Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wot a night

 DB has been sneezing a lot the last couple of days. Yesterday he was complaining that his nose was stuffed up and had itchy eyes. I don't know if there is something in the green house or garden, but it appears he has hay fever.

Whilst we were watching TV last night he was sneezing. I had given him a hay fever tablet in the morning and went the the chemist and got him a nasal spray which he took for the first time last night. He settled down to sleep........I put the light out, 10 minutes later it was back on again......I'm sweating, so took his temperature, normal, got a bowl of cold water and a cloth and wiped his face and neck, he went off to sleep only to wake about an hour later. All told I managed 4 hours restless sleep, so feel like something the cat brought in and forgot this morning. Hey Ho its a grand life if you don't weaken. He has never shown any signs of hay fever no idea what has set it off. Oil seed rape used to do it for me, but there is none growing round here.

Needless to say I will be doing nothing today, I need to stay awake whilst DB has his siesta, I an expecting parcels. once he has been I think I will be having a nana nap.

Supper tonight is frittata and salad and I guess more strawberries.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Gosh its windy

the wind we had yesterday continues this morning, pehaps not as strong but its still there, have emptied the laundry basket, wahing should dry in no time in the wind.

Did nothing much yesterday , dittered about, cut out book covers and discovered I did not have enough fabric. Thankfully the firm I bought it from still has it, so I have ordered another metre. Last night I found a oattern for a celtic knot table runner. Will have a go and if it comes out ok that will be 3 more Christmas presents off the list.

DB is moaning he is stuffed up, I suggested to him that it could be because he is allergic to something in the green house and not to spend so much time in there. He picked a bowl of raspberries last night and is still picking strawberries.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash, I will leave you to gguess whats for dessert!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


not really, it comes and goes, thankfully the wind has died down a bit but just now it does not seem to be much warmer. The rain stoped at lunchtime and it was quite a bit warmer as the sun came out.

Cleaner was here yesterday, she had a good time, but like many others her flight was delayed.

No gardening, although DB did go out and pick a bowl full of strawberries and also some raspberries. I need to use up the rasps in the freezer before I start putting a new lot in. Did think about making raspberry jam 1lb of sugar to 1lb of rasps, will see how today pans out. I do have several empty jars in the back bedroom cupboard.

No plans for today apart from the usual post office visit to draw cash for next month. Its a five Friday month so will need extra for the gardener.

I did start and cut out fabric for more notebook covers, I am waiting for some thinner batting to come. The batting I have is quite thick which I think has contributed to the problem.

Supper tonight, spag bol, with, of course, strawberries for dessert.

Monday, June 27, 2022


Towels in the washer and its raining which means I will have to use the dryer to dry them ggrrrrr.

The weather has changed, wet and cold, after sky high tempertures last week its down to 11c this morning, trousers and jumpers back on!!

Yesterday I sewed out one of the book covers, not as easy as they make out, I do like it, but I need to use different fabric, the calico frays like crazy when its cut. So guess I am going to have to have a rummage and find enough fabric to do all six books.

Cleaner back today, she wont be happy that its raining. The bungalow needs a good clean. I need to take the stuff off the shelves in the hall and clean them. I could also do with mopping down the sides of the cooker as well.

Had words with DB yesterday, he said he could not chew the meat, I air fried it and it was lovely and soft. So from now on I am not cooking a joint or pork steaks on Sunday. He can just have casseroles that have been cooked to death and do not need chewing!! The worm has turned.

Tonight we will have egg and chips, have eggs that need using up and he does not have to chew them!! We are now picking raspberries as well as strawberries.

If you enlarge this picture you can see a sparrow having a drink and a bath, there were several, they flew away as I tried to photograph them

This a clematis I grew from a cutting I stole from a plant in a garden we went to see, its the first year it has flowered. On the obelisk with the apricot rose whicj, for some reason, has decided to flower just at the top this year.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

A cooler day so far

there is quite a wind blowing, keeping the temperature down a bit, so hopefully today will be a bit cooler.

We have had our usual lazy start to Sunday, so a slow start to the day. I have just been out and cut lavender to hang up and dry, I might get enough to fill several bags once its dry. If not we are close to the Norfolk lavender fields when we go on holiday, so I can buy a bag if I need it.

