Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Meeting Day

There is a meeting in the village hall for all the council tenants in the village. Apparently the council are to spend a ? vast amount of cash to bring properties up to standard. All I can say is if they use the present contractors it will just be a giant mess!! Will see what they have to say. The repairs office came and I signed the letter re the greenhouse. He inspected the site and signed it off, I think really he wanted to have a look at the garden, he spent enough time looking at it!!

More strawberries picked, some taken to my neighbour we keep an eye on. The casserole last night was delicious and there is enough for another supper.

DB got his monitor taken off yesterday, as usual the pads have set up an irritation, it will take a few days to clear. He is allergic to the jelly they use. I need to change the dressing on his ankle. The Dr has put him on antib's for a week, she is going to contact us in 2 weeks to see how its going on.

A quiet day yesterday, I was feeling a bit one degree under, still not having decent nights sleep for some reason.

Load of towels in , DB assures me that there is going to be no rain, so they will go on the line to dry, will finish them off in the dryer for 10 minutes to 'fluff' them up.

Supper will be frittata and salad, no prizes for guessing whats for dessert!!

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