Monday, July 31, 2023


is for rain, typical, its bed day, sheets etc are in the washer, guess they will be going into the dryer.

We are going to DD2's for DB's birthday lunch, the cleaner is here so will leave her to lock up when we go.

The supper last night was very good, DB cleared a slightly bigger helping and then had sponge pudding for dessert, no supper tonight, possibly sandwiches made with the left over chicken.

Still not done any sewing, seem to have hit a really bad 'cannot be bothered' patch.

We have a busy week, DD's today tomorrow we are visiting the facility where our old neighbour lives, so can combine that with a visit to see her and take her cooked sausage for the freezer. She likes a sausage sandwich for her tea. Wednesday is coffee morning again. I am down to watering the greenhouse every 2 days now, will have to use the watering cans tomorrow, the tomato's need feeding.

Right, off to get the bed linen out and put the bottom cheet on. Back tomorrow.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

What does today hold?

by the looks of the sky, rain..... We had our usual Sunday breakfast, have just prepped the veggies for supper, picked sweet peas, just about to have a cuppa and then water the green house.

The top of the garden looks strange without the raspberry bushes, we can see right to the top fence now.

My leg is still very swollen and red, it appears I have been bitten 4 times, yesterday it just about drove me nuts itching........if it does not look any better tomorrow I will be going down to the chemist for something to stop the itching. I am keeping a close eye on it, if it starts to go up my leg I will be visiting the Dr.

Load of laundry in, ease the load a bit, its bed day tomorrow, will do another coloured load later in the week. We are going to DD 2's for lunch tomorrow, so maybe a light supper rather than our usual cooked meal.

So supper, roast chicken, new potato's, carrots and cabbage. Raspberry sponge pudding for dessert.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Its Saturday

and its sunny, when I drew back the curtains they were quite warm......Yesterday I managed to get bitten/stung whilst removing the net over the raspberries and picking the few that were left. I have waht looks like 4 distinct bits on my knee, I was wearing trousers, so how it happened I do not know. So I am on anti histamine tablets. They itch like crazy.

Gardener was here spent most of his time cutting down the rasps, so our green bin is full of chopped up raspberries, we have saved one root, I will have to cut the branches off and see if they strike.

Still no more sewing done, I have to admit I am exhausted, at least DB is now doing the washing up and makes the odd cup of tea. According to the fittbit I only had 4 hours of sleep last night...... not good.

Supper tonight will possibly be ADB, will see what DB wants later, we have 2 lemon cheese cakes to finish for dessert.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Washing again

Its quite a dull morning, DB assures me that it is not going to rain so I have towels out on the line.

We had a visit yesterday from a lady from the surgery, very detailed questions, but she left satisfied that DB was in good hands and that I was ok. We can contact her if there is a problem she can help with.

I was feeling tired last night so I did a couple of ding dinners, DB had Spag bol and I had sweet and sour pork with egg fried rice, we finished off with a couple of strawberry trifles.

Very quiet in the close, we can hear the building work going on in the field at the back of the chapel, they are putting 30+ houses in there. More traffic on the narrow roads in the village.

I have been up and watered the greenhhouse, the gardener is here this afternoon, have a list of jobs for him.

Tonight is fish and chip night , DB will have the trifle thats left over, the lemon cheesecake for me.

Its the weekend, no plans as such, depends on the weather.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Dull morning

not such a nice mornning as yesterday, its very cloudy and dull although quite warm. Yesterday was a nice day until the evening when it rained.

DB continues to make progress, he is walking in the house without his stick, uses it in the garden. Have not watered the greenhouse yet, we had a visitor from the Dr's. We are both now on an integrated care package, so the Drs. have all the info they need. Of course DB had to have a vacant moment whilst she was here, she checked his pulse etc...he was back in a couple of minutes. She was surprised he was so mobile after being in bed for 3 weeks in hospital.

I managed to get some more sewing done yesterday, need to make some more of the credit card cases, so will be sorting through scraps to see what I can find.

No idea whats for supper as yet........although we need to eat the trifles I have in the fridge for dessert.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Its sunny

and no rain forecast until this evening.