Yesterday I re-watched the video of the book covers and have also printed off the instruction file that came with the pattern. So hopefully I will be able to get to grips with making it. Once I have done one I should be ok for the rest. Fingers crossed. I put the printed pages in plastic file holders, back to back and used some cord to tie them into a book, easier than having various bits of paper floating around and can sew in the right order.

Pork loin steaks with our own potato's, cauli and calabrese for supper, made a chocolate fluff yesterday, enough for supper tonight with some strawberries if there are any ready. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Its the weekend

but for us life goes on a usual. DB already stressing bout getting celery plants in!! I have a small load of laundry in the machine, we have a breeze so a) it will not be so hot and b) the laundry will dry quickly.

Our across the road neighbour who has kidney problems was taken to hospital again yesterday, the ambulance was there for over 2 hours, no idea why.

DB got his new hearing aids yesterday, I am going to have to start wearing mine regularly despite them making my ears sore, he turned the TV down so low yesterday I could not hear it. there are times when I feel tempted to strangle him, he really tries my patience.....yesterday was a prime example. How ever the thought of being incarcerated in prison keeps me on the right side.😄He is one of those old fashioned men whose mothers thought the sun shone out of his b** and did everything for him. I have to keep reminding him I am too young to be his mother!!

I have cut all the bits for the first book cover, might have a go and see how I get on a bit later. I need to make 6 so I guess I will get better at doing them. 

We are waiting on two deliveries, hope they come today, then everything is up to date.

Supper tonight is gammon and salad, strawberries for dessert. T the gardener went off with a full container yesterday, he loves strawberries, so I guess they will not last long. They are not as big as previous years, but we did not have rain at the right time, very sweet though.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Under cloud cover

so thank heavens its so much cooler, yesterday was much too hot. By the time I had sorted out the fridge and put all the groceries away I was shattered. My poor back did not know what to do with itself. Spent all afternoon in my chair and had to resort to ding dinners last night. They needed eating up before I order more. They are so handy if I have a bad day.

Gardener here today, finally I hope to cleat the big pots from the patio. We have plans afoot for autumn 2023, I see a lot of pots disappearing.

I know peonies dislike being trasplanted but has any one done it succesfully? I have 2 in the back garden I do not want to loose.

DB is out watering the green house, he has tomato's and cucumbers forming, we are also picking loads of strawberries and also a few raspberries. I took our neighbour some strawberries,M cleaned the car, for which I was truely thankful, I was going to take it to the car wash whilst DB was at the hospital, no need now, its sparkling clean. I do need to go over the inside though.

I had a bad night last night so DB allowed me to sleep on this morning, just after 10am, I am up, washed and ready to take DB to get his hearing aids.

Usual fish and chips tonight with strawberries for dessert. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Shopping day

It seems to come round very quickly. I do a grocery shop once every 2 weeks, I consult the menu list and see if anything extra is required. I bought chicken last time, but my meat pack is still going strong, sausage, braising steak, mince still to be used. I also have a several pre cooked meat meals in the freezer.

We will not be hanging about, its 21c outside already, so I have the freezer box out ready to take with us, I have ready frozen blocks in the outside freezer. DB has decided to come in with me rather than sit in the car. At the end of the day a car is a tin can on wheels and does get very hot quickly.

Once I have the shopping we are going in to see B. and take her some strawberries, will not stay too long, I want to get back and in the cool.

I mat start to tackle the book cover, depends how tired I am when we get back.

No idea for supper, it will be something with salad, will not be cooking in the heat. Strawberries for dessert.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Hot again

Another hot day, DB has had problems with bleeding gums which do not seem to be getting any better, so he got an emergency appointment at the dentist, so a visit to Melton. Was able to pick up a couple of things I needed which was good.

It turned into a very hot afternoon, the steering wheel was red hot had to put the AC on to cool it down before I could drive off. 

I made a chicken casserole for supper, enough for a second meal in the freezer, we had it with rice.

