Saturday, December 19, 2020

Another day another dollar

The machine table was sold last night, I hate the new Ebay I find it very confusing. I accepted an offer £5 below the asking price as the person is coming to collect it, so thats 2 things over 2 days.

The cash will go in the pot to pay my cleaner, saves me having to go out to the PO. I had a big credit card bill this month, so after the holiday the padlock will be on the purse until at least February.

Up early, have taken DB breakfast in bed, lady is coming for the table around 10am, so want to be up and at 'em.

Its a fine morning, forecast is for rain, rain and more rain, they are warning that there will be flooding.......oh great joy.

I have a gammon joint to cook today, we will have some of it for supper tomorrow, the rest I will freeze. Plan to make soup with the liquor, possibly lentil.

We spent a quiet day yesterday, I pottered a bit in the sewing room, I need to fold up the cardboard that was protecting the table top, it will come in useful for packing things. I am gradually going through what I have and sorting out what I no longer need. I also need to get on the ball and buy fabric to finish Niblets quilt, I have sort of promised it for his birthday in March.

So thats it for today folks, back tomorrow..........

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