Tuesday, June 30, 2020

No lockdown lifting for us

We do not live in what will now become the infamous City of Leicester, but we do live in the county. My eldest DD and DGD both live in the City, but not, thankfully in the affected areas, although they are close to the out limits of one.

The East of Leicester is the area which is badly affected and I am sad to say a majority of the residents belong to the ethnic community. A picture has been published in the paper this morning of a group of youths playing cricket on the local park. Are they social distancing? not on your life!! So far the County and Rutland have not been included, the numbers here are very low, but.......although we could go out we will not. I am becoming increasingly worried about going out into crowds and shopping fulls me with horror , let alone the thought of having to visit a hospital. I sometimes wonder if we will ever get out of the house again!!

Its another dull and windy morning. I have a coloured load in the washer and it will go in the dryer. DB has just gone out to survey the estate, there are things that will need tying in due to the high winds. I have the bed linen to iron at some point.

Supper tonight is baked haddock with mash and veg. might pull some rhubarb for dessert, I could make rhubarb fool.

In the garden this afternoon.

The apricot rose on the arch, scent is delighful.

Prince George clematis, first year its flowered.

Rose climbing through a clematis.

Monday, June 29, 2020


The temperature has gone down with a whump......13o, its like winter. Very heavy rain and flooding is forecast, fuelled by the wind!!

We had strong winds all day yesterday and it hissed down at tea time for about an hour.

 Bed stripped, the sheets will have to go in the dryer, no way is it going to dry on the line it will end up in Timbookto. Cleaner is here this morning so she will help me to remake the bed, putting the quilt cover on is a nightmare.

Grocery delivery yesterday, should do us for 2 weeks apart from some fresh veg and fruit.

I gave up with the angels yesterday, first one sewed out not bad, second one blocked up the machine, I had to take it to pieces and clean it, I also had a couple of thread breaks, so on hold for now. I have another project I can be getting on with.

Supper tonight is frittata and salad, have some bacon to use up, although I may change my mind and do a cheese one or even herb. There are a few raspberries for dessert with some cream.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

What a day

we had yesterday with the weather. It started off dull and grey, sun broke through periodically, high winds and then sudden absolutely pelting rain blown sideways in the wind. On one occasion the sun was out and it was sloshing down with rain at the same time.

I did manage some sewing, that was not without problems either, however a start made.

The sky is grey this morning, I have a load of laundry in but I doubt it will go out on the line, more likely to be in the dryer.  The wind is still quite strong this morning.

Morrison shop coming after lunch, not as expensive as the last one but bad enough. Our food costs have gone up with a real bang since I have been forced to shop at Sainsbury and Morrison. It looks like it may continue until the end if July. Even then I will be very wary of going shopping.

Supper tonight is roast pork, roast tatties, peas and carrots. I have a tin of sweetcorn in the cupboard, might open that and use half, put the rest in the freezer. The rasps are coming through now, the strawberries have finished.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Do I have an oven/cooker

Yes I do, a hob and two ovens.

Cooker, as you can see its smaller than the space left for it.


Top oven/ grill or broiler as its called in the us.

Main oven, fan assisted.

What I use most is my Panasonic combi microwave, which is a microwave with a grill and also the cavity is an oven.

As you will see the cooker ovens are pristine.

I am hoping to get a cooker with electric oven and gas hob, once people start delivering again, it is also bigger and will fit the space. Cleaning down the sides of the smaller one is an absolute pain.

What a change

From boiling hot yesterday, to what feels like freezing cold today!! We have had some rain, it is very overcast and windy........and at least 10o cooler.

I started on my Christmas sewing last night, have got the start of 12 angels done, I do them two at a time in the 5 x 7 hoop I have, turn them sideways, works great. Want to get 2 more done today. I have also sorted out fabric for the mandala, plain calico with the embroidery done in a matching beige thread.

DB will not be gardening today, I got a mystery box of plants yesterday, there are two red hot pokers. Remember the problem we had with them at the cottage. I am going to put them in a big pot which we can stand in the herbaceous bed.........There is a shrub that is being crowded out by the Rhodi and the Laurel, so its going to have to come out and fill a hole somewhere else.

