Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 26

 Another dark grey morning, oh how I hate them........DB is breakfasting in bed this week, next week he will be getting up for his breakfast.

Yesterday was another quiet day, after we watched ETTC we went to bed and watched a Vera which finished at 11pm, half an hour reading - lights out.

I was late taking my osteo medication this morning, so a bit of a late start, No cleaner, she has had to go down to Essex on a mission of mercy for a friend, so I will be giving everything a once over starting with the wet room and loo. Load of laundry, but it will go in the dryer. I also need to read the meters and email the info to the power company, I do it every monday, I can keep a check on what we are using. The gas will go up a bit now the heating is on low more or less all the time.

I need to keep an eye on Aldi delivery spots want an order around 9th December.

Shepherds pie with veg tonight. We did not have the sponge puddingd last night, so will have them today.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Day 25

 Very late getting up, DB did his own wash and dress, he is starting to pick up small jobs like making our bedtime drink and the odd cup of tea. I really wish we could get a dish washer in our kitchen, unfortunately its never going to happen without a massive load of work and a complete re-arrangement of the units.

We went to bed at 8.30pm last night there was a programme on TV that we wanted to watch which went on after!! We read for about half an hour after the programme finished.

A very dank day, we have fog obscuring the hill we can see from the sitting room, I doubt the sun will get through today.

Supper is roast pork and stuffing, have not made my mind up re a dessert as yet.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Day 24

 Today is the last day for the carers, DB is managing to get himself up, shower or wash and dress himself. He is a bit dopy in the mornings, but I suspect its the medication that is doing that.

Today as yesterday will be a quiet day. I did get the embroidery packed up and posted off, it is expected in France so A will unpack it, check all is well and will then repack it in Christmas paper to go under the tree for her Mum. I hope she likes it.

I now need to get cracking on the book pillows for my two GG children. Blue for niblet and purple for little miss.

Its not a nice day, its very wet, grey and overcast.....glad I have not got to go out. At some point I need to go over and see my neighbour, She is in our bubble and now I am out of isolation with no symptoms I can resume my visits.

DB asked for spag bol for supper so thats what he will get, I will make a creme caramel for dessert for today and tomorrow.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Day 23

Terrible news yesterday, we are in the highest lockdown group. Not that affects us particularly, it doesn't, but it was still an unwelcome bit of news. I have my own theories about it. Beginning with the return of students to the universities and their cavalier attitude.

Another quiet day yesterday, it was very cold, and in fact it still is I have had to turn the heating up this morning.

DB is doing very well, I have finished the carers from the weekend, he is getting himself up, washing/showering and dressing more or less by himself, so thats fine for me. He made our drink last night, so is also beginning to do little things for which I am very grateful, by the time I have washed and dried the supper dishes I am shattered.

Todays task is to get the embroidered package properly packed, weighed and up to the PO. I keep looking at it and walking away..... it has to be done.

No plans for the day apart from that......supper tonight will be fish and chips, perhaps with peas. I have a blackcurrant cheesecake for dessert.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 22

Yesterday did not start too well, the carer had not turned up by 10.30, so I got DB up myself, he is coping quite well with washing etc, I just had to do his back and help him put his socks on as he got dressed. I am thinking of stopping the help after Saturday. I phoned and cancelled the carer, she was not rostered to come until 11.15 which was far too late. DB also got up before I took tea through to him after his siesta, so he is progressing.

We have had a very heavy frost overnight, the grass looks as if we have had snow!!! The sun is out so it is quite bright.

No plans for today, the stovies last night were delicious as was the chocolate pudding, there is enough left for tonight. I found liver in the freezer, so will do some bacon with it for tonight, with mash and veg, have a cabbage to use up.

I am officially out of isolation today, so I think DB must have been clear when he was discharged from Glenfield. We have 8 more days to go before this lockdown ends and we are plunged into the next one. Not that it will make much of a difference to us.........

Our pastor friends are having a carol service on Sunday afternoon, in the car park to Dove Cottage hospice, we have been invited but DB is not keen to go. I guess we will give it a miss.

Our coffee machine went belly up and I have been using a cafetiere , I need to find a way of stopping the 'sludge' in the bottom of the mugs, I am going to try putting a round of kitchen paper as the last filter, see if it works. I have used a tea strainer when pouring out the coffee, but it does not seem to hold the sludge, suppose I could try using kitchen roll in that.