DB waited till it was cooler before going out to pick strawberries, there are a lot still to come. We are going to Aldi tomorrow and to see our neighbour, so DB will pick a bowl for her tonight. She loves strawberries.

Bitty day for me today, need to put the GTec over the sitting room carpet yet again. We have been making some long term plans.......more of that later.

Not sure whats for supper tonnight, it will be something cold I think, too hot to cook, 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 a quiet day after yesterday's junketting. DB's sister, son and nephew phoned during the day. There were also a lot of messages on Facebook. We were both shattered by the time we went to bed. I watered the pots while DB picked strawberries.

Another warm day in prospect. DB has a dental appointment, I need  quick visit to Wilkinson and also Morrisons.

Managed to cook chicken casserole in the Ninja, it takes 10 minutes to come to pressure even if you use hot stock, supper will tell if it has been successful.

The stabiliser has come so I can start on the book covers, fingers crossed, I manage, with the help of a video, to get it right!!!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Happy birthday to you!!

DB is 89 today, so, as he informed me this morning , he is in his 90th year. I often wonder how I managed to get him this far!!

We are going out for lunch, so it will be sandwiches for supper tonight with cake, going to the garden centre, although I am not buying any more plants. No more for the garden, its full enough.I have plans afoot in any case. Next year will be the last in its present form. I want to get rid of all the pots etc that we have kicking about, will put them on freecycle, if they do not go they will go in the bin. Am just going to keep a few.

Bed linen in the washer, its a sunny but breezy morning so it should dry ok on the line.

I had a fail yesterday with the new Ninja, have not quite got the hang of itm will have to have another go with it. I want to make a chicken casserole for the freezer, so will see how it goes. The air fry was fine, its the pressure cooker side I am having problems with.

So sandwiches for supper.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

So much cooler

 Yesterday it rained on and off for most of the day, it was sunny this morning but its now cloudy.

I have spent ages trying to sort out how the double shelf goes in the Ninja, have sorted it at last. so an experiment cooking the supper, stuffed chicken breast with roasties, have also done carrots and cauliflower to have with it. DB picked another basin full of strawberries, so they will be for dessert.

No sewing I have to wait for some special stabilizer to come, have sorted out the thread to use, will just use it in the needle, usual bottom thread underneath; you will not be able to see the back, once the cover has the book in it. I am using some fine calico with a brown thread for the embroidery.

Not much to report, tomorrow is DB's 89th birthday, we are going to the garden centre for lunch, so it will be sandwiches for supper tomorrow with a piece of the birthday cake which came from our friends. It was delivered yesterday.

Saturday, June 18, 2022


its cooler this morning. Yesterday was so hot even with the wind, I sent T home after he had his coffee, it was too hot for him to work. We ended up with both fans on, even our bedroom was very warm. Was so glad to see it was much cooler with a stronger breeze when I got up. Apparently we are due rain later, cannot wait.

Apart from potting up some plants yesterday I did nothing else, sat and read. We did have fish and chips but ate in the sitting room, the kitchen was like a furnace.

DB has just come in from the garden, he says its raining.....

I have cut out the pieces for one book cover, I am waiting for some polymesh stabilizer to come then, lap top at my side, I can 'have a go' and see how it turns out.

Supper tonight is gammon steaks with salad, I would normally do ADB but decided to use up the salad I have in the fridge.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Its Friday

gardener day, so have a list of things I want him to do. The clematis on the front fence needs a haircut, its putting out long runners, they need cutting off. The new dawn rose needs dead heading it is absolutely glorious. The honeysuckle which is also planted on the obelisk is just starting to flower, that bit of the garden smells lovely. There is plenty more for T to do, I need the pots the tulips were in to be moved against the fence so the patios are clearer. I have some plug plants cannot make my mind up whether to put them in the ground or grow them on in pots and plant them out next spring.

Its 22c here but we have a breeze, so not too hot I hope today, keeping DB out of the sun is a major concern.

I am practicing sewing the binding both front and back on quits another set of table mats completed yesterday. I am slowly getting better at it. I must admit the new dual feed and stitch in the ditch foot is very good. I discovered yesterday that the piecing setting for stitching on the machine puts the needle right in behind the arm on the foot, so no fiddling moving the needle. I discover something new about the machine every time I use it.

