Monday, October 4, 2021

Bright morning

Still on the chilly side but the wind seems to have died back a bit. Laundry in the washer, it should dry on the line.

Our bedroom seems enormous now the wardrobe has gone, much more room to get round the bed. Need to speak to the decorator.

I have finished the snowflakes, on the a set of angel wings this morning once I have sorted the lettering out. Might speed the machine up a bit, they are going to take an hour at the present speed setting.

I have gone out on a limb and signed up for an embroidery retreat in April. I was not able to go before as I was not prepared for DB to stay on his own for 2 nights, however they are allowing husbands/partners to go this time, so thats got to be good, there will be others going so he will have someone to talk to.

Plenty of chicken left for supper tonight, not much salad stuff, will do a jacket potato each, no dessert.

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