Thursday, December 31, 2020

December 31st

On the brink of a new year and back in lockdown. I have to agree its the only way to get on top of this virus which is mutating and causing so much anguish. We have been in lock down mostly since the end of February, we managed to get out a couple of times, but mostly spent the time at home. We have to hope that the two vaccines will eventually bring an end to the misery.

So many people have been thoughtless in their behaviour, not social distancing or wearing masks, putting themselves and others at risk, the attitude was 'it wont happen to me!' so we all have to pay for their thoughtlessness and selfish behaviour.

I hope that 2021 is a better year for us all. My plans for having the bedroom decorated will have to be put off unless we come out of shielding at the end of January..........I have ordered the bed, so we will have to let that come and sort it out when it does arrive. The rest will have to wait. 

My cleaner will not be able to come either as there is no mixing, she helps her mother, so the risk of cross contamination is there. We will have to manage ourselves.

Supper tonight will be sausage and mash with veggies. we have two small cheesecakes for dessert.

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