Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 an a punch for the first of the month. Half way through another year, time seems to go faster the older I get.

We had the chap come and collect DB's old crutches and also the toilet surround we didn't need, so a bit more room in my sewing room.

I had been thinking for a while that I should have a surge protector on my sewing machine. It would be very expensive to repair, if there was anything left repairable after a lightening strike. We sometimes get power cuts or surges, so better safe than sorry, I bought one and decided  to fit it last night, all I can say is I am glad it's done!!

Its a fine sunny morning, according to the forecast we are due thunder this afternoon with rain showers, so no garden watering again today.

Its coffee morning at the little chapel, so I need to pull some rhubarb and take it round. Will not pick any more, see what grows. I still have some rhubarb in the freezer from last year!! Along with raspberries, will have to use them up before this years crop starts to pick.

I had made the binding for Little Misses quilt, but there was quite a bit of the backing fabric left, so have cut binding out of that, will do the label on the machine and then put the binding on, so another couple of days and it will be ready to go.

Supper tonight is casseroled steak with veggies. We did not manage to eat all the rhubarb last night so a bit left for dessert.


Its so cold this morning, I have had to put a jumper on. We had several rain showers yesterday, more due today, so thankful, I get very tired hauling the hose up and down the garden. According to DB it is going to rain for most of the day.

Cleaner came yesterday, confirmed she is going on holiday next month, I hope she gets there and back, there is a lot in the news this morning about flights being cancelled.

Did not do much yesterday, did cook beef from the freezer for supper tomorrow, I have some corned beef left so stovies for supper tonight, need to peel and slice some potato, I use vegetable stock to cook the potato. We have rhubarb to finish.I will pull more rhubarb tomorrow to take to the coffee morning.

I need to sort out little misses quilt, I have the binding ready, so will have to put the walking foot on the machine and sew the binding on. I have also used some old fabric to make a couple of table mats, I need to sew the binding on one and hand stitch it down on both of them. I also need to do the label for LM's quilt, I sew it into the side and bottom when I am putting the binding on, then hand sew it to the backing on the other two sides.

Just taken the dressing off DB's arm, it has healed nicely, no sign of any infection. Phew.

So supper tonight is stovies and rhubarb for dessert.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Dull morning

 We are forecast rain later, it will save me having to trail round the garden with the hose......up and at ;em this morning, cleaner is due, so need to be sorted by the time she comes.

Yesterday was quiet, I had a mini blow up when I could not adjust the thickness of the slices on my electric slicer, the gear that hold the blade protector is plastic and no matter how hard I tried I could not get it to move. Frustrated I banged it and it released!! 

I re dressed DB's arm, will have another look at it tomorrow, most of it is ok, just one bit at the top and another almost at the bottom needed antiseptic on then, two plasters applied and tubegrip to keep them on. Will check again tomorrow.

Simple supper tonight egg and chips, more poached rhubarb for dessert.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Late to the table

We had melon and croissant for breakfast this morning, it was well after 10am before I put my foot to the floor. DB is well aware that I am putting up with no nonsense from him, shoes on and walking stick taken to the greenhouse when he went to open it up.

I checked his arm this morning after he scrapped it the other day, most of it is ok, just a bit at the top which I have re-cleaned and put a dressing on and a bit at the bottom, I pulled the scab off taking the dressing off.

Not much done yesterday, my left leg was telling me I had spent too long in the garden on Friday.

Supper tonight roast beef, new spuds, cauliflower and calebrease. Poached rhubarb and cream for dessert. There is just about enough rhubarb left on the plants for collection on Wednesday. Some of the earlier stuff is coming away again. I don't pull it after the end of July. I have decided that one of the roots are to be taken out this autumn, a bit more of the garden for flowers!! 

Saturday, May 28, 2022


We collected the quilt, I will publish a photo when I have bound it, and its ready to go to its new home.

I spent 2 hours in the garden yesterday and have suffered for it, I was almost bent double last night, back is a bit better this morning, but I do need to take my own advice. All the tulip bulbs are out and on trays to dry, two of the containers are planted up for the summer, a couple more to go.

We finished watching the programmes from Chelsea, we voted in the viewers choice, but were not emanoured with the garden that won. Each to their own. Lots of new plants which will be horrifically expensive until they come on stream, so although I took a note of them it will be sometime before any see my garden, if ever. Cutting back some of the shrubs last autum has exposed some empty spaces. I need to source something to fill them, come the autumn I will have to find space for the tulips. There is a patch of buttercups which needs digging out, but the ground is so hard I cannot get either a fork or spade into it.

