Friday, July 2, 2021


Yesterday turned into a lovely sunny day, a bit over the top after lunch but great to see the sun again, this morning its cloudy.

I am not happy with DB and his leg. We spoke to the Dr yesterday, he said he did not think the medication was the cause of DB's pain, so he started taking them again, took 3 at 6 hourly intervals, woke me at midnight moaning about the pain. He did eventually go back to sleep, I was awake until after 4am again!!

We did manage to put the base of the greenhouse down to see where to dig out the grass, we actually need to move it a bit, the slab to the door way is too big. I have a half slab which will be better. Hopefully T will move it for me and also dig out the turf, then the  base can be put together and the spikes cemented in. We then have to erect the greenhouse itself.

Watered the garden last night, it needed it. I did the flowers, DB the veg.

Super tonight, fish and chips, the strawberries are slowing down now, but the raspberries are beginning to ripen up.

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