Thats all for this morning folks........see ya'll later.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day 21

Its a dull dank morning, I hate this time of year, it depresses me, I have enough on my plate with DB, without the weather adding to it!!

DB continues to make progress, he made our chocolate drink last night, is taking it steady, he did not have his nap yesterday morning, went for his siesta and I let him sleep for an hour and a half and then went through with a drink and a buttered tea cake.

I was sure I had belly pork in the freezer ready cooked, no luck, so he will get stovies for supper tonight, I have a tin of corned beef in the cupboard, I use about half the tin in the stovies, the rest we have in sandwiches at lunchtime tomorrow.

Carer due shortly, she was very late yesterday, had a problem with her previous patient, so they handed her work on to someone else, she was able to stay and chat with DB. I had nipped to the post office whilst she was here. I am a bit undecided whether to stop them after this week, will see how DB feels himself.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Day 20

 Each day is much the same as the day before, looking after DB. He continues to make good progress although he is still very tired. Has a short nap in the morning and a siesta after lunch. The carers are coming in each morning, but I think by the weekend he may be ok for me to take over the rest of his care.

So far, I am free of symptoms, so it looks as though I have been lucky and DB was no longer infectious when he came out of hospital.

My cleaner took me in to Aldi to collect my order, everything was excellent, and cheaper too which was welcome. Who ever did the picking had taken care with the choices, meat, fruit and veg were good. No half mouldy cauliflower like the one Sainsbury sent me!! They did not have the chocolate puddings I asked for, but sent me a 'luxury' chocolate pudding instead, no extra cost.

I plan to do another shop around 9th Dec and then I hope to actually go 'in store' at the beginning of Christmas week to get supplies for our 'Christmas at home'.

I did a quick clean round yesterday, cleaner is coming back next Monday all being well........The wet room, toilet and kitchen floors need the steamer on them.

Tonights supper is bonfire night supper, sausages, jacket potato and beans, there is crumble to finish for dessert. Any left over beans we can have for lunch tomorrow on some toast.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Day 19

Very Brrrrr this morning although the sun is out its 4c outside. Courier woke me this morning with the new thermometer, one you aim at your forehead, do thats the finger oximeter and also the gun thermometer, a couple of things I wanted but never got down to getting. Load of laundry waiting to go in the washer, it will go in the dryer, the sun has no real warmth and there is no breeze, its just cold!!!!

I took my nasty pill this morning and fell asleep sitting up........DB is waiting for the carer to come and get him up. My cleaner is coming this evening to take me down to Aldi to pick up the shopping I ordered. Need to get the bags out of the shed. In the absence of my cleaner I have flicked the duster round and put the Gtec over the carpet, will do the bedroom when DB has had his wash.

We watched ETTC in bed last night........we have a tv in there so we used it, DB was asleep soon afterwards. He is eating well, smaller portions just now.

A very quiet day yesterday, we had the roast pork for supper and I made a rhubarb crumble.

Tonight will be a quick supper, smoked haddock, poached egg and bread and butter, more of the crumble for dessert.


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Day 18

 First Sunday for almost a month since we had our Sunday breakfast.....Door went just as I was about to get into the shower, a bag of bubble plastic on the doorstep, brilliant. Now I can pack and despatch the embroidery I had framed.

Yesterday was a quiet day, DB watched the Rugby, M came and cut the grass, last cut I think, it needed it. I sat and knitted another bobble hat for my cleaner, had enough wool left from my hat, just have to sew it up.

Its a fine morning, sunny, but brrrr cold. I have towels in the wash, think they will be going in the dryer.

No plans for the day really, just try and relax. DB is very tired, which is a side effect of covid, we went to bed at 9pm last night and by 10pm he was asleep and almost slept the clock round in spite of having a 2hr siesta. I carried on reading for a while before I put the light out.

Supper tonight, roast pork with all the trimmings, DB is eating smaller meals just now, will make a rhubarb with custard for dessert.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day 17

 Yesterday was a good day. Carer showered DB, we had scotch broth and a buttered roll for lunch. DB went for his siesta. I took him through a mug of tea and a small piece of sponge cake. I then fell asleep, he woke me when he came through.

Last nights supper was a doddle, fish and chips and raspberry jelly, we will have the last of the jelly tonight.

We went to bed at 9pm and DB watched a film till 11pm. I was reading.

