I am now nurse and general dogsbody. Agency could only offer 2 slots, 5am and 11.39am neither of which suite either of us. I got DB up yesterday and showered him, this morning he has had a wash. We have breakfast in bed and then after about half an hour I get him up. He is walking very slowly, but his gait is better, no longer walking as if he is on the deck of a ship, the consultant has geven him medication to help the vertigo.
Yesterday the helper did come, at 12.15........I told her the times were not suitable and I would not be taking up the package, I am just going to have to pace myself and rest as much as I can until he is stronger and can see to himself.
I have been out and watered the tomatoes, the gardener is due today so I need to do a list for him, there are several things I need him to do including help me to clear the rest of the patio and the bench so DB can sit out if he wants to.
Supper tonight will be fish and chips, DB is eating well, but I am cutting down a bit on the portion size. I need to go and pick strawberries at some point for dessert.