an a punch for the first of the month. Half way through another year, time seems to go faster the older I get.
We had the chap come and collect DB's old crutches and also the toilet surround we didn't need, so a bit more room in my sewing room.
I had been thinking for a while that I should have a surge protector on my sewing machine. It would be very expensive to repair, if there was anything left repairable after a lightening strike. We sometimes get power cuts or surges, so better safe than sorry, I bought one and decided to fit it last night, all I can say is I am glad it's done!!
Its a fine sunny morning, according to the forecast we are due thunder this afternoon with rain showers, so no garden watering again today.
Its coffee morning at the little chapel, so I need to pull some rhubarb and take it round. Will not pick any more, see what grows. I still have some rhubarb in the freezer from last year!! Along with raspberries, will have to use them up before this years crop starts to pick.
I had made the binding for Little Misses quilt, but there was quite a bit of the backing fabric left, so have cut binding out of that, will do the label on the machine and then put the binding on, so another couple of days and it will be ready to go.
Supper tonight is casseroled steak with veggies. We did not manage to eat all the rhubarb last night so a bit left for dessert.