Its a bit overcast, but the wind is blowing, the flag across the road is dancing in the wind, we are forecast to have some high winds and some rain today. No washing to do so thats ok.

The garden is going to need a bit of attention, hoping for a better day to do a bit of clearing up out there, DB will have to supervise.

No plans for the day, just more of the same.

Bacon frittata and salad for supper tonight with the last of the jelly for dessert.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Day 16

Thoughts and prayers today with Grandaughter Alice she has POS and is have an op to reduce the size of her stomach to enable her to lose weight and come off medication she takes.

 Yesterday was quite a good day, carer was  bit late coming, but job done.

DB is tired, but that's due to the covid, he had scotch broth and a roll for his lunch and then went for his siesta, I let him sleep for 2 hours, which might have been a mistake.

I took the linen off the bed I was sleeping in and washed it, struggled but managed to remake it apart from the pillow cases which need ironing. I was sure I had two single fitted bottom sheets......could not find the second one. have ended up putting a bigger sheet on. I need to do a search. All my clothes etc moved back into our room.

Last night was horrendous, I think we have both become used to sleeping apart, it was after 4am before I went off, up, showered and dressed by 8.45am.

DB is eating his breakfast and watching morning TV.

Supper tonight, good old fish and chips and rapsberry jelly.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Day 15

Much better day yesterday, DB had two naps, one for about an hour in the morning and the second after his lunch. He is eating well, thankful for tasty food instead of the inspid food in hospital. He slept well last night, said he was awake for about an hour so he put his tablet on and read. He does not need to put the light on, as the tablet is back lit.

A quiet day mostly, chap came to put the brush back on the front door,DB's carer came and helped him wash and dress.

I did mince and tatties with cabbage and carrot and he cleared his plate, I had made raspberries in jelly for dessert, so a bowl ful of that with some cream as well.

 Just now he is in bed waiting for the carer and watching the TV.

Today is his last day for isolation, so I am moving back tonight, he seems to be clear, I am much more aware of whats going on if I am in the same room, so he is going to have to move to his own side instead of sleeping in the middle.

Had a bit of a surprise this morning when I did my daily bank check, balance had shot up, winter fuel payment going in, early this year last year it was the middle of December before it went in. Very nice, thank you!!

I am expecting a big CC bill having bought 2 tv's and a couple more expensive things, no problem, I can switch money round to take that into account. The house insurance is due this month, money out of the general fund for that.

Scotch broth and rolls for lunch, Quiche and salad tonight, I will make some potato salad to go with it.

Little Miss, my G grandaughter waiting for her daddy.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 14

 It was not Friday 13th but yesterday was not a good day.

DB had woken with AF during the night, I telephoned our GP to ask for advice and she sent in their paramedic who said DB needed to go back to hospital. The ambulance arrived and bu 11.30 am he was on his way.

I phoned just after 2 pm, they were waiting for blood tests to come back. they asked if he was discharged if someone could collect him, I told them no. 5.30pm, a phone call he was coming home, arrived about 9.20pm...........had a drink and something to eat and went to bed.

Our GP phoned during the afternoon to see if there was any news. Our GP practice is in the next village and is or internet to contact them and if necessary you can go in for a face to face consultation.

DB slept the night through I woke him at 8.30 for his breakfast we wait now for the carer to come in and supervise the morning wash. We will both be spending a quiet day. 

Chap came and sorted the bedroom TV which was great, so if we want we can go to bed and watch TV, it angles towards the bed and also goes flat against the wall, a job well done, very little mess.

Not sure whats for supper will ask DB after he has got up.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Day 13

So DB arrived home yesterday morning, he was exhausted by the journey so Put his chair back to sleep. The doorbell went, it was the chap to do the assessment for the carer's. They are coming in each morning except Sunday to supervise his washing or showering.

The chap came re the TV, he is coming back today to sort it.

DB had a hot sausage roll, half a buttered roll and a yogurt, a ready meal last night and a jam sponge for dessert.

He woke in the night in AF!!! brilliant, have spoken to our GP this morning she is sending a team out to check him over.

I was awake for a while, finally went off around 3am.

Patient has had his breakfast and is now playing patience on his tablet.

