Managed to miss posting yesterday apart from the photos, nothing exciting happened, just the usual day to day things.
We have bright sunshine, but its very cold, gardener will be here this afternoon for one last session. We need to finish emptying pots, re potting some plants and storing the empty pots behind the shed until the spring.
I dried towels on the line yesterday, forgot they were out until after 9pm, so a quick trip into the garden, put them in the dryer for a few minutes, folded them and put them away. I need to have a clear out in the old airing cupboard, things are getting a bit untidy in there. I have started another bag for the CS. its amazing what you find when you look.
Gave my sewing machine a good clean, quite a bit of fluff hanging about, its all nice and clean and has the cover over it until I need it again.
All the Christmas gifts are now done, unless I remember someone I have not allowed for. I need to sort out Christmas cards and see if I need to get more.
I have done an order for Morrison for next week, will have to have a trip to Aldi next time I go to see Beryl, for bits I like from there. The Christmas beef is in the freezer and has been for quite some time, I also got a small turkey crown.
Usual Friday supper, fish and chips, we finished the jelly last night so no dessert.