I took the glass front off the second oven yesterday and cleaned it, had I known you could do that I would have done it before. I need to take the big oven glass off and clean it, then take photographs, I am going to advertise it on Gumtree and also in the local paper. The top oven has been used twice the bottom never. I either use the remoska, PKP or the panasonic combi. If I could I would just put a gas hob in, but doing that means radical changes in the kitchen and I am not prepared to spend that sort of money. Had I been in my 50's I would have, but not now. Waiting to hear from the company re the new cooker.

Supper tonight is sausage, mash and beans. Dessert will possibly be a choc ice. Delivery coming tomorrow afternoon, the fridge and cupboards are looking a bit bare.

Friday, June 26, 2020


The heat was unbearable yesterday even in the house with the fan on and the curtains closed. It did not cool down much as it got dark it was 60+ on the barometer. Not a good night for sleeping........DB was ok, but I was awake several times and then found it difficult to drop off again.

It is cloudy and a lot cooler this morning, the sun keeps trying to come through.

I need to tackle a set of angels possibly just 6 this time for some friends, another Christmas present. I really want to do a mandala for my neighbour across the road, it is going to take some doing, will need to have the lap top by my side when I start.

DB is out in the garden, we did get a few strawberries yesterday, but unless we get a second flush they are about finished. Raspberries still to come. We did loose a lot of flowers to a late frost, so maybe not as many as in previous years.

I need to finalise my delivery order, due for delivery on Sunday. keep remembering things I have missed off.

A bit of good news, my cars MOT has been put back to 30th Dec. As soon as our garage is open I will get it booked in, its due a service in September.

We are debating whether to come out of purdah, I have a nasty feeling, thanks to the idiots who flocked to the beaches and caused chaos yesterday, we may well be in for a second wave......there are a lot of cases in Leicester which have come out since the social distancing has been relaxed. 650 cases, all in the the areas where there is a large immigrant population. 5 schools have had to be closed and a teacher at one of the schools has also tested positive for the virus. 

Here in Melton area we have been very lucky, very few cases and even then very mild.

Supper is the usual Friday fish and chips, will have to find something for dessert......might make creme caramel, although I have no cream to go on them.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Too hot

Not yet 10am and its boiling, fan is on in the sitting room curtains drawn, windows shut, back door open.

DB is out in the garden despite me asking him not to go out, so he can put up with the consequences, I am fed up pandering to him.

Its almost morning tea time so I will sit in the shade of the roof overhang for a while, its cooler there till the sun moves round to the back. The top of the garden is in sun all the while, but the bit near the house is protected until the sun moves round.

The fountain is merrilly playing, I need to get the chemicals to clear the algae.

The compassion rose, the head is in the sun, the smell delightful.

New Dawn on the obelisk, now in full flower.

Its too hot to do much, most of the day will be spent reading I think. I have some sewing in mind, might sit in the sewing room whilst the sun is off it, this afternoon it will be too hot.

Supper tonight is pot luck, I have 1 portion of beef stew and one portion of pork casserole.......will do new potato's from the garden and mixed veg. The strawberries have finished, so rhubarb for dessert.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


9.30am and I am sweating already........DB is going a couple of garden jobs and will then come in, there is a bit of a breeze, but its not making much difference.

No plans for today, its too hot to do anything, so I will be reading and sorting out my next project on the machine.

The strawberries are almost finished, just odd ones ripening up, I cooked more rhubarb yesterday.

Supper tonight will be all day breakfast.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Its going to be a hot 'un

Already the sitting room is quite warm, the sun is belting down and the fountain in the garden going nuts in the sun. There is a breeze which should keep the temperature down a bit.

The foot lady is coming this morning, and it looks as if we are going to be able to shake off lockdown in the middle of next month. After 100+ days it will be a relief. B will be looking to re-start the coffee mornings maybe in August, the last one was March. We have been very lucky in this little part of Leicestershire, the number of cases has been very low. People doing what they were told has worked for us here.

I gave the table runner a good press and it looks much better, I have it hanging just now, will fold it up later and put it away. Thinking cap on now for more presents, may be a set of lace angels.

Spag bol tonight, not sure if there will be strawberries, DB has to go out shortly and see.

Monday, June 22, 2020


Bright sunshine this morning. DB is out doing the weekly feed on his veg plants, cleaner has just arrived and is tackling the kitchen.

