Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hot, hot, hot

 the hot weather is back, its 21c just now, hopefully it will not get much hotter.

No plans for today except to keep cool, there is a cool breeze from the back door, but once the sun gets round to the back it will be baking out there. DB is up to the greenhouse to water. I need to sort myself out and do half an hour on the back patio, its a mess...........

I finished 2 sets of the free standing lace yesterday, I think I need to do a couple more sets. All but one of the designs I can do two at a time. I am waiting for more washaway stabilizer to come. I do a lot of lace, am thinking of getting a roll. I also watched a video for a table runner, think I am going to look at what Christmas fabric I have and do a couple. I do not want to have to buy fabric if I can help it. I need to use up what I have.

Chap from the chemist has just delivered our medication, I was short of a couple of tablets last night.

Super tonight is spag bol, I will do the sauce this morning whilst its cool.

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