Thursday, December 10, 2020

So Almost the end of another week

Another grey morning and its quite cold, DB pulling the quilt up in the night saying he was cold, I am not surprised he was sleeping with his shoulders out of the duvet. he is complaining this morning he has the idea how he can have got a cold, but its an excuse for him to swallow paracetamol like sweeties!!

I have an appointment to get my hair cut at lunchtime, I look like the wild witch of the west...... I am going to ask her to cut it quite a bit shorter, especially at the back.

I had a frustrating day yesterday, decided to do the embroidered panel for Little Miss's reading pillow, it took 4 attempts to get it done, even then it was not perfect, but its done, just have to put the pillow together.

News this morning is not good, its time Boris stopped faffing about and just said goodbye.....I know 'no deal' will have implications but coming out with a deal would also have a negative effect. It is well known that the French are not over fond of the UK, but they need to remember large numbers of people from the UK have relocated to France and renovated properties that otherwise would have fallen down. These people put millions into the French coffers each year in taxes and spending in other areas; as do the tourists who holiday there.

No plans for today, apart from going up to the PO.

Supper tonight, chicken pie with veg. Possibly cheese cake for dessert.


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