Friday, December 4, 2020

It continues

 Rain continued all day yesterday, this morning it is sleet, I understand that parts of the south east has snow. Thankfully we are warm and comfy here. have the lamp on in the sitting room its so murky.

Nothing mind boggling happened yesterday, just got fed up with a dark and dismal day. I did manage to finish the snowflakes without any further drama, although the bobbin thread did run out at one point.

E mail from Escape to the Chateau, their Christmas celebrations are to be shown on channel 4 on Christmas day at 8.10pm. I have not heard from Angel that the parcel has arrived, should get there by next weekend, fingers crossed.

I need to have a bit of a clear up in the sewing room and then tackle GGsons reading pillow. I also need to think about the quilt he has asked me to make, in his words 'he is a big boy now' and his great nanny blanket is a bit small, does not cover his feet!!

We had frittata and salad for supper, the raspberry jelly I made had not set, so DB had an orange and I had grapes for dessert. I checked the jelly this morning and it has set, so thats for dessert with some custard after our Friday fish and chips.

Update: We have snow and its settling.......wonderful- not!! reminds me of the cottage 10 years ago, hope it does not end up like that!!

These photos of the front and back garden were taken at lunchtime today.

And we shall have snow....... back garden.

And we have snow, the front of the bungalow.

Warnings out on Facebook, the roads are very dangerous, several vehicles have come to grief on the road I had my skid on 2 years ago.

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