So today is going to be a many slob day. I need to water the greenhouse and thats it, the rest will have to wait, we so badly need rain.

Supper tonight sausage and mash for supper, banana and cream for dessert.


Friday, May 27, 2022

Trip out

Little |Misses quilt is done, so we are off this morning to collect it then I can bind it and give it to her. I need to do a label for the back.

It started off sunny yesterday but the sun went and the wind got up again, it was quite cool.

Its gardener day today, so DB has a little list and so have I. Watching the coverage from Chelsea the other night, someone asked about tulips that have been in pots, the advice was not to leave them in the pots but to dry them off and then plant them in the autumn into the garden. So I see a massive clearout coming. I will put them in labelled trays in the plant house to dry off, and then we will put them into the front and back garden in late October. There are aliums to plant out this afternoon as well as the bedding plants. I did fall foul of advertising yesterday and ordered more lupins and delphinums less then £1 for each plug. I have some gaps where they can go.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, there is one raspberry trifle left so DB can have that.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Late today

Shopping day, we both slept ok for a change, up, showered, breakfast and then off shopping. DB stayed in the car whilst I braved the shop. No meat bought, plenty still in the freezer, still managed to spend £55+ but it will last for 2 weeks. Had a wee treat on the way home, called in for a coffee at the garden centre, I picked up a bag of ericaeous compost.

Yesterday was quiet, they were supposed to collect the aids that DB brought home and he no longer needs, they did not turn up, so DB can ring them after his siesta, they are in my way in the sewing room.

It was very windy, we had to shut the greenhouse door, the wind was funnelling through.

Cooking some salmon for tonights supper, we like it cold, I am going to do some new spuds and a tomato and celery salad to have with it. I did treat DB to a couple of raspberry trifles for dessert.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Gosh its windy

 Its a sunny mmorning but very windy. My load of laundry should dry quite quickly this morning.

Visit to old neighbour was good, plenty to chat about, her son flies home today, the good old red eye!! We used to travel back from the US on the red eye, got at to HR at 6am in the morning. Only once did we fly back on a plane that got in after lunch.

DB continues to make progress, he did wash the breakfast pots, I dried and put them away. He also walked up to close the greenhouse door to prevent the wind blowing through it, left the top went and the back window open. I have been looking at plants to fill in gaps in the garden, I bought some alium bulbs last year, they need to go in now and then we need to tackle the pots for the summer.

I have not touched my machine for ages, need to get my mind set straight and decide what I am going to do for Christmas this year and apply myself. I also need to make a set of table mats for the kitchen. Might use some green appliqued trees on calico.

Mince tonight, might do spag bol with garlic bread, I poached more rhubarb yesterday so will finish that off tonight for dessert.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Back to normal

DB had a re-assessment yesterday and has been signed off. He is showering and dressing himeself and also walking in the garden a bit. We have still not regained our usual sleep pattern, I have not known him to take so long before.

Off to see our old neighbour, her son from SA goes home tomorrow, so last chance to catch up with him before he goes back.

Our next door neighbours have been in scotland for a wedding, she has tested positive for Covid!! apparently its still rife in Scotland, far worse then here. So it will be at least 2 weeks before I see them. No way do I want it and certainly do not want DB to get it.

It will probable be a ding supper tonight. Then I will have to order some more.


Monday, May 23, 2022


DB is mostly walking in the house without his stick, but I insist he has it when he goes outside. I caught him in the greenhouse yesterday!!

I am very tired, not sleeping well at all. I am trying to rest as much as possible, but its not easy. Thankfully the cleaner is here this morning, so the house will be clean. I have taken mince out of the freezer for mince and tatties tonight.

Having problems getting onto Facebooks new secutiry system, they are not coneccting with my telephone despite having my new number, so an emergency call to my techie to see if he can sort it out today for me.

Its quite cool this morning, I have changed the bed so need to get the sheets dry outside, I am limiting the use of the dryer as much as I can.

So mince, tatties, veggies for supper with poached rhubarb for dessert.

Sunday, May 22, 2022


Not the best nights sleep I have ever had, as it is Sunday I did not wake DB until almost 9am. Usual breakfast fruit and croissant.

DB showered himself this morning and washed his hair, so progress indeed. By tomorrow he will be having his meals at the table as well.

