Sunday, December 31, 2023

Its Over

We had our usual Sunday breakfast, we slept in, so very late getting up.

Washed a coloured load dried it in the dryer. Pushed the cleaner over the carpets. Cooked the pork for Christmas day supper. We had braised beef rather than a roast.

Christmas day was very quiet, just ourselves. Supper cooked. Watched some TV and read.

Claire phoned, Alex is coming on Friday. DB's sister rang as well as step son.

Late up Tuesday, very quiet day, it was sunny and warmer than it has been.

Wednesday another quiet day, we had smoked salmon and rocket for supper with brown bread and butter went down nicely. We finished off the trife for dessert. Terrible day weather wise, pouring with rain and very high winds

Thursday an itty bitty day, nothing much done except took down the Dec's. We had sausage and mash for supper. Various messages going between me and our computer techie, get the new lap tops on Wednesday.

Very quiet day, not a lot done except, read eat and sleep. I have had 2 decent nights this week, two okish ones and last night was awful....... 4.5 hours.

Veg prep done for today's supper,  roast lamb, will cook up the bones and make scotch broth for lunches next week. load of dark laundry in, cleaner is not coming until tuesday, so first year for ages we will not get into a clean bed for the new year. No cleaning done either. it takes me all my time to make the bed, push the vacuum over the carpets and keep the place tidy.

I wish you all a happy new year for 2024 above all good health.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Its nearly here

 Not that it will make much difference to us.........

Sunday was our usual slow start. I cooked a chicken breast joint for supper, am gradually getting used to the new combination microwave.

Very dull morning Monday, cleaner here so bed changed, washed and dried the linen. DB had a consultation with a doctor re his bowel problems........nothing new, just double up on everything and see what happens........the gardener called in to collect his card. 

At last!! A decent night's sleep Monday night. I started using voltarol on my knees and groin, things are a bit easier.

Not such a good night Tuesday, Wednesday wet. Had an issue with a site DB
uses for family research, so a few phone calls, but no result.

Thursday was the longest night, in a few weeks we should see a difference in the time we put the lights on.

We took DD2 out for lunch Thursday,  choice of beef, chicken, gammon or Turkey.  huge plateful, much enjoyed. Back at home, sank gratefully into a chair with a cup of tea. Supper was cheese and biscuits after 6pm. Horrendous wind blowing all day.

Wind dropped during the night, spent the day  recovering from Thursdays junketting. We did have a conflab between us about what will happen when I no longer drive, certain conclusions reached.

After our conflab, we decided to call at C&C for a bacon roll and see C about the garden, we have changed our mind about what needs doing, he was in the bungalow, but came down to talk to us, it is his first job in the new year. Home for DB to watch a film.

To all of you who read my blog, a very happy Christmas and all you would wish for yourselves in 2024.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Christmas is coming

 The last week has been busy one way or another. Monday was white wash day, it was dried in the dryer.

Tuesday was busy, post office in the morning and then to see B. We dropped a load into the Air Ambulance shop, I was horrified they charged  £2.95 each for a mince pie!! We then spent an hour with B. She is looking well, not looking forward to Christmas though, she and A are still reeling from The death of A's wife in the summer. We then went on to the Council Offices for a meeting. Neither of us could sleep, so tea was made.

We overslept Wednesday.  After breakfast we set off for the last coffee morning of 2023. We learnt that one of the ladies had been taken to hospital on Sunday, she appears to have possibly had a TIA. She is back home now. Not many of us there for coffee, we only stayed for about an hour.

Shopping at Aldi, did not spend as much as last time. I did buy a stalk of brussels, I left it on top of the storage box by the back door, they keep for ages. DB had an appointment at the surgery for blood tests and a BP check. He has came home with a BP monitor again!! I am so fed up, if they want his BP taking twice a day why don't they send the nurse to do it! I have enough to do without adding twice daily BP readings to the list. Not best pleased. Phone call from SIL wanting some family info, like me she has osteoporosis, apparently she fell last week, luckily she did not break anything, but does have concussion. They are off down to their sons in Cambridgeshire. He was going up Thursday night and travelling down with them for Christmas on Friday.

