Wednesday, April 15, 2020


another bright morning, but quite a breeze, the kitchen door is open and the breeze is coming through.

Pot on with Scotch broth.........part of the bones from the shoulder of lamb we had a week past Sunday, smells good.

Yesterday I did a load of coloured laundry which dried on the line, also cleaned the bedroom......then decided to start up a new blog. If I get the same problems on this blog that will be the end of blogging, so much hate is very difficult to cope with at the best of times, just now its doubly difficult.

DB is busy in the garden, he had put his toms in the cold frame, but it looks like they might have wilt, he has brought them in again, its just the bottom leaves that are affected.

I have 2 pairs of track suit trousers that need turning up. DB wears track suit trousers around the house. His old one are ancient and quickly going into holes.

No news from DD1......its playing a waiting game just now. As far as I know coronavirus was not his cause of death. The home is virus free just now.

Cheese and onion quiche with a salad for supper. I need to nip up the garden for some rhubarb for a small crumble which will last us a couple of nights.

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