Small load of laundry done and on the line, at least I will not have to shoot out and get it in......

DB is feeling a lot better, he has started to dry the pots and also make the odd cup of tea. He is walking much better, no longer like a sailor on the deck of a ship, so the pressure is off me a bit. According to my watch I managed 8 hours 8 minutes sleep last night.....

I picked one plum tomato that was ripe when I went up to water the greenhouse, there are also a few raspberries I can reach to pick.

One glasses case made and another ready to do and I am finished with them. I am going to look at doing a zipper bag in the hoop next.

Supper chicken and rice, banana and ice cream for dessert.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Its sunny

but for how long? Showers are predicted for later.

Quiet day today my right knee is causing real problems, so  I will have the try and get an appointment with the Dr. I was awake at 6am, but went off to sleep and was late waking up, so another slow start.

The tomatoes are starting to ripen, we need some more sun to speed things up, will not have to buy tomatoes after this week, there are enough coming, including baby ones.

Spent a couple of hours in the sewing room, have made 4 large glasses cases, onother one on the machine and enough fabric yo cut out another one. I am using the fabric I backed little misses quilt with.

Supper tonight is corned beef salad and possibly lemon cheese cake.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Its Monday

 and its raining. Laundry in thr washer, it will go in the dryer. We are expecting workmen to come and sort out our gate which is falling to bits.

Lunch yesterday was excellent as ususal, you can have as little or as much as you want, so neither of us had too much. Supper was a salad roll and fruit.

A quiet week for us this week, I did make another cople of the larger glasses cases yesterday, have enough fabric to make 2 more, they are quick to do. I also need to do more of the credit card cases from odd bits of fabric lying about.

Supper tonight will be mince and tatties, have strawberry trifle for dessert.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Light breakfast

we are going out for lunch today, our first 'treat' since DB came home. I have booked a table for 12 noon. I need to put fuel in the car on the way home. He is doing very well, but I really doubt he will ever be any better than he is. Just 2 more of his 'dizzy' tablets and he will be off them. When I spoke to the Dr she said if he started with the dizzies again I could restart them. We are just left with his other problem which is not that easy to control.

Melon and coffee for breakfast, we lay reading until 9.30. It is sunny but keeps clouding over. We were due to go to DD2's tomorrow, but she is under the weather, so have put it off.

Apart from watering the green house did very little else yesterday, I over did it on Friday, so note to self not to do it again!!

No supper as such tonight, maybe cheese, biscuits and fruit early evening.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Its the weekend

bad night, DB settled down and then could not get to sleep, so we were burning the midnight oil drinking tea. Did not wake up till 9am, so a late start.

We finished off the chicken and bacon pasta last night, I cheated and got a jar of lasagne sauce, used a bit with some milk to slaken what was left in the casserole dish, it went down very nicely thank you. I have some pasta sheets, so may well use it to make a lasagne with the rest of the sauce.

Gardener here yesterday, I had words with DB, I had several jobs I wanted doing, DB set him on something else, really annoyed me, it was something that did not need doing really until autumn. I was not a little cross. I pulled back the net over the raspberries, picked half a bowl full, they will be cut down next week ready to be dug out in the autumn.

Feeling a bit peely wally this morning, so a taking it easy day, my stress levels were off the radar yesterday....... apart from my spat with DB I also made some soup and also cooked enough mince for 3 meals. Think on top of the shopping, I did a bit too much.

We are having fish and chips tonight, and going out for lunch tomorrow. We are also out for lunch on Monday at DD2's a belated lunch for DB's 90th which he celebrated in hospital.

Friday, July 21, 2023


as DD1 brought Niblet yesterday I did not do my usual shop, so I went this morning, of course Friday is the day after pay day for some people, the shop was very busy. I managed to get all I wanted and was home in just after an hour. DB stayed at home, so did not want to be faffing about too long. Everything has been put away. I have the stuff out to make some soup which we will have tomorrow.

Its a fine morning, the sun keeps coming and going, gardener is due this afternoon, so DB has a list for him.