Did not do much yesterday, watered the greenhouse, it did not rain overnight so I will need to water the garden and pots tonight. I have sorted out a couple more plants that can go in the garden when the gardener comes again on Friday.

Its sunny just now but supposed to cloud over, we will wait and see.

Veg to prep for tonight supper, Pork steak, mash, cabbage and carrot. We will finish off the rhubarb I cooked yesterday. Plenty more to come. I will freeze some later. I need to sort the freezers first. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Good day

yesterday, although DB is still very tired. He had an hours nap in the morning and then his siesta.

Gardener was here, so DB's little list was completed and stuff I wanted doing was also sorted. Bulb pots have been put against the wall to die down and new pots brought to the front for the bedding plants etc. I need to pull some more rhubarb this morning for supper tonight.

I managed to get a reasonable amount of rest yesterday, we went to bed at 9pm and read for a while. I put my light out at 10pm, woke  couple of times in the night, finally came to at 7am. So am up washed and dressed ready for the carer to come, breakfast is all ready on the tray apart from the coffee which I will brew when the carer comes.

It has been quite cold over night, but no frost.

Supper tonight is ADB with rhubarb for dessert.


Friday, May 20, 2022

Ups and downs

Yesterday was a day of ups and downs. The carer was here for the shortest time possible - 15 minutes - DB was not impressed, nor was I. Got my hair cut, much better, the back is layered into my neck.

DB had a bit of a funny day, I am not sure if its the tablets or vertigo. After his siesta yesterday afternoon, I went up to the post office and then took DB for a cup of tea and a scone at the garden centre. When we got back he retired to bed dizzy.

We had a later than usual supper. At bed time DB complained of feeling sick and dizzy again, so not a good day.

I am absolutly shattered, this last episode with DB has really taken me down, I need respite care, although I am not likely to get it whilst I am on my feet........

Supper tonight is fish and chips, I have made a small bread and butter pudding for dessert.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Its Thursday

One week since DB came home from hospital. At last we both had a decent nights sleep. He is doing quite well. We stayed for 3/4of an hour at the coffee morning. Quite a few people came eventually.

The rest of the day was quiet. DB went for his nap as usual. My neighbour came round and fixed the hose so I can use a feeder with it and also put an extra line of plastic wire on the fence for the clematis. DB is starting a note of jobs for the gardener tomorrow. He is walking much better so I am going to let him walk up to the greenhouse and back this morning; with his stick of course!!

Yesterday afternoon they delivered a frame to go round the toilet, its too small, neither of us can reach round whilst sitting on it so its going back!!

I have to re-apply for my driving licence, they need everything including your inside leg measurement. There is a back log, heaven knows how long I will have to wait for it to come through. They have been taking 6 months!! I just cannot be without a car for that length of time.

Have a of of belly pork casserole on, there will be enough pork for two suppers, DB has requested rice with it, suits me fine. I opened a tin of pears alst night will finish them off tonight and then do more rhubarb tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Trimming rhubarb this morning I managed to cut my thumb, blood all down my arm. Have managed to put a plaster on it.

DB had a reasonable day yesterday, had a long siesta, but managed to stay up till 9pm. I was exhuasted when I got to bed, and put the light out just after 10pm. Left DB reading.

Carer has been and showered him this morning, we are going round to the chapel for half an hour to coffee. I will take him in the car.

I watered the garden last night, then it rained!! Grrrrr.......we need to move back the pots with the tulips in, they are about done now and bring the ones forward for the bedding plants which will go in at the beginning of June, T will have plenty to do on Friday.

Frittata and salad tonight, have finished the poached rhubarb, will have to find something else for dessert if we want one.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Another scorcher

Yesterday we were forecast thunderstorms which dod not arrive, it was a warm sunny day.

DB did sit out for a while, but he has to keep his arms and head covered, so was soon inside again. His carer showerd him and helped him dress. He is eating but not as much as usual and of course is not as active as he has been.

A friend from the Chapel called round to see how DB was, which was kind of him. I did say we hoped to go to the chapel coffee morning just for a short while tomorrow. I have a load of rhubarb I want to get rid of.

Its already 14c outside so its going to be another hot day which means I am going to have to water the whole garden tonight once it cools down. I need to go up and check the greenhouse as well as the cold frame and grow house.

Supper tonight is smoked haddock and poached egg, I poached some rhubarb yesterday so we will finish that up for dessert.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Wash day

Up and showered ready for the carers to come to shower DB. Another bad night, have been awake since 3am......this has to stop, or I will have to go to bed each afternoon when he has his siesta. I forgot to take my medication again last night, have set Alexa to remind me each night.

