Friday, September 2, 2022

Its Friday

A dull morning, DB says we are due light rain this morning, hopefully it will clear in time for the gardener this afternoon, some of his favourite jobs, cutting down!!

The fabric came yesterday, I have got 2 pieces done, need to do the third and fourth and see what it looks like. I am still waiting for the cartridges for the water jug. Our water here is very hard and leaves 'scum' on cups especially after we have tea in them.

I was very prudent when we had to sign with a new energy supplier and put a 3 year fix in place, it runs until August next year, so hopefully will see us through this winter with reasonable bills what happens after that remains to be seen. I still intend to do the comparison using electric and gas for the central heating.

Fish and chip night tonight........ need to sort out a dessert.

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