Niblets visit went off very well, he spent most of the time on a game computer he has. He appears to be very intelligent, his reading age is 10, he was 6 in march.....his speech is  very clear, although he does tend to go a bit fast when he is explaining something.......his handwriting is also good.

We nipped to the garden centre yesterday afternoon, when DB got up, treated ourselves to tea and cake, so no supper last nnight, just poached egg on toast.

I managed an extra case the other day, just have to finished it off and put the snap fastner on.

We will finish off the pasta for supper tonight with a small salad.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Batten down

 the hatches Niblet is due this morning, fingers crossed its fine so he can go into the garden. Also have an inspector coming from the council to see the tiny bit of mould we have in the shower room, the sealant round the shower has mould underneath it.

DB walked round and back to the coffee morning with his walker, we popped it in a corner until we were ready to come home.

E asked me if I had any of the popper cases, her friend wanted 6, I had 5 and set to and made another one, she collected them yesterday, more dosh for the pot. I will need to order more stabilizer soon, and I also need to replace some threads. I am gradually replacing the rayon eombroidery thread with polyester. The rayon thread fades quite a bit. I have another project in the pipe line for labels which can be hung on the tree.

I cooked a chicken and bacon casserole for supper last night, there is enough for tonight.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A quiet day

apart from the OT coming to see DB was getting on ok with his walker.........she is pleased at his progress and will keep in touch by phone. He is still doing his leg exercises 3 times a day.

Another load of laundry done, so all up to date now, just waiting for the ironing to come back.

Coffee morning, so watered the greenhouse, 3 cherry tomatos almist ready. Pulled the last of the rhubarb and cleaned it, will take it with us this morning. I might just get one more lot off, it will go in the freezer.

I need to do a shopping list for Aldi, might not get there tomorrow, depends what time the surveyor comes.

Supper tonight is corned beef salad, I made a chocolate mousse for last night, it will be back to ice cream tonight.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

It all went well

mattress turning and fitting the new topper went well. The bed seems to warm up quicker once you get in, but no over heating. I fell asleep quite quickly, it took DB a little longer, but all in all it seems to be ok, certainly no pain in my back or knees when I got up. We will see how it goes.

Another load of washing in this morning, sheets dried ok on the line, managed to get them dry before it rained. They are folded ready to go for ironing.

More rain forecast for after lunch, at the moment we have weak sun, as long as I get most of the laundry dry I do not mind.

Usual jobs this morning, water the greenhouse and pick raspberries. The OT is coming to see DB with his walker this afternoon, he has been up the garden a couple of times with it yesterday, with the brakes on he can sit and pick raspberries from the lower part of the plants. I want to strip them and get rid of the old net, T will cut them right down when he comes on Friday.

Thinking about returning to sewing, I might contact the local school, they have a Christmas fayre, might do that rather than the one at the garden centre. Have downloaded some more designs, looking for things that chldren can give to their teacher.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash have some cabbage so will have that with it. Rasps for dessert.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Todays the day

the mattress gets turned and the new topper put on. Bed is stripped and sheets etc in the washer, waiting for my cleaner to come and help me turn the mattress and put the topper on........

Its sunny, although rain is forecast later this morning so the sheets etc may have to go in the dryer.

DB now has his wheeled walker and is champing at the bit to go up the garden and pick raspberries, the walker has a seat on it so he could pick any that are 'on his level', but I do not want him bending down and falling into the this space!!

There is enough of the chicken from last night for tonights supper, I cooked some of the little potatos, may well do a few tonight to have with the chicken and some salad.

Right must sign off for today, I need to put the small dyson on the mattress before we turn it, cleaner will be here shortly.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunshine and showers

all day yesterday, I had laundry out which got drenched twice, eventually I brought it in, spun it and shoved it in the dryer.