Yesterday was a good day, DB managed to walk up to the top of the garden path to inspect the garden. He had his siesta then got up for his supper. We were both back in bed at 9pm. Lights out at 10.30, only to wake at 3am with DB complaining about his knee hurting. His knees have been sore and stiff since he came home.

Supper was roast chicken, once again he cleared his plate, we had grapes for dessert for a change. I need to cut some more rhubarb, its going daft at the top of the garden. I will cook it with some sugar and we will have it tonight.

Cleaner is here this morning, so bungalow will get a clean, have kept the carpets clean and blown the dust around whilst she was away.

DD2 is in Spainish Islands on holiday due back at the weekend. She is having a good time, been on a couple of excursions which she has enjoyed. He ex partners father died last week so she is coming back to a funeral. 

Cold chicken and salad tonight for supper, will do some of the rhubarb for dessert.

Sunday, May 15, 2022


Lovely morning, sun shining.

Yesterday the carer came and put DB in the shower, he was able to wash his hair. He sat in the sitting room and had his lunch, then went for a siesta. I woke him just after 3pm with tea and cake. Once he was up we walked into the garden and sat for a few minutes. M had been and cut the grass, so the garden looks very nice. We went to bed just after 9pm. DB sat up watching a film on the TV, I think he overdid it, we both ended up not sleeping, so this morning it was 10.30 before my foot touched the floor.

Rain is forecast for this afternoon, I have prepped the veg for supper, we are having roast chicken, etc.

I coped ok with DB this morning, but glad I am not having to cope with him every morning, the carers are a great help.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

First day over.

DB stayed in bed until the lady from the carers came to assess him, he had been asleep so was a bit dopy. She had just left where the carer came to help him wash and dress. He went back to bed after his lunch and slept until I woke him at 3pm with tea and cake. He got up and came through to the sitting room, had his supper and went back to bed at 8.30. I decided to go too. DB watched a TV programme and then read for a bit. I put my light out just after 10.30.

The carer has just come to get him showered. Hid breakfast is ready for him when he is dressed.

Gardener here yesterday, I had a list for him which he duly worked through.

I did very little except cook the supper.

Its a lovely morning, I am hoping to get him out to the back door at some point today, not sure he will manage much further.

Friday, May 13, 2022

DB is home.

Phone call yesterday afternoon to say that his care package has been picked up. He arrived home by Taxi. Apparently it is cheaper to use a taxi than an ambulance.

He had some supper and retired to bed, he did wake a couple of times, but was soon in the land of nod. The care team are coming to assess him this morning. Someone else tomorrow and yet again someone else on Monday!! We never had all this before.

So nurses apron on yet again. I did manage a reasnable sleep last night, not planning anything exhausting. Gardener is due this afternoon, so I need a list of things for him to do. I mmight have to sort out a couple of pots. 

Fish and chips tonight for supper. I am going to make a creme caramel to use up some milk.

Thursday, May 12, 2022


I got up fairly early and went to Aldi to do a shop of things I was running short of, was back here, unpacked and put away by 10.15, so not too bad.

I arranged with DB to phone me after 11am. I am not going in to see him today, but going in tomorrow morning. If they have not sorted the care package then I will ask for him to be discharged into my care on Saturday.

He was quite bright, he had been allowed to go to the toilet on his own using a stick. He is going to have to get used to using one when he gets home; like it or not.

Have not decided what to have for supper yet. I am drinking milk which seems to be taking my appetite back a bit. I really need to have weetabix.

2.15pm. have just has word that the care package has been picked up, DB is being discharged and will come home by transport. They have to sort out all the letters medication etc, so it could be late this evening before he gets home. Posting might be a bit sporadic for a while.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

No Homecoming

DB is still in hospital, they are waiting for a care package, I will give them to the weekend. I have  arranged to go and see DB this afternoon.

Glad I got the washing dry yesterday, its raining, it was forecast, due to rain on and off for the rest of the day. That means I will only have the greenhouse to water today!!

Another very bad night 5am when I last looked at the clock.....getting a bit fed up now.

Nothing else planned except visiting DB.

No idea what to have for supper. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Coming home day

I went in to see DB yesterday afternoon, he may be home today if his care package has been picked up. We will have to wait and see. He is going to ring me after 11am with any news he has.