Yesterday I used the new ninja to bake a frozen quiche, it turned out perfect after just 15 minutes, it would have taken 35 minutes in the combi micro wave. Next thing I want to try is frittata, see how that turns out. I usually make it in an omelette pan and finish it in the combi.

Usual fish and chips tonight, and of course strawberries for dessert.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hot, hot hot

yesterday was a scorcher, and todays looks to be the same. The parcel I was waiting for came just before we were due to go out, so that was ok. Just 7 of us, but it was enjoyable.

I put the towels in the washer and they soon dried, so folded and put away, good result.

I am trying to perfect sewing binding on instead of hand sewing it down to the back. One set of mats were fine, the second set were a bit of a mess, but they will do, they are for us. I was using up some fabric I had left.

I have a video I want to watch again, sewing book covers in the hoop, will have to have the lap top by my side as I make them, could be fun!!

No real plans for the day. We are having salad tonight for supper, the sun has brought the strawberries on, so guess whats for dessert? 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Coffee morning

 coffee at the little chapel this morning, DB may have to go round on his own for a start, have to wait in for a parcel to be delivered.

Its forecast to be hot for the rest of the week. I did water the pots last night, may well have to water the garden tonight, depends on how hot it gets.

The hanging baskets were put up yesterday, I watered them once they were up.

Found some odd bits of fabric yesterday so am making some new table mats, I threw some old ones out the other week, past redemption.

I have beef casserole for tonight with veggies, I guess there will be strawberries for dessert.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Sunny morning

the sun went yesterday but it was still quite warm, its not to be so warm today.

The cleaner is away, no cleaning done yesterday but I need to put the GTec over the carpets and blow the dust away in the sitting and bedroom. I did manage to clean the bathroom after my shower, so thats ok.

No plans for today, if the stitch in the ditch foot comes today I might just finish off the two table mats I cobbled together. update, new foot arrived by courier whist we were having our breakfast. The people I bought my last two machines from are excellent, cannot praise them highly enough.

Carpets have been hoovered and I have taken the GTec to bits to clean it, still quite a bit of fluff coming off the bedroom carpet.

DB is pottering up the garden. I have taken the fountain out of the pot, we think its leaking, the stones certainly need to be de greened, so will have to get a bucket of hot water and scrub them, then I need to get more pond algae cleaner.

Supper tonight, not sure may be salad or beef casserole, will see how the day pans out. Dessert will be strawberries.

Neighbour put up my hanging baskets this afternoon.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Beginning of another week

We are forecast high temperatures this at the ready.

Very little done yesterday, just a relax. Load of laundry in this morning, it will dry on the line.

DB had a mini melt down alst night, came tearing into the kitchen shouting that his courgette was dying, well yes it will if you do not water it properly........I poured two large cans of water into it and left it. This morning its fine!! I can do without the histrionicas about a B..... plant.

I did manage to plant up a couple more containers but need the gardener to help me store the containers the tulips were in. I want to put them at the far end of the patio near the fence until its time to plant them up again. If I decide to.

Not decided on supper yet, may be egg and chips, although I do not want DB to eat too many chips. Might look at some sort of salad instead. One thing for sure, there will be strawberries for dessert.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Wind has dropped a bit

We have intermittent sun. I have a load of white washing in, running out of undies.

DB has just gone out to open up the greenhouse and the cold frame. I did manage half an hour in the garden yesterday, planted up most of the plants we had left, I just need to source a pot for 6 white pertunias. I need the back tidying but it will have to wait until Trevor comes on Friday, neither of us can lift heavy weights anymore.

No plans for the day, although the wind has dropped a bit its still breezy, too much so to sit out which is a shame.

I have finished the quilt, sat yesterday and finished sewing the binding on. I need to perfect sewing binding on with the machine, I need an in the ditch foot to do it properly, was watching several ideos on you tube last night.

I also need to tackle all the cables at the back of the TV etc, they are a right mess, I hate being able to see them. Its a bit resticted to work in the space but will have to do it somehow.