The gardener came mid morning and did what was required, he ended up sheltering in the shed from a vicious outbreak of rain. He will be back on Friday all being well. DB has started to draw up a list of gardening stuff we can sell, I need to check the lawn mower and strimmer are working before putting them on Gumtree. We will have a sale of the garden tools etc at the end of September/ October. We also have a garden ?shed to sell, who ever buys it will have to remove it though, it came from next door when Mary died. We have used it for storing wood and compost. We will keep the big shed we bought 5 years ago. There will be plenty of room in there to store stuff we decide to keep.

We watched the winbledon ladies final, quite a turn around for an unseeded player to win. We also watched the wheelchair doubles final, how those chaps do it I really do not know.

Veggies prepped for supper, raost chicken, should be enough for tomorrows supper as well.

Saturday, July 15, 2023


all day yesterday, from drizzle to heavy rain. Not complaining it saves me watering the garden. I still have to go up and water the greenhouse. T did not come, no point in working in the rain, as long as its fine he will come later this morning. Its sunny just now but DB tells me its due to rain from midday onwards. I have a small load of laundry in the washer, hope to get it dry on the line.

M came round last night and fitted up the intruder alarm, We do not get much trouble in the village, but having seen what happened when my mother was burgled I have no desire to go through the same experience. We do have a safe which I keep a little spare cash in but thats it, however I just could not cope with knowing that someone had been through our things.

ADB for supper tonight, think DB could manage one now. I have cut down his vertigo medication to one a day and in the thext few days will be reducing it further till he is not taking any. If the vertigo does return I will have to re-start it.

No plans except to watch the ladies final at Wimbledon this afternoon.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Brilliant job

done yesterday by the motor dealers. My car was collected by the service manager at 7am, obviously he left his car in its place. Email just after 9am to say that it had passed its health check and was going on to have s service, 12.15 car was back all clean and polished inside and out. I have a service plan so no charge either.

Not so hot yesterday we did have a couple of showers but that was it. Grocery delivery just after 10.30 and that was it.

I will have to goup and water the greenhouse shortly, but its raining, so the pots will not need water tonight.

DB continues to make progress, we are going to get our haircut at lunch time, I look like the wild witch of the west, mine is curling out of control.

Supper tonight, as always fish and chips, we have half a bowl of raspberries, so will have some with ice cream for dessert.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Early rising

I had to get up at 7am this morning, the chap from the garage came and collected my car for its service, he has left his very nice expensive car in its place. Pity I do not have the keys!!

DB is doing a little more each day, he walked up with me to water the greenhouse, and sat on the bench whilst I picked a bowl of raspberries, there are a lot more to pick. Morrison has just been with my small order, so we are ok for the next few days.

Not much going on, I am resting whilst I can, waiting for DBs walker with a seat on to come, then hopefully he will be able to walk round the the chapel next week for the coffee morning.

Yesterday was Amazon prime day, my neighbour has prime, so she has ordered me an alarm system for the bungalow which connects with our ring bell. It was half price.... so well worth doing. If ever we move we can take it with us. Its wireless, there will be a camera in the hall so anyone who gets in and goes to the bedrooms will get picked up.

Supper tonight is cooked gammon and salad will cook a couple of new potatoes with it. Raspberries for dessert.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Another night

without having to water the garden, we had a couple of light showers during the day, but last evening it sloshed it down.........I still have to water the greenhouse though.

DB continues to improve, I have cut down on his vertigo medication, he is just having it morning and evening, will be cutting the evening one out shortly. I have to ring and make an appointment to speak to the Dr. I guess he will need a blood test to check his liver function.

I continue to slog through each day, very tired by the time I go to bed and then cannot sleep, was awake last night still 3am.

They are collecting the car tomorrow for its service, I have set the alarm for 7am.......will possibly go back to bed for an hour after its been collected.

Towels in the washer, there is quite a strong breeze so they should dry ok, rain is forecast after lunch.

Pork casserole and rice for supper tonight, I have a couple of sponge puddings for desssert.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

We had

a little rain during the day, but last night when we went to bed it was raining heavily, some sun, but more rain forecast for today. The beans have started flowering, it has been much too hot for them, so not expecting a great harvest.

Quiet day yesterday, the physio came to see DB, wanted to see him walk to the bathroom and get in and out of bed. She has ordered a walking frame and also a perching stool for both of us to use.

