washer.

DB is not happy, more noise from that patient until after midnight. He saw the consultant yesterday. They are talking about moving him to Glenfield.......I hope they do, he is known there. When he went in his BP was too high, now its too low, just cannot win. Hoping Martin will take me in this afternoon.

Gradually getting the sitting room back to normal, just the books to move now, have almost done the top shelf. Each time I go into the hall I bring a few more back with me.

Trying to rest as much as I can, difficult though....... not eating too well either, its too hot. Still drinking plenty though.

Monday, June 12, 2023

What a day

yesterday was......It was blisteringly hot, I had to fetch the fan through from the sewing room. Thankfully its a bit cooler this morning,but it will heat up later. We really need some rain, watering at night is getting to be a real chore, but its one I am going to have to do from now on.

Phoned the hospital at lunch time, DB had another dizzy spell so is not allowed up. Just after 2pm the phone rang, DB I could hardly hear what he was saying for someone shouting and screaming in the ward. He was very upset, apparently the noise had been going on all night and he was unable to sleep which did not help. I was so concerned I rang the ward and hand a major word with the staff nurse on duty. I then asked my neighbour if he would take me in, very kindly he did. When I got there the ward was quiet, DB was reading and the chap concerned was out of it, they had sedated him. I was not happy, they should not have needed me to give them an ear full before doing something. I left the ward to come home. So that was my Sunday. 

The carpet fitters are coming this lunch time, I just have to move the TV and its gubbins, put the fan in the kitchen and all is ready, they will move the settee and two chairs as they fit the carpet.

 Went out when I got up this morning and watered and watered the greenhouse. I will ring later and see what the score is, obviously I will not be going today, will go tomorrow after M gets home from work.

No idea what I am going to have tonight, might boil a couple of eggs and do a salad.

Time to go and get on................

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Just after 10am

and its very hot. I have watered the greenhouse and also potted some plants that have been waiting to be planted, they are all in the shade, so well watered, will give them another drink tonight, once it has cooled off a bit. Tomorrow I have to mix up feed for everything.

It was so hot last night I slept with just a light sheet on the  bed. Woke a couple of times.

DB had a vacant do yesterday, but he was ok when I spoke to him last night, he said he would ring me tonight, they have a mobile phone on the ward. I really must see about getting him a phone with large numbers on that will just do calls on a PAYG basis.

I will be sitting inside its far too hot for me to sit out, apart from the fact that I have to clear the bookcase and move the TV  etc and the console table it stands on, as well as some other small stuff from the sitting room ready for tomorrow. The chaps will work round the chairs and settee.

I have a ding dinner in the freezer so will be having that tonight.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Phew its hot

Even at 9am its hot, so will be sitting with the blinds closed to keep the heat out of the sitting room.

I did not go in to see DB yesterday, if he is still in will maybe see if M will take me on Monday. He is haviing some more tests.

I went to see mt old neighbour yasterday, spent a pleasant hour or so bringing her up to date with the news. She is looking very well.

Decided to do myself a bacon butty for breakfast I have not been feeling hungry, just fancied one, delicious.

The Dr phoned me yesterday, I think it will be early  next week before he gets out. The Drs are on strike again next week, so they will be chucking all and sundry out.

Watered the greenhouse, waiting for the chap to come and see me. I went to go out the back gate yesterday and cannot turn the key..... brilliant, have asked M to come round with a screw driver to take it off, there are two bolts on the gate as well so I can use them till I get a new lock fitted. Its a bother not being able to go out that way.

Tomorrow I have to pack up what I can in the sitting room ready for the carpet on Monday lunchtime. The TV and bookcase are going to be the worst. At least I can watch TV in bed, so it might be an early night.

Possibly salad for supper will see how I feel.

Friday, June 9, 2023

I got there

in the end. My neighbour picked me up and took me in. No way could I have done it on my own. I had to get help to walk to the ward and a wheel chair to get back to the main entrance for M to pick me up. He got caught in a traffic jam so was a bit late, then we called at Morrison for him to get some pack-up supplies it was 7.30pm before we got home. I went in for a drink and then came home exhausted.