A quiet weekend for us, spent reading and watching TV, at least DB was, he wanted to watch The Railway Man, which was partly filmed in East Lothian. I saw the first few minutes and then decided to read, not my cup of tea at all.Apparently it was based on a true story, set in Burma during the war.

Deciding what to do next on my Christmas list, not doing another runner just yet, need a break from doing the last one.

DB enjoyed his birthday and asked me to send thanks to those of you who sent birthday wishes to him. His son rang on Saturday and also his sister.

We had spring cabbage last night, could tell it was home grown, different taste to what you buy in the shops.

Egg and chips tonight, not sure if there will be strawberries for dessert, will have to see when DB comes in.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Bad night, late morning

Both of us awake until after 2am, so very behind this morning.

J brought DB's birthday cake and a card. Our neighbour directly across from us came over to the gate for a chat, have not really seen him for quite a while. 

We lit the candles on the cake and had a slice each at tea time. Several phone calls for DB with birthday wishes.

I did manage to sew down the binding on the runner, not really over the moon with it, think the fault lies in me having to join the backing fabric and also using 505 to hold it together. Will be giving it a press before it goes away.

Not a good photo, problem not having space to hang it.

My grandson with his daughter Ella.

No pland for today, a very light lunch and early supper as we were very late getting up. Not sure if there will be many more strawberries for dessert.

So supper, roast pork, potato's. spring cabbage, cauliflower and strawberries if there are any.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

DB's birthday

Bright sun, but DB tells me its not due to last.

He is 87 today, not that there will be much celebrating, just a quiet day. Our pastor friends are delivering a cake for him later, which is very kind of them. This time last year he had just come out of hospital, this year we are in isolation!! I have promised to take him out once we are out of isolation. Our neighbour came over with a card and some sweeties for him this morning.

I managed to sew the binding on the table runner, have to hand stitch it down which I may do this afternoon. Also got the duvet cover ironed, so thats done and put away.

Nothing planned to do, DB will be out picking strawberries again, we were hoping to get the grass cut, but I think its too wet, so maybe another week.

No idea whats for supper, pot luck I think.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Will it, won't it

Rain......very dark clouds scudding across the sky, some flooding reported yesterday.

As many of you know I am allergic to bites and stings.......on Wednesday night, my arm began to itch 3 bites in close proximity on my left elbow, by last night there were fresh bites at the top of my left arm and the wrist of my right hand. I am going to have to ring our chemist and get some anti histamine tablets. They will have to deliver them. I have only been to my neighbours house, on Wednesday her cleaner was there, does she have a cat??? no idea, thats the only place I can have possibly been open to fleas which I am positive the bites are. I dare not say anything to my neighbour, she would have a fit!! Have covered my arms with Avons oil based moisturiser, I have used it in the past to stop being bitten.

Managed to iron the pillow cases and the sheet before my back started to complain, so will do the quilt cover this morning.

I cannot wait for the go ahead to be given for hairdressers, my hair is driving me nuts, looks a complete mess,down below my chin at the sides and well over the bottom of my neck.

DB tells me its 100 days tomorrow since we entered self isolation, heaven knows when it will end. Apparently the numbers are going up in the city, we have a high ethnic population......they seem to be more prone to Covid than the native population. According to the figures there have been 47 cases in Melton and surrounding district, just one death.

DB collected two days worth of strawberries yesterday, so we will have strawberries after our fish and chips tonight.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wet, wet wet

It started to rain last night, we escaped the thunder storms that raged round us, we heard thunder but no lightening. We do need the rain, so no real complaints.

Both of us were unable to sleep last night, so tea and read until around 2am. I have been bitten by something, a very itchy arm and two puncture wounds this morning, if it swells up much more I will be on anti histamines.

Need a quick trip to the PO, run out of cash and will collect the TV choice at the same time, will need my raincoat.

DB is chafing at the bit, to get out into the garden. Tough, he will have to wait. I think the rain is due to clear tonight.

I have the bed linen to iron, so will be applying myself to the ironing.......I may also stitch the binding on the runner again......

Supper tonight is a bit of a mixed bag, quiche and some of the gammon I cooked the other weekend, jacket spuds, DB has requested beans as well, I doubt there will be strawberries for dessert.....its too wet to go out and pick them unless it dried up after lunch.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Very sad this morning

to hear that one of snookers larger than life characters lost his fight for life in the early hours of this morning.