No plans for today except watering the green house and picking raspberries, I will also have a look at the strawberry bed, will take the net off and look at setting some runners.

DB is doing very well, he is now washing,dressing himself, and generally looking after himself. I am taking things slowly so I do not get too tired, but am usually ready for bed between 9 - 10 pm. We did not sleep too well last nnight for some reason.

Supper tonight is beef casserole and veg. I guess we will be having raspberries for dessert. Menu changed, tomato and bacon pasta with garlic bread. We may have the beef tomorrow.

Monday, July 10, 2023


but rain forecast for later. We had several sharp episodes of rain yesterday, I think it did just manage to wet the soil.

DB managed to tiss over yesterday, he knocked over the waste bin in the sitting room, got up to pick it up and promptly fell. I am afraid I lost what bit of temper I had been holding in and let him have it with both barrels..........he was very subdued for quite a while. He just does not think of the consequences when he does not listen. He did manage to get himself up, which is a minor miracle. His gut problem has eased, but I have continued the medication, will do so for a couple of days to make sure its ok.

Its a bright morning, I have the washer on, hopefully it will dry outside.

I have taken some salmon out of the freezer, will cook it this morning and let it go cold, will have it with salad and new potatoes tonight. 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

More rain

and thunder due today, we had half an inch of rain yesterday, but the ground is still parched, its so dry the rain is just running off.

Usual Sunday brekkie, made it up just after I am pleased to say that DBs problem seems to be resolving, so fingers crossed. Watered the green house and prepped the veg for supper. I need to go out and get more rapsberries, I am gradually uncovering the plants, they are going to be cut down when the gardener comes on Friday. I need to pot up 24 runners from the strawberries, and also put three raspberry canes into a large pot.

Supper tonight is roast pork and veggies, raspberries and ice cream for dessert .

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Thunder storms

high of 30c forecast today with thunderstorms........can't we just have the storms tank is empty I need some cooler weather. There were signs of rain a few moments ago, did not even wet the slabs...........

Did not get up too early, eshausted with the heat.

DB continues to make progress, if we could just conquor the food waste transit everything would be fine.

Gardener came last evening has done a great job trimming and cutting down the bushes on the front and in the back garden..........trouble is they will grow again.

I have a small wash load on, might have to dry it inside if we do get the forecast storms.

Supper tonight lasagne and salad with fresh raspberries and ice cream for dessert. I am pushing as much fresh fruit as I can down DB although so far the results have been negative.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Its going to be hot

have had to ring the gardener and get him to come later, we are forecast 27c this afternoon, far too hot to garden.

DB is having consipation problems again, I have upped his medication to try and move things along, if its not sorted by Monday I will have to ring the Dr. He got himself up, washed and dressed.........things are almost back to as normal as its going to be........

Went and collected my groceries yesterday, there were things missing, a freezer had defrosted overnight so the contents had to be binned.
Spent the rest of the day relaxing.

Friday so fish and chips for supper tonight......will be picking some more raspberries later.

Thursday, July 6, 2023


DB is doing  very well, this morning he showered himself and dried and dressed before coming through for his breakfast.

Yesterdays coffee morning was busy, new people came there were 14 of us, we had cake as it is the lat preachers birthday this coming weekend, so his slice had 3 candles on it.

Quiet day, DB went for his siesta after his lunch, I had a quick nap in his chair.

Supper last night ended up as macaroni cheese and a jacket potato.

We are going down to the Melton Aldi to collect a click and collect order, tonights supper will be salad possibly with quiche.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Coffee Morning

a chance to meet up with friends and chat.

DB had a very good day yesterday, went for his siesta and then did not go to bed until 10pm, was soon in the land of nod. I read a bit longer and then settled down myself.

I have watered the tomatoes and also pulled some rhubarb, the strawberries are almost finished, but the raspberries are coming on now. I need to take the net back and pick some, I guess there will be more to go into the freezer.

Chiropodist coming this morning so DB needs to soak his feet, makes it easier to trim his nails.

