I was late waking this morning so late having my medication, so breakfast was delayed for half an hour. I really hate having to take that medication, but nothing can be done until I can see the Dr face to face.
It was a reasonable day yesterday,the sun did come out and just around teatime it started to rain, so no watering last night. Its bright this morning, the sun keeps coming and going as the clouds drift across.
Bed linen in the washer, it will dry on the line then the ironing lady can collect it.
Today I need to apply myself to the book pillows, I know once I get the zip in ok the pink one will go together ok, its the blue one I have to take to bits, pin down the edge and then sew it together again.........I will tackle that tomorrow.
Enough chicken for supper tonight, neither of us are eating as much as we used to, so I have to get used to doing smaller portions. The rhubarb crumble went down very well and there is enough left for a couple more suppers.
DB is out in the garden before the sun gets too hot. I am expecting another plant delivery this week, after that the purse is closed. A couple of weeks ago T moved a plant that was not doing too well, I noticed yesterday it is flowering, I need to go over the whole bed with chicken manure next time the forecast is for rain. The tubs etc will get watered with miracle grow. I have a couple near the back door that are under the overhang so will slosh a couple of cans of water on them. We have almost used all the rain water, so will be back to sparse use of tap water. We cannot have a water meter as the mains supply is to both houses, the inspection chamber and mains tap are both in our garden, so we would end up paying next doors water bill as well as our own.
So supper will be chicken and salad, rhubarb crumble for dessert.
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