Willie Thorn's mother was the licensee of a pub in Leicester. Thats where he learnt to play snooker. He had his problems, mainly with gambling, it cost him his home and marriage and saw him made bankrupt. Latterly he lived in Spain, which was where he died. It is sad that his friends had to put up a 'go fund me' page to pay for his hospital treatment. The money will now be used for his funeral.

A dull morning, I have towels in the washer, hope to dry them on the line. That's the end of this weeks laundry, more next week.

I need to start and sort out next weeks order from Morrison, It looks like it might not be our last as it seems we will not be allowed out of lockdown until the end of July which will mean we have been in lockdown for 18 weeks........

DB is going out into the garden, he is on a strict 30 minutes, he has had a couple of funny spells recently, I think his ears need syringing, so putting oil in his ears each night. He needs to see the nurse, so will have to make an appointment.

I have my little problem back, Dr took me off my maintenance dose 4 weeks ago........I spoke to the Dr this morning, sending me medication, yet again.

No sewing done yesterday, did manage to do a 'loose fit' of the binding yesterday, need to sew it on again now, then hand sew it down.

Supper tonight is liver and sausage, strawberries for dessert.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Family things

DD1, DD2 and DGD have all gone back to work, no news for other DGD going back yet. Denny has spent most of the lockdown with DD1 as DGD was working from home. Life is starting to go back to normal, although he still is not back at school. He is in the nursery class.

Our bubble consists of our neighbour across the road and us. She has an eye infection and was having difficulty putting in the drops, so I have been doing it for her once a day. 

Load of coloureds in the washer, its a bit dull looking so hope to get them dry on the line......I spent an hour yesterday trying to sort out the binding on the runner, have had to put a piece in, so jiggling about trying not to get the joins on a corner, not easy!! Hope to get it sewn down today.

I am re-reading the Elm Creek quilter books by Jennifer Chiaverini, she has a new book in the series out in the autumn, will have to look out for it. 

Lamb cut off the bone yesterday, enough, after using some for supper last night, for two more roast dinners, so it and the bone are in the freezer.

Chicken and bacon pasta tonight with garlic bread, using the very expensive chicken fillets which came on my order instead of chicken breasts. Will have garlic bread with it. DB will be out picking more strawberries later, we had a huge downpour just before we went to bed......we thought the windows were going to come in.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Black Monday

Horrifically bad night, 4am before I went off to sleep. Awake at 7.40 to take my osteo medication, so everything is like the cows tail........all behind. Had to message my cleaner and ask her to come half an hour later.

Bed stripped and in the washer, hope it stays dry long enough to dry it. DB in the garden. We did not get any of the thunder etc promised yesterday, we had about 5 minutes of huge rain drops and then nothing. DB said it had rained when we went to bed.

3 lots of washing this week, coloureds and towels as well as the sheets.

I changed the sewing room round a bit yesterday, still a few tweeks to do, but much more room to sit at the ordinary sewing machine, just have to re-arrange the boxes underneath the table to allow me to use my right foot on the foot pedal. I could use it without the pedal, but feel safer if I can just take my foot off and it stops.

Not sorted the table runner might get to it a bit later today.

Last nights lamb was delicious, I have to cut the meat off the bone, will make stock from the bone and do scotch broth.

It was light till well after 9.30 last night, after this weekend the 
days will gradually start to shorted as we begin to move towards autumn. I like the autumn colours but hate the darkening days.........

So cold lamb for supper tonight, with a jacket potato and a side salad, the strawberries are coming on fine now, a big bowlful yesterday, took some over to my neighbour.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Its Sunday

Our usual laid back breakfast, so after 9am before the feet touched the floor.

DB's knees seem to be ok this morning, but he was moaning about the rest of his body..... me well OKish if you know what I mean. I had to resort to co-codamol yesterday. I guess I will need more  later today.

Yesterday was a nice day, but very close, good storm brewing. We had decided that if it was fine we would put in the plants we got on Wednesday.

