Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Grocery shopping

I had an order in with Aldi click and collect, so had to leave DB at home with strict instructions that he was to go no where until I got back. It was 22c outside and its about 24 right now, there is a breeze which helps.

DB usually helps me unload and put the shopping away, today I had to do it all myself, so am as shattered as I was yesterday.

I had to go to the post office to post a card, they had just brought hot sausage rolls out, so I bought 3, one for my neighbour and one each for us. Sliced up a couple of tomato's, as always they were delicious. That was lunch sorted.

DB slept ok, which meant that I did, was up just after 8am, gave him breakfast in bed and then got him up before I went out.

He is having his siesta, so I am about to put my feet up and relax for an hour. Expecting a call re the claim for our bedroom carpet.

Supper tonight will be smoked haddock and poached egg. I picked up a raspberry trifle in the shopping this morning, so that will be our dessert.


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