In bed last night I realised today was Friday and gardener day. I had made arrangements to go and see our old neighbour, I had to ring her and put it back to after 4pm. I can leave the gardener at about 3.45, and tootle off. I need to go via Tesco and put fuel in the car.

I have done a load of laundry and hung it out, watered the greenhouse, unblocked one of the tomato pots so the water drains through to the roots. I am going to have fish and chips at lunch time, so I do not have to cook when I get back from Melton.

I am exhausted already.... its sunny but there is quite a breeze which is helping to keep the heat down a bit, for which I am grateful.

So fish and chips at lunch time rather than tonight. No dessert. I am not very hungry.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Long wait

DB finally got a bed at 3.45pm yesterday. I phoned the ward, he was ok. My neighbour is taking me in to see him this afternoon, will not stay long, he is in the best place.

I did go to the coffee morning yesterday, everyone there signed a card for him which I will give him today. Lots of enquiries about him. I also took the card protector cases and also the large cut out mat. Sold 2 cases and my friend has ordered a smaller mat, so I need to work out a price.

Off to do some shopping, back later.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Not the best of days

Survey was done quite quickly and the chap on his way to the next port of call.

After supper Edwin was drying the dishes, I heard a whump and yes he was on the floor, no way could I life him, so I phoned for an ambu;ance. The call handler stayed on the line until they came, almost an hour later. He did open his eyes a couple of times, but did not respond to me. They did the usual checks, his BP was very high, so he was taken into the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham. Not a hospital I am familiar with at all and is off one of the most notorious roads for accidents.

My neighbour came in and offered to take me in, but I knew he goes to bed early and gets up at 5.30am to get a head start on his job, so I did not go. The ambulance people told me to phoone after a couple of hours, but I left it 3 hours, tried several times, but the phone in A & E was not being picked up. I phones again just after 11pm and spoke to the Dr who was dealing with him, he had a head and chest XRay and both were fine, but his BP was still very high, so he is being kept in. Tried to phone just before 10am no one picked up, so I will try again later. As far as I know he is still in Majors. I will be reliant on my neighbour to take me in once I know whats going on.

I am going round to the coffee morning shortly, they have my mobile number so can get in touch with me if needs be.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A visitor expected

The council are doing a survey of all their properties. They are using one house of each type they own to get an idea as to how the properties are and their construction. The surveyor is coming this morning to see our bungalow. I know there are several dotted about in various villages, so ours is to be the bench mark......should be interesting.

DB did not have a good day yesterday, he was under par. I have to go and fill the watering cans for the green house and take him up to water the tomatoes etc.

We changed the duvet yesterday, it is quite a bit cooler so I kept the quilt up and also put a fleece blanket over the top, it was nice and cosy.

My cleaner is away again for another month, she goes next week for 2 weeks, as she comes once a fortnight she is back on the week she does not come to us. So a struggle with the duvet, although the summer one on the bed is lighter.

I have a load of whites for the washing machine, so that will be on shortly

Tonights supper will  be beef casserole. Will may be do a crumble for dessert.

Monday, June 5, 2023

So -

The saga continues, Carpet is being fitted next Monday, so I have to move the TV etc and the small stuff so they can get in. My cleaner informed me this morning it would be 4 weeks again before she came, she is away for 2 weeks, and the bed change day does not fit, so 4 weeks before the next visit. Only good bit is that the money I drew this week will go forward to July. 

DB walked up to the garden and watered his tomatoes, I go up with him, I had filled the watering can etc so no lifting. Its a cooler morning, no sun as yet, so may not need to water the green house or the pot plants tonight.

Our new neighbour appears to be moving in, there is a furniture van delivering what has been salvaged from her flat.