After our morning tea we went out to the garden. I managed to plant all but 2 of the plants we bought, and a couple from the nursery bed. I struck several bits of a ground covering sedum a while ago, so am planting it along the edge of the bed. Lots of plants coming up where I have not planted them.......I dead headed the roses on the arch and in the herbaceous bed and also a plant which looks like a thistle but isn't just cannot remember the name of it, its very prone to mildew if its very wet. Centaurea Montana, is the name, just looked it up. Its a form of cornflower.

 I can no longer bend for long and kneeling is a no no.......the pain in my knees is worse than in my back if I kneel, which is saying something!! I will be spending this afternoon reading. Will put the meat on auto pilot, so it switches itself on. 

Put the binding on the table runner and then took it off again, I need to re-position the front and back on the insul bright, good job the 505 stays tacky for a while.

I prepped the veg for tonight, roast lamb and potato's, carrot, calabrese and cauliflower. I have to empty the red wine into the pan for the gravy and re-seal the bag ready for the oven, will have to weight it and see how long it will take to cook, possibly an hour and a half.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Look where you are walking!!

Busy morning one way or another. DB requested meat and potato pie for supper, just finished prepping the veg when there was a yell!!

Raced through the sitting room into the bedroom, DB was on his knees on the floor........he has had a couple of funny spells just recently, so I asked what was the matter. He was not looking where he was going when he went into the bedroom and caught his foot in the lead to his razor charger........I have told him times not to put his razor on charge in the socket by the door........as usual he did not listen......skinned both knees. I made him stay on the bed until I had finished what I was doing and then used dettol and savlon cream on his knees.....for once he did not shout when the dettol touched. I think he knew by the set of my face he would be pushing it if he did. Fortunately no real damage done, he is going to have a couple of bruised knees....and I have moved his razor and charger round to his side of the bed.

I, of course, was shattered, it took me half an hour to calm down. Meat and spud pie in the fridge ready to be cooked, have also prepped the lamb for tomorrow, studded with garlic and marinading in red wine.  A load of washing done and its on the line.

First fine day for more than a week, sun comes and goes, but no sign of rain clouds. A plant I thought was a weed is in actual fact a penstemon, lovely purple. I had hoped to get in the plants we bought at the nursery, they will have to wait until tomorrow now. I need a rest.

Friday, June 12, 2020


push off early tomorrows Saturday, except I no longer am working, do every day is a poets day!!

Not a lot to report really, one day follows another. Its not raining now but supposed to rain later, not complaining, we needed the rain very badly. One water barrel is full, so will have to transfer some water to the container at the top of the garden. The garden is looking better for the rain especially the grass.

DB picked more strawberries yesterday, there may be more today, we need some sun to ripen them.

I cancelled our September holiday last week, we have received some of the money back, hotel ok, Ferry deducted 50% to cancel the ticket!!

Supper tonight will be fish with either chips or wedges, if there are strawberries we will have them for dessert.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Grey skies again

It is wet and cold, I have put the heating on very low to take the chill off, one thing I cannot be is cold in the house. At least we are not having to water the garden, its self watering just now.....the ground is getting a bit softer, need to, I have some plants to put in, think we are going to have a blitz and put in everything that's in pots.

I have laundry to do but it can wait, DB tells me its should be fine on Saturday...

I am cooking belly pork casserole for tonights supper, we will have it with pilau rice. Not sure if there will be strawberries for dessert, depends if it stops raining, give him a chance to get out.

When I put our scripts in last I was told to put the next one in 10 days before the medication was due, so I put it in on Monday, it was delivered yesterday afternoon........W called in on the way home from Sainsbury to deliver cauliflower and calebrese I forgot to order from Morrison.

Nothing much else to report for today.........

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


We managed to get to the garden centre this morning, there were cars in the car park, but everyone was well spread out and there were arrows on the floor showing a one way system, of course DB had to try going the wrong way!! I bought 5 plants for £10 and also a couple of reduced price begonias. They did not have what DB wanted.

Its a dull morning, there has been rain and we kept getting rain on the windscreen, it held off whilst we walked round the plant area.

Groceries delivered last night, same chap who bought our very first order way back in March, he was pleased to see us safe and well.

Since he started back in the garden DGB has lost a bit of weight, he had to tighten his belt a notch, he has plenty more to go !!

No other plans for today, I will tidy the sewing room, as usual its a mess. The two aborted sew outs I plan to trim off to use in cards, they will not be wasted.