Hey ho he is on his way back into hospital,  our GP sent in a paramedic and he wants him in hospital to check his take up of oxygen.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Day 12

The fiasco continues, DB rang to say that there was no transport to bring him home, so transport ordered for tomorrow. I did say I would go in and collect him tomorrow but was told by DB. no way. I am wondering if we are ever going to get him home!! The only positive thing is that he is closer to the end of his isolation......

So I start the waiting game again today. No idea what time to expect him.......

I wrote the start of this last night, since then I have spoken to the nurse and his transport is ordered for after 11am this morning, lets hope we have more luck today. Race on the get the TV fitted in the bedroom before he gets home. Fingers crossed, I am not really expecting him until late afternoon, possibly a crew on their way home to Nottingham or Grantham at the end of their shift.

I spent the afternoon reading and watched Escape the the Chateau last night, good to have the programme back again.

Another bad night, so much on my mind just now. The care crew will come in this evening to get him sorted for bed, hope they do not come too early.

No plans re supper etc depends on when he gets here and if he has had a cooked lunch or even his tea!!

Update, 10.40am just had a phone call to say that DB has been collected and is on his way home......hooray!!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 11 - coming home day

Yesterday was a bit of a damp squib, DB was due to come home, but the pharmacy had closed by the time DBs letter was signed, so everything was cancelled. DB was ok and it brings us a day nearer his clear date which is tomorrow. So hopefully I will just have 2 more nights in the sewing room. We will still be taking precautions for at least another week.

My higher dosage Vitamin B tablets came yesterday so I have started them this morning. I did have a ready meal at lunchtime yesterday, will have to sort out something for today as DB's transport is booked for after 3pm, so it will be tea this evening. 

I did not sleep to well, too much on my mind I guess, however should be better tonight.

TV was dire last night, I ended up watching Chocolat for about the 5th time.........I have read the book, the end is different, even so it was a very good film, I enjoyed it.

So not much to do until lunchtime, I might have a jacket potato with cheese and salad, there is a bit of chutney to finish off, so that will go on too.

I am so relieved that DB has come through this ok, he had just one day when he was under the weather.....The vitamin D I put him on seems to have helped. It will take him a couple of weeks to get back, not necessarily to how he was before, but at least more mobile. I think it will take months rather than weeks to get over this. He has been an in patient for 21 days.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Day 10

 Yesterday was a fine day, sunny but a bit chilly, this morning it is raining, so no grass cutting this weekend.

Several phone calls yesterday DB of course, quite chipper as he is going to be discharged when they have sorted things out. If he does not get to be discharged until Monday he is out of isolation any way, but just in case I rang our GP who was very helpful. I have to get 2 test kits one for each of us.........if they are both negative we are fine. If however one of them is positive then that alters things a bit. I explained to him what I had done regarding DB coming home and how to cope and he was very pleased with the measures I have in place.

I has a call from the occupational therapists, they are going to come once DB is home and assess him here, in the mean time they are trying to get a care package put together, I have my doubts, but what ever DB is coming home, I have made that very clear.

My cleaner came yesterday afternoon, brought me 2 face shields. We stripped our bedroom, hoovered the mattress and turned it, bed remade and room cleaned.  The heating is off in there just now and the window on the catch so there is airflow. So thats all ready. I am sleeping in the sewing room, 

Just had a call from DB the ward outside is full........ he is expecting to be chucked out, we will see.

No idea about supper tonight, I need to do an audit and see what we have in there. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Day 9

So DB has tested positive for Covid, yesterday the hospital phoned and said they were starting to process to send him home!! If I could not take him at home he would have to go into residential care!! No way, he would never come out, he made me promise last year not to put him in a home again!!! So the bungalow has to be prepared for someone who has tested positive to come home. He is quite a bit further on in his isolation period, but they will not test him in hospital, it will have to be done at home.....aargghhhhh.....

I have phoned for a call from our GP to find out exactly what the isolation period is and what extra precautions I have to take, obviously I cannot just leave him in his room all the time. He will need the bathroom etc.

My cleaner is coming tomorrow to help me to prepare his bedroom, I am going to sleep in the sewing room, good job I have the day bed in there. I need to tidy it up and move some clothes in there, heaven knows where I am going to put them. 

So the washer is on, its a fine day so hopefully it will dry on the line.