Supper tonight, I have taken some of the sliced beef out of the freezer, will do it with roasted veg. DB is picking strawberries, apparently the raspberries are also showing colour. The bottom box in the outside freezer is full of raspberries and rhubarb from last year. DB's problem is he grows too much for us to eat, I give away as much as I can but its awkward.

All finished at last.

The backing that took me 2 years to find if you focus in on the corner the label is there.

The pattern was a disapprearing 9 patch.

Saturday, June 11, 2022


Its is still quite windy this morning, a good day to wash, unfortunately I am 'wash up'.

No plans for the day DB is going to make a start on tidying the shed, yet again. I have told him to get rid of stuff he is hoarding 'in case he needs it'!! I need to spend half an hour out there and sort out the pots which we emptied. I want to put them at the far end of the patio out of the way.

I had to water the garden last night, got soaked in the process, had to change my trousers, they were wet up to my knees.

T was here yesterday, putting plants in and potting up some delphiniums and carnations. They are too small to plant out. I will have to keep them in the greenhouse over winter, they will not flower this year.

Supper tonight, bacon frittata and salad, possibly strawberries for dessert.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Its Friday

 In the hoop means exactly that, you complete a project in the hoop, there are a lot of demos on you tube showing how its done. 

Today is a bit quieter after a busy day yesterday, I was shattered when we got back, so although I managed to do a bit more of the binding on the quilt, that was all I managed.

Gardener here this afternoon as well as someone on the council coming to see if we are happy with our accomodation and the service we get from the council. Should be interesting, we have several things outstanding.

I will not be working in the garden at all this afternoon, have a list for T, it should keep him going.

Sunny but very windy this morning, the trees are swaying well in the breeze.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, we are now picking strawberries.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Busy, Busy

Up early and out the door, first port of call was Vision Express to see if they could do anything with DB's glasses, answer no! so a new pair of frames. We then went on to Aldi, DB sat in the  car whilst I did the shopping. From there we went to see our old neighbour in her new home.

It was lunch time by the time we got back, so groceries away, pork and apple sauce rolls for lunch.

Have to admit I am shattered, so tonight is a ding dinner. DB had picked more strawberries for dessert.

I have managed to sew down two sides of Little Miss's quilt, it will take me a couple of days to do the other two sides, then a press and off it goes.

I am looking at doing in the hoop book covers for Christmas, I have same calico which I can use, I have found a source of A6 notebooks for a reasable price. Will send for them shortly and get started on them. I have done some in the hoop work before, but quite a long time ago.


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Cooler day

It got quite hot yesterday afternoon, but we had more rain overnight, the slabs were wet this morning. Fine so far, but rain is forecast after lunch.

The garden is looking much better for the rain.

We slept quite well last night, we will have to be up with the lark tomorrow morning, We are off into town to get DB's glasses sorted, go to Aldi and call and see our old neighbour. 

I have sewn the binding onto the quilt, I now have to sew it down by hand, I have never mastered sewing it down with the machine. Once its finished it can go on its merry way.

Pork casserole for supper tonight, DB likes rice with it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022


DB tells me it is to be hot today, it needs to be yesterday was like living in the ice age!! Even DB was cold, so the heating went on.

We collected the hanging baskets on Saturday, they need hanging up, when I see M I will ask him to come and hang them up for me.

Yesterdays laundry ended up in the dryer, it rained for most off the day on and off. Coloured load in the washer will go out on the line.

The foot I ordered did not arrive yesterday, so hopeful for today, then I can get on and finish the quilt.

We did not do much yesterday, our cleaner is now on holiday in Turkey for two weeks, I hope she gets her flights ok.  I will be back to blowing the dust around and skimming the carpet for the next fortnight.

We are not away until September, we would normally go in June but for some reason I did not book for this year.

DB has requested spag bol for supper with garlic bread, need to take the bol sauce out of the freezer.

A few pictures of the garden.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Its still raining

over an inch yesterday and its to rain until lunchtime, the garden is looking so much better after its soaking, the rain was so badly needed.

We sat and watched most of the parade yesterday, typically British, we do know when to let our hair down.