Supper tonight is frittata with salad and strawberries and cream. DB picked a dish full this morning.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Another fail......I

I have decided to give up for now on the small wall hanging I was embroidering, it was another fail.

No rain today, DB has been out in the front cutting stuff back and feeding the lawn. 

My car insurance is due, so I have been doing an internet search for a better quote, I managed to save £50......so thats sorted for another year. It goes up every time.......it makes me mad that our insurance goes up to pay for idiots who do not insure their cars and then have accidents.........

Delivery of groceries later today, I will have one more in a couple of weeks then take my life in my hands and go to Aldi, I am looking forward to my shopping costing less. We have been lucky that our cleaner has done any odd shopping we have needed. She also managed to get the cover off the door bell, so we could get a new battery for it.

DB wants to go to the garden centre tomorrow apparently they are letting couples in so we will take a chance.

Baked haddock for supper tonight with mash and peas. DB will go out later and pick strawberries for dessert.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Try again

I have the design on the machine that caused me so much agro last week. Having some issues with the machine, will need to sort it once the present design is finished.

Cleaner has been, so the bungalow is nice and clean, she has taken our prescriptions in to the Doctors for me, detirmined not to run out this month.

We finished the lentil soup at lunch time.......delivery from Morrison tomorrow.

Its a bit overcast, I have laundry out, hope it dries, need to keep an eye on the dark clouds, rain is not forecast but you never know.

Cold gammon salad for supper, DB is out picking strawberries for dessert.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Dismal and raining, its also very cold. No wonder people get ill, last week the temperature was sky high, today its at least 10% lower, brrrr. I had to put the electric fire on in the sitting room yesterday.

We were going out this morning but DB has called it off, we both had a bad night, he went off to sleep about 2am, for me it was after 4am, so feel like a wet rag today.

I have a loaf to slice and also the gammon joint. I put lentils and tomato into the cooking liquor and made a pot of lentil soup, we will have some at lunchtime..........

Might get at the embroidery machine today, will see how the day goes.

We watched a programme on Queen Mary last night, the present Queens grandmother, she had a big influence on how the Royal Family worked........unfortunately I fell asleep before the end, 

Supper will be some of the gammon with roast potatoes, cabbage and  carrots, will make some parsley sauce. If it stops raining DB will go out and see if there are any more strawberries for dessert.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sunshine and showers

Several bursts of rain during the morning, sunny at the moment.

Went across to see my neighbour, I say in the kitchen and talked to her, she was pleased to see me. I need to make the effort to go over a couple of times a week.

My thread stand arrived yesterday morning, so its up on the . It means I can have my threads ready to change over without have to fiddle with them. I can start and work on the project I abandoned the other day.The sewing room is in a bit of a mess......the tidy room did not last long!! 

Yesterday was an expensive day, the car battery was not just flat but very dead. So the garage in the next village fetched the car and returned it with the new battery fitted. £78. I cannot grumble it was the original battery so 12 years out of a battery can't be bad. 

DB is a bit fed up because he cannot get into the garden, so I have promised to take him out for a ride round tomorrow, lets hope its fine. The peony up the garden has a huge flower on it.

I have just had to tie three large flowers to the fence, could not get pea sticks in the ground, its like iron, the rain we have had has done nothing.

Cooking a gammon joint in the pkp, we also have gammon steaks for supper tonight, everything is ready just have to cook it. Bread proving as well, we are running close on  toasting bread until my order comes on Tuesday.

Friday, June 5, 2020

More black clouds

We are not getting any better at getting up, it was 8.45 before DB woke. It was a fine morning a bit of sun and a breeze. DB said it was freezing in the garden, so he came in. The sun has gone and the clouds are very dark grey, more rain to come.

I went out to start the car, the battery was dead, so a call to green flag to get the battery charged, I will be buying a battery charger tout suite.......I was going to go to the PO, but had to contact W instead, she will call on her way home with what I want. She really is a treasure.......

Thread stand arrived this morning, as usual I have had to put it together.......descriptions not that good, have got to the bit where it gets mounted on the machine. I had a massive fail yesterday with a design........ended up having to take it off the machine, something else to go on the wall to remind me not to do it again. The wadding arrived yesterday for the runner, so will tackle that next. Then I might go back and try again......everything crossed!!

