Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Another day, another dollar

Yesterday turned out to be very warm, this morning it is a shade of pale grey with the sun trying to get through.

DB went to evergreen, he is not in good books, he won 3 times on the bingo and also got a prize in the raffle. They have banned him for 3 weeks LOL. He isn't going for the next 3 weeks anyway due to previous commitments.

I parked the car at Morrison and did some shopping for things I forgot on Thursday. I managed to walk from M's up as far as the card shop, got a card for Aimee, dropped off my ring, gulp, and had a tea and cream cake in Greggs, then walked back. I was so glad to sit down before I tackled the walk back to the car. Nipped off and picked up DB.

My neighbour has been taken back to hospital this morning. She really was not fit to come home. I went in yesterday afternoon with some stuff for her, she was asleep...... I stayed till she woke up and chatted for a while.

Need to cut the rest of the meat off the chicken and sort out what to have with it, I might just do a cooked dinner with it, or a salad with a few new potato's. Going to make a creme caramel for dessert, it will do us for 2 nights, then it will be back to raspberry jelly.


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