Pictures of what we hope will be our new home in a few weeks time.
Monday, January 29, 2024
For the nosy ones
Saturday, January 27, 2024
What a week
The last week has been a case of ups, downs and almost rock bottom. Last week we went to look at a bungalow in Melton. We were very taken with it and put in straight away to be considered for the tennency. There are very few small bungalows which come up for rent, so we spent the week wondering if we would be lucky.
We had high winds and a lot of rain, laundry had to be mostly dried inside although I did get the towels almost dry on Monday. A short blast in the dryer and they were done. On Wedesday DB phoned the agents, he was told there was to be a meeting and we were top of the list for the bungalow. Thursday morning the news came through we were offered the tenancy subject to passing the financial tests. I had to pay over a small sum to 'hold the property'.
Friday lunch time the financial company contacted us with a form they wanted filled in and also some documentary evidence. We needed the tenancy agreement, could we find they also wanted an up to date rent statement which we only get every three months. I had to call in a favour and get the documents copied. We went in and collected them and called at the agents, they will send them in for us. I just have to complete the form and sign it. Then we have to wait for the results. It looks like we may move towards the end of next month.
Needless to say I am exhausted.........fingers goes through ok. Another lousy nights sleep, its becoming a habit.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Not a good start
Yesterday, Monday started off with a very heavy frost it was minus 2, the day did not get any better.
Tuesday, a bit of a relaxation day after Monday, I have to admit I was not in a good place for a while. Cleaned the sitting room, which almost finished me off. I am seriously considering sacking my cleaner. I cut her hours down whilst her mother was ill, but since then its been sporadic.
The computer screen on my car is US. the service manager is fetching it a week on Monday to sort it out, I hope it is work that can be carried out under warranty. Better night's sleep than Sunday.
Very heavy frost Wednesday night, but the roads were not too bad when we went out, we had an appointment in town and also pick up groceries from Aldi. The doors on the car were frozen, so we had to lift the bags into the back seat, could not open the boot. Glad to get home into the warm.
Friday was a day to stay close to the fire, spent most of the day reading apart from making fish and chips for supper. I need to gee myself up and sort out the sewing room.1
Yesterday was a bright sunny day but cold, not as cold as it has been. The wind began to get up towards evening.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Rain, rain and more rain.
Thank goodness we do not live near a stream or river, the rain this last week has caused havoc and hundreds of people have had to leave their sad.
I was expecting a friend to see my sewing machine Sunday morning and she wanted answers about various things, so we did not have breakfast in bed, but had to get up. She was a bit late arriving, but no problem.
Roast chicken for supper tonight, lemon cheese cake for dessert.
Monday was freezing, did do laundry but had to dry it in the dryer........
Another bad night idea why except DB was shuffling round in the bed. Tuesday we went into Melton for a look at a couple of things and called at C & C for a bacon roll. DB went for his siesta when we got back.
Much better night Tuesday, did not wake until just before 9am. Heavy overnight frost, took most of the morning to clear. Ding dinner tonight.
5.5hours of sleep wednesday night, DB was restless, ended up making tea at midnight. Did a bit more at the mat I am making. Sweet and sour chicken for supper, used the last of the panettone to make a bread and butter pudding, some left.
No sleep monitored , battery was flat, think I had about 6 hours. Late waking up, so a disjointed day. Friday night is fish and chip night.
Took all day for me to sort out charging my fittbit. It was a very dull, cold day. Did manage almost 8 hours last night. A lot on my mind just now, so brain working overtime.
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Into 2024
New years day was quiet, the sun was out but boy it was chilly. Lamb was very tasty, not enough left for a full meal, so pressure cooked the bones and whats left of the meat to make scotch broth. Simple egg and chips for supper.
It poured with rain all day Tuesday, cleaner here so everything was nice and clean. Trying to sort out the decorator coming to do the sitting room. We are hoping to have a quick trip down to Dorset whilst it is being done.
So Wednesday was the day we got new computers, what a disaster that was, cannot remember passwords for various things........tried using old passworks....... also my embroidery designs are not coming through as they should, will be keeping my old lap top going till I get everything sorted out. Ding dinner for supper, We had a brief trip to the coffee morning, quite a few people not there, birthday cake for David.
Thursday, visit to Aldi for a small stock up after the holiday, we have decided to go down to Dorset when Paul comes to decorate the sitting room, travelling down to Newbury and spending the night, the same on the way back. We are staying with a retreat friend.
Fortunately the flood water had receeded from the roads but roadside fields were lakes, so much of the spring seed has been washed out of the ground. Managed to spend £70 yesterday at Aldi, will need a tiny top up shop from Morrison next week. We were late waking so a slow start. Not a bad day at least there has been no more rain locally. I had two phone calls thanking me for the little gifts in the Christmas cards, I appreciated that, not many people remember to say thank you, it's something I brought my children up to do, and I do it myself.
Saturday was fine, a bit of sun, but bitterly cold. small laod of coloured laaundry, dried inside. Ironed the bed linen on the press and also sorted and cut out the fabric for Gosia's mat. I have someone coming tomorrow to see the Luminaire, she is new to machine embroidery. So an early start for us for a change. I cooked beef stew, some for supper and the rest in the freezer for later. I still have not done the freezer audit. I need to do it so I can empty the outside freezer, clean and sell it.
M came this morning and at last my sewing room is looking as it should!! two shelves and a wall unit up, just a couple of crates to empty ...
The last week has been a case of ups, downs and almost rock bottom. Last week we went to look at a bungalow in Melton. We were very taken wi...
Pictures of what we hope will be our new home in a few weeks time. Bathroom Destined to be my sewing room. Main bedroom. Longer but not qu...