Friday, December 11, 2020

Christmas Lunch day

 Well, if nothing else you have to acknowledge the ingenuity of the trustee of the little chapel. As we cannot have our usual Christmas lunch at the chapel due to the covid restrictions, he has borrowed a heated trailer and is going to deliver a hot Christmas lunch to the over 60's in the village!! He is a remarkable man, does so much for the village. He has been busy during lockdown collecting repeat prescriptions, doing errands and keeping in touch. He phones to see if people are ok or need anything. He deserves a medal!!

It was raining when we woke, but appears to have stopped and there are flickers of sunlight, I guess its not warm out we still have the wind.

Haircut yesterday, quite a chat with the hairdresser, feel better now my hair is shorter.

I received a message from France this morning, the parcel arrived all in one piece, it has been unpacked and the glass is fine, phew!! it is now being re-wrapped and will be given to Angels Mum on Christmas Day.

I was sad to see that Dame Barbara Windsor had passed away, she fought a very brave battle with dementia over the past 6 years. Her husband looked after her for most of that time. I think she will be mostly remembered for the 'carry on' films she made, possibly one in particular.........and her association with the Kray twins.

No supper needed today, think we might just have crackers and cheese later.

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