Wednesday, December 2, 2020

day 1 of a new lockdown

We have been in lockdown for 9 months of this year, how much longer. The rate in our local town has come down but we are linked because we are in Leicestershire to group 3.

Yesterdays sun and blue skies have disappeared, its raining what the Scots call smurr.....very fine rain which wets you through.

Does anyone remember this???

The cottage at East Linton 10 years ago today, we were snowed in for 5 weeks. The snow was 3ft deep at the front of the cottage.

DB had a couple of bouts of AF yesterday, it came and went, so he has a call in to the Dr to see if he should increase his medication.

I spent part of the time sewing embroidered free standing lace snowflakes for a display on our large window in the sitting room I also have some battery operated lights in one of the boxes I need to have a root through.

Hermes are at it again, parcel should have come yesterday, no sign of it.........we wait in anticipation.

Beef stew for supper tonight with mash and veggies. We had the jam sponge last night.

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