Friday, December 18, 2020


I spent most of yesterday sorting out the sewing room. The table has its legs on and is in its new home with the Janome Atelier on, much more room to cut out now. I have put the bits back on the back of the table, they will go 'up one' when the shelves are fitted. The hooping board is stored under the table so I can easily get at it. The drawer unit holds things I use on the Janome machine.

New table 36" cutting  mat fits nicely with my Janome machine on the end, storage underneath, There is still a bit of tweaking to do, but it will have to wait. I have to sort out Christmas presents and wrap them. The chair is a fold up one we bought as a spare dining chair, its a bit low, so I need to source a deep cushion for it.

Stellaire on the old cutting table it fits nicely and plenty of room at the back for the largest hoop. Again storage underneath. As it is an embroidery machine it has no foot pedal so room for stuff underneath at the back as long as I can still pull the chair in. I have used parcel tape to secure the vibration mat to the table so it does not move.

The chap from the garage came to took the car for several test runs, could not hear the noise we heard on Tuesday, so the car is back. Will see what happens when I go to Aldi on Monday.

I have also cleaned the steamer I sold, so its all ready to go when the lady comes, had a couple of enquiries about the hideaway, but nothing concrete as yet. I really do want to get rid of it out of the way.

I have had a late offer for the hideaway, lady lives in Leicestershire, so hoping she will be able to collect it. I may well accept the offer if she can.

Usual Friday supper fish and chips, I will use up a stale teacake and made a bread and butter pudding.

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