DB's son came for a short while with the little one, she is crawling, but will only stand for a few seconds, she has to have an Xray of her hips tomorrow. The leaning back and non focusing is very noticable, that was what made me think she had cerebral palsy in the first place.

We spent quite a relaxed day, our supper was delicious, the pork was cooked to perfaction, I had sliced it, we have enough for several more roast pork dinners and some rolls in the freezer.

I have taken ham out of the freezer for supper tonight with some salad.

Bed linen is in the washer, it seems to be clearing up a bit, might get it dry on the line. I am trying not to use too much elctricity. It was so cold yesterday I had to put the heat on for a couple of hours. As I get older, I seem to feel the fluctuations of heat and cold much more. I always have had cold hands and feet, it just seems that my body is now reacting much more.

Cleaner due this morning, last visit for 3 weeks, she is off on holiday to Turkey at the weekend. I hope she does not have problems with her flight, lots of people have missed holidays due to the chaos at the airports, flights being cancelled etc.

Better get a shift on and sort out the linen for our bed. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

We have rain.....

it started last night and has rained all night, it's still raining now. We badly need it especially to fill up the water butt's, some of the plants do not like our very hard water.

Usual breakfast, we had a bad night, so slept in this morning.

Veg prepped for supper. I have sliced the pork I cooked yesterday. So roast pork and veggies, no idea re a dessert.

I rang yesterday and ordered the foot I needed for the machine, once it arrives I can put the binding on and the quilt can go to its new home.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Ouch again

will I never learn!! Yesterday spent too much time in the garden again. I am putting myself on the 1/2 hour a day that DB is on just now. I cannot walk again this morning. 

We have to go to the garden centre and collect the hanging baskets, I will have to wait until tomorrow to hang them up, our strong neighbour is away.

Visit yesterday went off very well, Little Miss is a joy, she presented me with a box of biscuits when she came in (DD2 brought them back from holiday) she them proceeded to tell me that they were her favourites and could she have one!! Time was spent out in the garden,  E is very keen on food and wildlife, she was delighted to find a snail in the strawberry bed, and then asked if she could have a strawberry, I did manage to find her a ripe one. We need some sun, there is a lot of fruit on the plants but no sun to ripen them. I pulled the last few stalks of rhubarb for DD2. I will let the plants rest before I pull any more.

I have a peice of pork to cook today, can then slice it tomorrow, we will have some for supper tomorrow night.

Tonight supper is ADB, we hvae it once a fortnight. No sure about dessert, might go for raspberries in jelly.



Waiting for DD2 and family to turn up, at the rate they are going they will not be here before lunch!!

DB sat and watched the festivities on TV yesterday, we did not watch the lighting of the beacons, it was on for 2 hours. We had several programmes we had recorded so watched a couple of those instead.

Quick trip up to the post office this morning I forgot to go for the TV magazine on Tuesday......

DB has been out to the green house this morning, broughtn in the first of the courgette crop, I will roast some on Sunday with the pork.

Nothing done on the quilt, will have to ring tomorrow and order it foot I need.

Supper is the usual fish and chips, we have ripe pears so will do something with them for dessert. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022


69 years ago today I set out with my Mother to walk from our house to my Great Aunts house to watch the Coronation on TV. My uncle who lived next door had bought a TV, my grandmother stayed to watch with them. It took us over an hour to walk there, no buses running, and then we had to walk back seemed miles but in fact it was just over 3 miles each way. We watched in awe the spectacle that was played out that day. I was 10. It was not a nice day weatherwise, it rained for most of the day and we got soaked twice!!

Yesterday I sorted the binding for Little Misses quilt, I pinned it on to make sure I had done enough. I need a special  1/4 inch foot for the walking foot that came with my machine, of course the shops are shut now till Saturday, so it will have to wait till next week.

DD2 phoned to say that my grandson and his partner are bringing her over tomorrow to see us. DD2's ex partners father died whilst she was away, the funeral was on Tuesday, so we have a bit to catch up on.

I have towels in the washer, its fine just now so hope to get them dry outside.

Supper tonight is quiche and salad, not decided on a dessert yet. The strawberries are coming on line, I picked 3 yesterday, we need sun to ripen them.