Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Busy couple of days 16th December.

Yesterday 15th December, we went into Leicester to pick up a new monitor for DB, it records from his pacemaker as needed and transmits at night. I also picked up 3 large plastic crates from Argos at Sainsbury. We bought 6 clematines from the fruit stall at the hospital.

Today the table is due to arrive. I need to put my fold away table on the internet, its heavy, no way I am sending it by courier, it will have to be collected, once I have sorted everything out I will take a photo of the new layout. The Brother Stellaire will be much steadier and there is more room at the side on the old cutting table. I could do with D putting up my shelves, I will be able to get a lot of stuff onto them out of the way and there will be room for crates under the table.

I have packed wadding from the wardrobe into one of the new crates, I need to get at the book shelves to get the wadding that is stored on there. At the moment there is a load of stuff in the way, no point moving it until the new table is in.

Last night supper was beef burgers, jacket potato and baked beans. Using up stuff from the freezer and fridge. Chocolate sponge for dessert.

Tonight its belly pork casserole with veg and the remainder of the chocolate sponge for dessert. The sponge is quite decadent its enough for 4 so I split it in half, does us two nights.


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