Sausage and mash for supper tonight......not decided on a dessert yet.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Still windy

yesterday we had very high winds and then a short storm, hardly enough to wet the ground.

DB walked to the library van and back, it has a lift which we both used. The physios came to see him, were here over an hour, tried him standiing up, instant dizzyness, soon sat him down, they are going to leave it a bit before they come back again.

DB went to bed about 7.30, he came through about 9.30 moaning he was dizzy felt sick etc.........I wheeled him back to bed, applied a cold flannel, gave him paracetamol for his headache and he fell asleep, leaving me trembling like a leaf!! He woke this morning and did not remember any of it!! We had brekkers in bed and I got him up about 9.45 after I had a shower.

I have decided to do a couple of smaller laods of washing a week, easier to hang out, does not tire me out so much, so the washer is on this morning.

Supper tonight, beef and beef casserole with veggies, not sure about a dessert, I may see if there are any more strawberries in the top bed.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Bright morning

Great granddaughter Ella, graduating from nursery to School.

  We are forecast rain showers during the day, so hopefully no watering tonight. Have to go up and water and feed the tomatoes and pepper.

DB had quite a good day yesterday, he went to bed at 8pm, woke briefly when I went to bed and had a drink. Washed  and dried himself and is now in the lounge, he got himself up after his siesta. Waiting for the cleaner to come at 10am before I go up the garden.

Washing dried yesterday so aired and put away, the laundry basket is filling up again........might do a wash tomorrow.

Chicken supper last night was very nice, enough left for maybe a sandwhich or salad later

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Its Sunday

So brekkie in bed. DB was very tired yesterday, he had a couple of snoozes and went to bed before 7pm. He woke for a drink when I went to bed. I was tired too. Woke once to go to the toilet, finally came too just after 8am. The patient is up and dressed.

The last two days have been very was a trouser days. The sun is shining but its not going to be too hot. DB may be able to sit on the bench we cleared down. I have to go out and water the tomatoes shortly. Tomorrow I will have to feed them and the beans growing in the garden. It has been so hot it has retarded the growth, but by now we are usually picking beans.

Chicken for supper tonight with most of the trimmings, neither of us are eating large portions just now, so the chicken will come in for tomorrow as well. I have a couple of small raspberry trifles for dessert.

Thankfully the message has got through to the care company, they did not turn up yesterday. We are managing ok. I have started saying 'when I am ready' to some of DB's demands. I did have a chat yesterday about what he can and cannot expect. As long as I sit down and let my back rest I can manage and he is getting more mobile as well. It is doubtful that I will be able to fo the fair, so thinking about maybe putting a sale on in the chapel hall, if B agrees to it, not really sure, will have to wait and see. If not will be putting stuff on gumtree.


Saturday, July 1, 2023


I blew  my top at SS, the nurse came despite me telling her I did not want her to come at 11.30. Phoned social services and to cut a long story short I have cancelled the care. DB is still to have an assessment of his needs from OT, but to be honest we have grab rails etc all over the house, he walks with a stick, his gait is so much better and although he is slow, he is steady.

I have just put him through the shower, dried and helped him to dress, apart from his socks he really does it on his own. Still very tired which of course is to be expected after they kept him in bed for 3 weeks, so he has a siesta, in the afternoon, then goes through to bed about 8pm, I take him a drink when I go through at 9pm and he is asleep before 10.30pm.

I am coping ok, resting as much as I am able, its the washing up that gets to me. I wish I could get a dishwasher put in, it would help so much......hey ho.....No real room without spending a fortune on the kitchen which I am not prepared to do. It is not our house and the council would rip it out after we pass on or move out.

Tomoatos need watering, if it does not rain tonight I will have to water the pots. T and I cleared the patio so DB can sit out if he wants to. The Landscaper also came and took measurements for what I want doing in the back garden, he will send me a quote through, work to be done at the end of October.

Supper tonight will be a small ADB using bacon instead of gammon steaks. We finished the creme caramel last night, so may well us the raspberries I picked in a jelly, that will last a few days for dessert.