I am hoping to have fish and chips for supper tonight and the last of the sponge puddings.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Day 8

 Yesterday was not a good day, DB showed symptoms of covoid, although it is one of the milder ones. I just hope he does not develop one of the more serious ones. We still have no answers as to how he has caught the virus and I doubt we will. I am still steaming.........he is hating not having any contact with other people. Last night he phoned and said he had not seen a single nurse since his supper and painkillers he had asked for had not been delivered. That was at 8.45 last night. He will be phoning shortly.

I did nip out to the PO for cash, the door repair has been put back to next week as the part had not been delivered. I spent most of the day worrying........

I have a Sainsbury delivery coming this lunch time....they have substituted 2 things on the list, one of them I will give back word on. I asked for cheese scones and they have sent clotted cream scones.

Jacket spud with the left over mince and some cheese tonight. The last of the yogurt from our last order for dessert. I will then have to start eating the ones I have ordered this time hoping that DB might be home.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Day 7

 So far so good, am waiting for this mornings call. Chap coming this morning to put the draught brush on the front door. 

DD1 put up the pictures that have been sat on the floor for 2 years and moved the oil painting over the fire place, so plenty of room for new pictures. She stayed for quite a while, lots of chat about various things. I am grateful that she coped with the arrangements for her father and has sorted out his affairs. She also dropped off a parcel for DB on her way home, he rang to say he had received it ok. I have to go to the PO today for cash and also collect the puzzle book I ordered, will have to get an envelope and post it to him.

So yesterday was a bit of a no day, sat and watched 2 old Midsomer Murders and one Morse, interspersed with phone calls from friends and DB. Did have a reasonable night sleep, light out at 10.30pm woke just after 6am but snoozed on till 8.

I had a chicken casserole ready meal for my supper, have mince out for tonight, will do some spaghetti with it, make it into spag bol.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Day 6

 I am  furious. DB rang yesterday evening, he has tested positive for covid and is now in isolation for 10 days, no symptoms, he is the only one in the bay of 4 patients to test positive, the chap in the next bed had a high temperature, but his test came back negative.

I had an explosive phone conversation with the ward sister as to how he had become infected. There is someone who has been in the ward who must be a carrier. They were testing all the staff who had been in contact with DB but I doubt they will find out who it is. Its too late anyway. Prayers please................He is 87 and not in the best of health, we have been shielding since March, he goes into hospital and bingo....

DD1 is coming over this morning, afraid I could not give a damn about staying in etc.........

No idea what I am going to have for supper tonight, possibly a ready meal, I am so drained................

Monday, November 9, 2020

Day 5

DB rang very late last night, they have changed his medication to try and dumb down the headaches and it had made him sleepy, think he may need a lower dose, although he only has to have it once a day. Will have to see how he is this morning when he rings. He did say that the Dr who saw him yesterday did agree when DB told him about his previous 'headaches' after he fell off the stool in the garden a couple of years ago and his visit to the neurologist.

Today was horrid pill day for me, I took it early and fell asleep sitting up, I feel dreadful now and look even worse. Cleaner is coming this morning and also the gardener, so mask wearing time again. I will be shutting myself in my sewing room or our bedroom.

We had rain yesterday morning and it looks like the forecast was right, we had more overnight, its very grey this morning, supposed to get better in the middle of the week. It needs to the grass needs cutting badly, especially in the front.

I sat and knitted a bobble hat yesterday, will finish it and sew it up today, found the wool when I excavated my knitting bag, it will go well with the coat I bought in the sales earlier this year. I got the coat from Edinburgh Woollen mills, one of my favourite shops, Saturday there was a piece in the paper, apparently they have gone bust along with another shop in the group. I am very sad, we have had a number of shops close in the town including Argos, which is owned by Sainsbury the grocery chain. So many shops have been forced to close their doors because of the lockdowns. Such a shame, the town centre has been decimated. Even our market has suffered.

I realise that internet shopping may well be to blame, but if you needed something and were isolating you had very little choice. For me a trip into town is a painful business, there are a number of seats in the town centre, they are a welcome sight when my back is giving me problems.

No plans for today except to get through it in one piece, I may well go back to bed after the cleaner has gone. I need to sort out my supper, took a beef and bean casserole out of the freezer last night, too much for one meal so will have the rest on Wednesday. There is a raspberry sponge in the fridge will have that for dessert. The sticky toffee pudding I had last night was a bit too sticky and sweet, there is one left.


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Day 4 Update

DB rang just after 10am, he had a wash and had been to the loo, was coming back to his bed when had violent head pain, fortunately there was a porter and nurse, they prevented him from going to the floor.

