Friday, July 9, 2021

Thought provoking post

from Angie this morning, it is something that bothers me and I have gradually switched some things, cucumber in plastic drives me nuts too, it goes off very quickly.

I have started having milk delivered in glass bottles again, it is more expensive, but at least its another plastic thing not used. Morrison sells some fruit and veg unwrapped, but the bags you put it in are plastic.......I looked at our recycle bin yesterday, it was full to the brim, admittedly quite a bit of it was cardboard but there were things like yogurt cartons in as well.

Admittedly our veg peelings etc go in the compost bin, but the bags the supermarket put their fruit in goes in the waste bin, they are not recyclable. 

I have a date with a pair of shears this morning, decided to take out the ceanothus, that thinks its a hedge, it was bought as ground cover, It does cover ground, but not as I expected it to. There are also bits of clematis and jasmine on the front fence that need snipping back. T will be here this afternoon, he is going to dig out the ceanothus and we will replant the space with plants I have sitting in pots. We will need to do prune the shrubs at the back too. They are getting too big for the space.

Sun is out, so it looks like being a warm day.

Usual Friday supper, not decided on a dessert, we may not have one at all.

Believe it or not, this is a courgette plant, we have had 3 courgette's off it and there are 2 more developing.

The lovely scented orange rose on the obelisk at the top of the garden. I cut it back in the spring, it has not made as much growth as the red one on the opposite side, it will catch up eventually.

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