Thursday, March 11, 2021

Today is the day

 I am not getting excited, I have run foul before, but my new smaller cooker is coming sometime today, they have given me a 4 hour delivery spot between 11.45 and 3 45. So we will see. B came last night, took the bed head, steamer and also the cooker. My neighbour had disconnected it earlier in the evening.

It rained for most of yesterday, we have bright sun just now, how long for is any ones guess. DB is going out, the ground is too wet to do much, so he is going to sort out seed trays and fill them ready for seeds to go in.

I have cooked 2 large chicken breasts, we will have some tonight with pasta and the rest will go in the freezer.

The lane outside the close is still closed at the bottom so had to go the long way round, found a detached house in the course of construction on Dairy Lane. The lane is a narrow road at the best of times, 3 houses were built on the opposite side of the road, soon after we moved here. 

I ordered some new baking tins yesterday, from Pro Cook, I have used them before, very good my scabby old tins I have had for years went out. J took them for the skip yesterday, There is a skip in the car park of the hospice for metal, when its full its taken away and the money goes to the running costs of the hospice. Any old metal goes there. The new tins have just arrived, no postage and  next day delivery.

Well 11.30 and the gas cooker is in and on, needs to be on for 30 minutes and then allowed to cool right down before putting the shelves etc in, the inside needs a swish with a damp cloth. So We are cooking on gas. The delivery was well before time, the chaps thanked us for having everything ready for them, gate open etc. they were here for about 20 minutes. So now I have to get used to cooking with gas again.

Its a pity I did not put the towels in the washer, its blowing a hoolie, so they would have dried.


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