Pleased to say he was looking much better than he was, I think he had a visit from a psychologist on Sunday, will know more when he gets home. He certainly gets strung up when he is in hospital. He is highly strung at the best of times, but worse when he is in hospital.

A load of laundry washed and dried yesterday, another load to go out this morning and again tomorrow, that will be the laundry caught up.

Post Office and Drs this morning, then wait for DB to phone.

It was another sunny day yesterday, its cloudy just now but the sun is trying to break through. We were forecast some rain last night, but does not appear to have happened.

Egg and chips tonight I think. If DB is coming home I will have to sort out some meals for him.


DB will not be coming home today, they are still trying to get a package together for him. I have said that if they have not found anything within 2 days I will have him home and look after him myself. I have had a week when I have not done a lot really, so reasonably rested. I know he will be better here.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Wash day

Yesterday was another bad day for DB, he passed out and was out for 3 hours!! More xrays etc. He did phone last night and he had been ok the rest of the day.

I have phoned to go and see him today, I have a feeling I may be bringing him home if they have a care package in place.

I spent an hour with my neighbours last night. Watered the garden when the sun went down, it was very dry, could not use the feed as I could not fint the cotainer to the hose pipe.

Laundry is in the washer, will be going on the line shortly. We are having some good weather just now, there is a breeze which is keeping the temperature down a bit.

Np idea what to have for supper, might do sausage and a jacket spud. If DB does come home it will be a ding dinner. 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mixed day

A rather warm day, the car was warm when I got in to drive to the hospital. I phoned at 8am and booked my slot for 2pm. left home just after 1pm, say in the hodpital car park for 10 minutes before making my way slowly to the ward.

They are trying to get DB mobile, not very successfully, his chest pain comes on if he tries to walk.

I stayed for an hour and then drove home.DB phoned at 9pm to say he had a sustained bout of chest pain again,  12 out of 10, so he was taken for yet another xray, doubt they will find anything but you never know.

I am not going in today, will probably go tomorrow depends what happens between now and then.

Another bad night disturbed sleep, so stayed in bed a bit longer, shower and hair wash and I feel human again. Waiting for a call from DB at some point this morning. Looks like being a nice day although there is a cool breeze.

Not sure what I am having for supper tonight, will have a rake round in the freezer and see what I can find.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

We had rain

Last night which has again svaed me watering the garden.

DB is still in hospital, they are keeping him over the weekend, review on Monday and may be home. He phoned last night to say he had a good day. I have booked to go and see him this afternoon. So need to gear myself up for a long walk to the lifts to the third floor. When I went in on Thursday I was shattered by the time I got back to the car. I have to walk twice as far this time. Could do with a scooter!!

Quiet day yesterday the gardener was here and put in plants I had laid out to go in, gradually getting the plants out that have been in the grow house over winter. At the end of this month the tulip pots will be moved back and the summer bedding pots planted. I could do with a stool like DB's where I can sit and plant up.

Just now I am on a 'no spend' period, I really need to build up the emergency fund a bit quicker, apart from food and petrol I am not spending on anything else thats not essential. I have plenty of meat in the freezer which should see us through for quite a while. It will be fish and general foodstuffs including fruit. I am on a £140 budget for food. I was shocked to have to pay £1 for 6 eggs, they were 15 for 99p. another source of protein increased.

I plan to have a poached egg at lunch time, have a ding supper, sweet and sour chicken, I had beef stew last night there is enough left for 2 if I add some canellini beans, its in the freezer. I also want to make a belly pork casserole, I can use the rest of the beans in that and freeze it. 

Friday, May 6, 2022


I did not sleep well Wednesday night, but managed up and out by 10am. I went sailing round past the house where I was taking the quilt top to, so had to do a circuit, it will be ready in 3 weeks, once I have bound it I will photograph it.

On to the hospital, delivered the clean clothes and bought back some for washing. I was allowed to see him for a few minutes. He had been asleep so it took a few minutes for him to pull himself together. He just said he was better than yesterday, has been told not to put his head back to ensure his vertigo does not ramp up.

Back home I made myself a sandwich, had a yogurt and then a nana nap.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Not Today Josephine

yesterday was a bit of a mess. Db did not phone after lunch, so I phoned up. Apparently DB had a couple of his vacant moments and then complained about pain radiating up his left side. I had quite a long conversation with one of the Dr's. I told her to read back through his notes and she would see all about his vacant moments. They were going to do yet another scan.......