Fish and chips tonight, we have strawberries for dessert, they are still quite small, the lack of rain is showing, we also seem to have lost a lot of apples in the June drop, again due to lack of rain.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Grey skies

It rained for most of yesterday, it started off lightly, but developed into steady rain by tea time, the garden needed it badly. DB will be out shortly to see what, if any, effects the rain has had. The ground was really parched, must admit the front lawn looks better.

I had a bitting and bobbing day yesterday, nothing much achieved. I spent most of the afternoon reading and TV was quite good last night, with the repair shop and the sewing bee on.

Towels in the wash not much breeze, I will put them out on the line, may have to finish them off win the dryer.

I want to spend some time this morning perfecting a design to sew out, do not like part of it, so I may scrap it and re do it.

I have taken the last of the lamb joint out of the freezer will have it with salad and a jacket spud. May not be any strawberries today. They have been very small so far, we did not have any rain whilst they were developing, better luck may be with the next lot.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Not the sling it down stuff, but gentle rain, shame its hardly wetting the ground.

I was going to wash the towels but will wait and see what its like tomorrow.....they are in the washer ready.

Our new next door neighbour is having a heck of a lot of work done on her bungalow, its a long story, but we are a bit sick of the noise, all weekend, and then a chap comes, presumable after work and starts again, the noise is so bad we have to shut the outside kitchen door......all the work is being carried out without council permission......we had to jump through hoops to get permission for stuff to be done when we came here, and I have been very careful to always ask before arranging to have any work done.

Clouds are scudding across the sky, there is a reasonable breeze, DB has not gone out to the garden today.......

I am spending time in the sewing room, designing a piece of embroidery which, when its done, will be framed to hang on the wall, not for me, its a present for someone. Cannot do any more on the runner till I get the batting, it might come today.

Smoked haddock taken out of the freezer for supper with a poached egg and bread and butter. Strawberries for dessert. The strawberries are quite small, a sure sign that they did not get water early enough, but they are still sweet and delicious.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Today was my mothers wedding day

Having been on her own since 1943, just before I was born, my mother and I were in Woolworths in Leicester when she met with someone she had known for a number of years. The outcome was a second wedding........at St Mary's, Knighton just before it closed for building work.

It was a day rather like today, sunny and warm, just family and a few friends, they went to Torquay on honeymoon.She and my step father were married for just over 10 years when he sadly passed away.

DB is out watering his  veg, we have several water butts and a large dustbin with water in although they are getting a bit low now, we could do with some steady rain to refill them. I will be making tea shortly and we will sit on our new bench to drink it.

The peony, very light pink, smells fabulous.

I have a load of coloureds in the washer, they will dry fairly quickly on the line, we have a bit of a breeze, so they will get a blow.

I spent some time yesterday doing the sashing on the runner, I have to put the top and bottom bits on, then will have to wait for the heat proof wadding to come, before I can go any further.

I have just taken sausage out of the freezer, will prep the veg for our supper tonight, sausage and mash with veg unless DB opts for beans, which he might well do.

Monday, June 1, 2020

No 'R' in the month

So, its a pinch an a punch for the start of the month!!

The bank balance looked very healthy yesterday, this morning it has almost shrivelled to nothing, all our payments go out at the beginning of the month.

I read the electric and gas meters, we had only used 2 units of gas.....makes a change from the 25 + a week in the winter.

Bed changed laundry out on the line, dried and folded, waiting to be ironed, might do it tomorrow. 

I have started to put the runner together, have the top and bottom sashing to put on, waiting for wadding to come from Barnyarns before I can layer it up and quilt it. I fancy using my embroidery machine to quilt around the central motifs on the blocks, will have to see if I can set the machine up right. I have also cut and folded the binding.

Cleaner here this morning, she was a little late but no problem, she was soon into the swing and the house is now gleaming.

DB spent the morning in the garden pulling weeds and watering the plants that are in the shade, he also picked strawberries for supper.

At last we are being 'let off the leash'. I did think we might be stuck in until Christmas, we cannot go wild but at least we can go out. I will be able to visit with my friend across the road, have only seen her once to speak to in 3 months.

Supper tonight, the last of the pork with salad and jacket spud, Strawberries and cream for dessert.