Supper tonight will be chicken and salad of some sort possibly with a jacket potato. The last of the creme caramel for dessert.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Its warm

Its a bright sunny morning, there is still a cooling breeze. I decided to do a wash, so it should dry on the line. The forecast is for it to be warm until next Saturday, so I will be putting the summer duvet on the bed tomorrow when the cleaner comes.

After the drama of the last two days, I was faced with a selfish, petulant child this morning, he wanted to go to the green house, called me everything from a pig to a dog!! No thought at all as to who would pick him up if he fell. I gave him his stick and walked up with him, he started dittering about, right mate back inside!! 

We have come to an arrangement re the garden, The landscaper is coming to see me in the week, I will get a price from him for the work that has been agreed. It will have to be done in two bits. Some in the autumn and some in the spring.

I am going to ring the carpet chap tomorrow and sort out the sitting room carper, I have put back the decorating in the sitting room until next spring.

Supper tonight is roast chicken, veggies and creme caramel for dessert.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Oh dear

Yesterday was not a good day and today has not started well either.

The gardener was here yesterday afternoon, DB managed to fall again, into the rhubarb bed,  this morning he fell outside the back door. It really is too much, I just feel I cannot cope with him, but he really does not need to go into anywhere.

I did have a conversation with him yesterday, I told him I did not want to move but unless we came to an agreement about the garden I was going to approach the council. It was a  battle of wills, he is very stubborn and selfish, reluctantly, he has agreed that the remaining veg bed, and the raspberries and blackberry will go, I will get the gardener to cut everything down at the end of the season and either use brush wood killer or burn it. the ground will then be laid down to grass for M to cut. DB is going to sell the mower and strimmer. I have sourced two strawberry container on legs, when he fell on Tuesday he was putting collars round the starwberries, I think he over reached and went face down. At least then he has something to do, we will keep the green house.

The discussion is on going this morning.

Its a bright day, I have been up to the greenhouse and watered the tomatoes, will have to water the pots later this evening.

I have put the kybosh on tomorrows visits we were going to do, I just dare not take the risk. I also have to put a lock on the purse. We are having the sitting room decorated in October/November. I am considering having the sitting room carpet changed now rather than waiting. I have just tied up some cash, so ease the load a bit I will get the carpet done in the next few weeks.

Supper tonight will be ADB, I have creme caramal for dessert.

Friday, June 2, 2023


 but the cooling breeze is still there.

I have braved the garden this morning and put some more plants in and watered them well, also using the new sprayer I have watered the rest of the garden, watering only takes a few minutes compared to the 45 minutes it used to take me to water the herbaceous border on its own.

DB was in the greenhouse. The gardener is here today, we have two rogue balckberry plants growing behind the shed, I am going to get him to cut them down, and next time I go to the garden centre I will get some brushwood killer which with kill them off,  it also needs  weeding behind the shed. No sign of the invasive plant that we had to have professionally dealt with. 

Supper is fish and chips as usual on Friday.

The clematis on the front fence, this was grown from a cutting.

Ruby red weigelia, planted this the first year we moved in, it flowers every year. I have a variagted one in the back, but its a baby compared to this.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


 has the heat gone. Its so cold I have had to put the heating back on.

Morrison delivery bang on 9am, so all put away.

I have an appointment for DB to see the nurse re his head. I do not want him delveloping sepsis, part of an arm or a leg you can manage without but not your head!! Will see what they have to say about it.

I did manage an hours sewing yesterday afternoon, want to do 2 more of the credit card cases and then I am on to teddies in a sleeping bag, just 2 or 3 of them. I need to get onto Christmas things and I also have a laod of things that need the stabilizer cleaning off. I am going to make a new rule. I have to clean off as soon as I have finished sewing.

One of our long standing neighbours is in hospital, apparently she has a stent and they think it is blocked. They were going to have a look yesterday.

Our new neighbour is making the journey here most days now bringinf stuff over and putting it away, she is still waiting to see what of her furniture they have managed to salvage.

So supper tonight is sausage and mash, I have sticky toffee pudding for dessert.