He was ok when he spoke to me. a bit of a bland day in front of him, apparently he has made a friend in the next bed, so I think they spend some time putting the world to rights. He is going to ring me about 4pm, so will see how he is then.

Last night I sorted out my knitting bag, I have downloaded a free pattern from the internet for a bobble hat, without the bobble. I have started it this morning, will not take me long to knit it, but I can watch TV at the same time.

Supper tonight will be roast pork from the freezer with roast spuds and veg. I have a couple of sponge puddings in the fridge will have one of those with some cream for dessert, the cream needs using up.

Day 4


Lest we forget, those who laid down their lives that we might live.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Day 3

 DB phoned first thing, he is a lot better. They had been giving him Co-codamol, he was given this several years ago and ended up in hospital, the codeine content is much too high. When I spoke to him yeasterday he sounded as if he was drunk. They stopped it last night.

Decent night, sleeping in the middle of the bed......easier than sleeping on DB's side, it was so foreign to me.

Sat and took the zip out of my neighbours dressing gown, have the new one pinned in, just need to pluck up courage to sew it in, zips are my least favourite thing..... hey ho.

Forecast is for a good week this week hopefully the grass will be dry enough to cut by next weekend, it will be its last cut before the winter.

I have set a chap on to garden, he is coming Monday to weed and put the weed suppressant down. I have also sorted out getting a TV in our bedroom, just have to get the TV and the chap will come and do the rest.

I have a load of laundry in, it should dry on the line.........

Supper tonight will be an all day breakfast with yogurt to follow. I have enough yogurt to last till my Sainsbury delivery on Thursday. Will also be out of fresh fruit then as well.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Day 2

 DB was ok yesterday apart from the headache which seems to be getting him down, they do not like to give him the medication  too often as it is addictive. He was collected for his MRI scan, when they got to the scanner it was broken, they were waiting for engineers to come to it!! heaven knows when he will get his scan now. I am expecting him to call later this morning, then I am going to spend half an hour with my neighbour down the close.

I was expecting a call yesterday which did not come, so not a happy bunny, have changed my mind about what I was going to do. If they cannot be bothered  to call I cannot be bothered to give them my business!

It is quite foggy this morning, the sun is trying to break through, glad I do not have to go out.

Have put out the word that I am looking for a gardener, I have had one name suggested.....will see what else comes in if anything.

I have sausage out for supper, with mash and veggies, I have veggies that need using up. I have a mind to do a single cauliflower and calabrese gratin just for myself, possibly with a jacket potato, may be tomorrow, that will use up a bit of the veg. I need to find a small dish. Still eating DB's yogurt.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

1st day of lockdown

 DB rang early to let me know he was ok, showered, washed his hair and was sitting in his chair. I asked him if he had his seat belt? Apparently he asked the Drs yesterday if he could get a seat belt to stop him sliding out the chair if he get a blackout, all the Drs laughed except one.........the one DB says does not listen to you.

I am expecting a long phone call this morning, could take an hour and a half, so gearing myself for that.

I did get a call yesterday from DB's Drs telling me exactly what is going on, I also had my say and she listened which made a change.

Late getting up this morning, I had a better nights sleep, as I had been up early the last 3 days I decided to have a lie 9.30 when I put my foot to the floor. I knew I was very tired yesterday, decided to have a spritzer  before my supper, spoon full of white wine and filled the glass up with lemonade......could not walk straight afterwards!!

I had hoped to do some sewing yesterday but did not get there, so maybe this afternoon????

I have taken some cooked mince out of the freezer, done the veggies so having mince and tatties tonight. As DB is not here I am having his yogurt for dessert.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Another fall

 DB had another blackout last evening, whilst eating his supper, fell on his head again!!! so another CT scan, complained about head pain whilst he was on the phone with me, told him to ring off and call the nurse, heard nothing since. He has a very thick skull, many years ago he was involved in a wages snatch, he was carrying the money in a brief case chained to his wrist, in an effort to get the bag the thief knocked him through the Banks plate glass window!!! Just slight concussion.

I am expecting a call from the Drs at some point, so despite having yet another bad night I got up, showered, washed my hair, which is growing like a weed, and nipped out to the PO. They are classed as an essential service as they sell food and its the only shop in the village; so will continue to open. I treated myself to one of their sausage rolls for my lunch. Have to do a freezer dive to find something  for supper. I might just have fish and chips did not have any last week.

