Sunday, July 18, 2021

65 and still going up.

Did not sleep too well, heat plus messing with the greenhouse, painkillers to the fore. It was 60+ when I got up at 8am.

M is cutting the grass, he was going to come yesterday, I am glad he didn't it was far too hot. We went out and watered the pots just after 8pm last night and it was still very warm.

DB has been out and collected more raspberries, they are open freezing on a tray, will sort them into bags along with the others. Enough left from yesterday for tonight.

The weighing scales came yesterday, so we have both weighed ourselves, I think DB needs to loose a stone and a half. Me ........thats a secret!!

Veggies prepped for supper, pork steaks, new spuds, green beans from the garden and carrots. Raspberries for dessert.


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