 Very little done on Friday, I was not feeling up to the mark and have not done so for the past few weeks. It was 8 years, since Nicholas was found dead, both boys have now passed away as well as my ex. 

Late start Saturday, it was well light. Reminded DB to do his BP, it was reasonable. He cleared out all the baskets of rubbish into the bin, he usually does it on Monday. He was so nose first into his family history he didn't do it on Monday.

Warmer day, bright sunshine......DB went up the garden to check the green house etc. Supper tonight is frittata and salad, we seem to have gone off desserts just now.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

 Our usual breakfast and lie in on Sunday, so a slow start and a slow day. We woke up to snow which soon disappeared, it turned to rain later in the day.

I cooked a gammon joint on Saturday so sliced it on the slicer, put out enough for supper the rest went into the freezer, so I have enough in there for another supper and rolls or sandwiches for lunches.

I had to ring the bank, they had put a stop on my account, someone iffy had tried to get into the account, the card has been cancelled and a new one is on its way, wont get it until Friday, so will have to use DB's.

I replaced our combi microwave last week, my old one had given sterling service, but was erratic. The new one is going to be a steep learning curve, watch this space......I did do the roasties in it for supper, worked very well, but its rather confusing even following the instruction book.

Cleaner here on Monday, bed changed,  I had to dry it in the dryer, it rained all day.

We slept in on Tuesday morning, so a bit of a disjointed day, good job we did not have anything on. Bedlinen apart from the quilt cover, was ironed, I also pressed the fabric for the bowl cosies. Made one  up it was a disaster. decided to do coasters instead.

Wednesday woke to heavy frost, by 9.30, the sun was shining fit to bust. A quick visit to the post office to get the TV times for next week. DB had a call to sort out his  medicines. Did a coloured wash and dried it in the dryer. Started the coasters..........

Another late morning, so just ceral for breakfast, will do egg on toast at lunch time. Grocery delivery, no substitutions for a change. Edwin had a vertigo attack in the afternoon, was back on his medicaion for a couple of days.

Friday saw us at the chapel for the over 60's Christmas lunch, about 40 of us sat down to a full Christmas lunch, excellent as usual.

Neither of us could get off to sleep for DB it was about 2.30, I managed just after 4, so my fitbit watch told me. I was awake after 8am, but DB slept on so it was 10am before our feet hit the floor.

Saturday it poured with rain all morning, the the sun came out and the wind got up. I was on the last four doilies for the coffee morning gifts........ they will then need cleaning and putting in with the  cards.

late breakfast Sunday, I have pork choops for supper will do roasties, cauli and brussels. possibly creme caramel for dessert.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Weekly Post

Its been a fuuny week, laundry done and dried inside, very cold with quite hard frost most mornings. Tuesday we took delivery of a new combi nicrowave. The old one was fast wearing out. I must admit the new one is going to take some getting used to. Wednesday was coffee morning, a lot there, it was the day we were giving B a present from us all for Christmas, it was also J's 90th birthday, so a cake with candles with the coffee.

Big breath and blow the candles out.

The Wednesday coffee group, the empty chair is mine.

We woke up on Thursday to another heavy frost, we did manage to get to Aldi to do the shopping, we were glad to get home and into the warm.

Friday we woke to some one hammering on the front door. The lrggage bag for my Luminaire had arrived, so I had to sort out room for it in the sewing room.

No gardener on Friday, there had been another heavy frost.

Saturday...... no frost? yes there had been, but according to our ring bell at 5am it was snowing!! Very cold day....... day to stick close to the fire.

I am beginning to feel better although my left hip is causing problems. It keeps giving way, so far I have not fallen.......

So thats the last week.