The new TV is fixed up and working, it was good to be able to watch TV without seeing double. I have moved the freesat box onto the bottom shelf of the unit so its easier to aim the control at it. I now have the old TV standing in the idea what to do with it. I  have to sort out moving DBs mother's wedding present picture and putting up the photos of Bex's wedding. I might need some of those sticky pads they use for hanging up china plates, I cannot see how to hang them otherwise. Its time it was done. She has been married for 2 years.

Decided not to change the bed, I did try to sleep on DB's side, complete failure, so for the next couple of nights I will be sleeping 'in the middle'. means I have to put both sides of the electric blanket on, but thats ok.

I plan to spend sometime this afternoon in the sewing room sewing more masks.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Yesterdays delivery was a no show, I looked on the tracking and it said they had tried to deliver at 4.50pm yesterday...... liar......I was in the sitting room, which is at the front with the lights on and curtains open. No one even tried and they did not leave a card to say they had tried to deliver. Supposed to be trying again today but no time scale given. There is a large notice on the front door telling them to ring the bell and knock. I have checked the bell is working.

DB has his scan today and then will be hopefully going to LRI. He says he is very weak, cannot walk very well, so when he is discharged it will have to be with a care package, I just cannot manage him on my own anymore.

Did not do much yesterday, shoved the hoover round, will throw the duster at the furniture later and have decided to change the bed tomorrow, I will sleep in the back bedroom until DB comes home.

No idea about supper, I need to have a root through the freezer, I am sure I have some chicken in there somewhere. The jelly is finished at long last so it will be yogurt for dessert.


After a fraught morning, I am pleased to say the new TV arrived delivery chap apologised for yesterdays non delivery. So I have bitten the bullet and got it sorted and its working phew!!!

Monday, November 2, 2020


Hope its better than yesterday!! DB had a very bad morning culminating in collapsing whilst he was on the phone to me. He has the awful headaches again, I think he jarred his neck when he fell on Friday. We went that way a couple of years ago after he fell in the garden. He did phone before I went to bed, he was better. The MRI scan is today.........we wait to see what happens. He is going to ring me after the Drs have been this morning.

I  made a couple of masks yesterday, horrible, so have found an easier pattern which takes 10 minutes. I am still going to line them with muslin, but hopefully might have a couple made by tonight, depending on how I feel.

They are supposed to be coming to see to the roof today.........and its raining!! I need to empty the rubbish bins, they are over flowing, its a job that DB usually does.

I cleaned the bathroom after I had my shower, trying to make up my mind whether to change the bed, really would rather wait until I know DB is coming home.....will see how things pan out this week, I can always do it and use the bed in my sewing room.

Life seems very dull just now and its going to get worse from Thursday onwards..........

Ooooohh whats that? a blast of sunshine, doubt it will last.

No idea re my supper, will have a root through the freezer see what I can find, after tonight, the jelly I made last Sunday will be finished!! Thought it was like the magic porridge pot........never seemed to get that much less!!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

? Decision Day

Pinch an' a punch for the first of the month........November already...this year has been more or less a write off!! I doubt its over yet.....if ever.......

DB has to go for an MRI scan today and depending on what it shows will be transferred to LRI. So I am waiting on a call from him.

Better nights sleep last night but still woke a couple of times. I have worked out I need to take my evening drink before 9pm then I do not have to get up in the night. Experimenting to find the right time scale.

Yesterday was very wet and windy, it did dry up about 3 pm and the latter part of the afternoon was fine.

So we are in another lockdown, although life will not be much different for us I am not sure if this lockdown will affect out local shop in Harby, it is a Post Office from which you can draw cash and also her a small well stocked grocery shop. It did stay open through the last shut down so I am hoping it will not be forced to close this time.

I decided yesterday to try making some home made masks, the one I decided to try was 'breathable' and had a lining, the muslin  I used stretched all over the place, so I am going to undo it and take the muslin out and starch it, then reassemble it, see how that works.

No phone call as yet..... he may have gone for his scan.........

My supper tonight will be gammon with salad and jacket potato, there is still some jelly left!!! I have just finished the 2 litre container of milk, I bought a smaller one when I was in Aldi, did not want to defrost another 2 litres if DB is not going to be here. I also have some UHT milk in the store cupboard.