Saturday, September 18, 2021


So we are back in isolation mode for the next 9 days. Yes Mary we have been double jabbed, expecting to be called for a top up at some point.

Yesterday was manic, however we got through it ok. Neighbours daughter is here, her brother picked her up from the airport, he and his wife did not go into the house, so they will be able to go away. C was going to test her mother last night, fingers crossed she is ok. She will need another test in a few days as will we.

Holiday cancelled, also the October one to the Cotswolds. I have booked to go to Norfolk for a few days next month. C will still be here for a few days after we go and A & C will be back from their holiday.  I use, we can cancel up to 3 days before we go.

Load of laundry on, its a sunny morning so it should dry ok. I have to change the bed on Monday and will have to do a room each day cleaning, gardener and cleaner laid off for now. 

I was going to unpack the bags, but have decided to leave them, we have enough clothes to keep us going for now.

I have put in an order from Morrison for next Tuesday, hopefully that will see us through till we get away.

Gammon joint in the ninja, will slice it when its cold, we will have some tonight with salad and I will freeze the rest ready sliced. No dessert.

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