Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Finished at last!!!

after a number of  binned goes. A larger and the smallest celtic runner. I finished the large one yesterday.

Apart from an hour in the sewing room, did not achieve much yesterday. We slept very late - 9.20am before I surfaced, so most of the day got away.

I have the bits cut out for one more large set, waiting on white fabric to come before I tackle a third larger one, should be here today.

Last night we made a concious decision not to use the central heating this winter. We have a wall mounted fan heater in the bathroom and I have bought 2 oil filled electic rads with timers and thermostats. One for the sitting room and one for the bedroom. The only gas we will use is a tiny bit for the top of the cooker and posssibly heating water for washing pots etc. Gas is going to be the most expensive commodity, so we will use as little as possible.

Supper tonight will be chicken and rice, we finished the crumble so will not have a dessert.

Celtic runners two different sizes and different fabric for the main part.

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