Much to my surprise DB phoned just before 9PM, bright as a button. I have to take some clean clothes in for him when I go into Leicester today. I am going to see if they will let me see him for a few moments, fingers crossed.

Coffee morning was fine, I asked Tim if he would come and clean my windows and also wipe down the frames, door etc. He did a really good job. I am thinking of asking him to do them permanently, our window cleaner has not been seen since january. He had a cup of tea before he left for home.

Cheese on toast for supper last night, did not fancy anything else.

Will see how I feel tonight, I have beef stew in the fridge, might have some of that. I also need to finish off the raspberries in jelly I made at the weekend.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Coffee Morning

I was a bit late getting up, went straight out into the garden to cut a cabbage and also rhubarb to take to the coffee morning. We have had rain overnight and its still spitting, the garden needed it badly, I am so grateful it has saved me watering.

DB had a good day yesterday, he is being put on a different medication to see if they can control the palpitations better, he has more tests today. I have to go in to Leicester tomorrow to take Liitle Misses quilt so will call at the hospital with clothes. Its possible that he will be discharged tomorrow, we will have to wait and see.

I am doing my best to relax a bit whilst he is away, I know it will be full on whn he comes home. Keeping him out of the garden will be a job in itself.

Towels in the washer, they will have to go in the dryer, no chance of getting them dry utside at the moment. I am trying to cut back on power usage, there are times however, when you just have to use it.

Right a couple more job to do and then off to the little chapel for tea in my case, am laying off coffee just now.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


I spoke to DB yesterday morning, he had spent the night on a trolly and was moved to Glenfield at 5.30am by ambulance. He was still on a trolley at lunch time.

I rang at 6pm to be told he was doing ok!! Why did I not believe the nurse, he was not British and I could hardly understand what he was saying.

DB phoned just after 8pm, they had him in a bed, his vertigo has reared its self, passed out, Fortunately the nurse caught him and managed to lower him to the floor.  He has been told that as he gets older he will have more frequent palpiations, there is an override switch on his bedside monitor, he has to press it when they start. The Dr is due to see him again this morning, they may send him home, which will mess up the week, I will have to cancel various things we were going to do. Hey ho thats life. He is better at home.

I had a much better nights sleep, woke just after one, then at 5.30am finally getting up to make tea at 7.30. Did not actually get up till 9am.

Have watered the greenhouse and opened the vents, just has my breakfast melton, toast and a large mug of coffee. I will wait until I have heard from DB before I go up to the Post Office. so it may be lunch time before I get there.


Phone call this morning from DB. He will not be home for possibly 2 more days, they are looking at other ways of treating him. The Dr did confirm however that having his ears syringed before his hearing appointment is what has set his Vertigo off again. Just hope it does not take too long to right itsself. I can do without having to get him up off the floor every so often.

I am feeling a bit unsettled, not sure why....... 

Monday, May 2, 2022

Yesterday was not a good day

DB ended up being taken into A & E with radiating chest pain, I rang late last night and they were running tests and waiting for a Dr......so nothing changes. I will ring later and see what the score is today.

Needless to say a less than peaceful night here, and an early wake up to take the dreaded osteo pill.

I have a load in the washer it should dry on the line. Cleaner is due this morning.

I may well have a ding dinner tonight for supper, not much point cooking for one......

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Pinch an a punch

for the start of the month. My goodness, May already, this year is whizzing past. Its a very cloudy morning, the sun is not due to come through the cloud. I have prepped the veg for supper, did a freezer dive to fins the turkey to froze after Easter. Thats supper tonight. will do rasps in jelly for dessert, will do us a couple of nights.

Yesterday was another very bright sunny day, we nipped into town and got caught up with traffic going to the cheese festival at the market, long queues of traffic and lots of people on foot.

Went into the air ambulance charity place but the did ot have what I was looking for, so we went next door to QD. I got the feed for the ericacious plants and a couple of other things; as we were leaving to go to the till DB espied a set of side tables in a sililar colourway to the chests we bought. I had been looking at them on the internet. Enquired at the tills and were told they had to be ordered but if we wanted to we could buy the set on show. We examined them to make sure they were ok and borught them home with a 20% discount on an already discounted price.......result!!

Once home we had lunch and DB went for his siesta. Whilst he was out of the way I did a quick furniture change round and the tables are now my office at the side of the settee I sit on at my laptop. I am now considering getting a bookcase to match. I can see some more books going.

Supper was all day breakfast, we finished off the rhubarb for dessert with a small splodge of cream.