Monday, August 15, 2022

What a fright

5am this morning, a crash woke me, somehow I had managed to knock my bedside table over, everything including a full glass of water on the carpet. Thankfully it was water and nothing else.

The chiropodist was due this morning, phone call at 8am putting it off till tmorrow. It will be an early start, I have to take the car in to get the new key programmed to the car and then on to the dental techie to get our plates checked, so a busy morning.

It was very hot yesterday afternoon, the kitchen was roasting after I air fried some roast potato's. Its cooler this morning but still be be quite warm. Laundry in the washer, no cleaner, she is in Ireland for 2 weeks, so will have to struggle with the duvet myself.

I did manage to finish off the rest of the free standing lace, all I need to do now is wash out the stabilizer and dry them. I think thats my Christmas stuff about done.

Egg and chips tonight. I did raspberries in jelly yesterday so enough left for a couple of suppers.

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