Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Almost the end of a annus horribilis

As a certain person we all know really has not been a good year for anybody; and its not over. I have a feeling that Covid is going to be with us for a long time yet.

We have managed ok ourselves once I got a slot for grocery deliveries, we have been out a few times but always with masks and hand sanitizer. It looks like we may well be shot into group 4 today, the numbers are going up again. 

I have to say I am not surprised when you remember back to the scenes in the bank holidays and the crowded beaches........we are reaping the  fall out now. I saw a picture in the newspaper of the crowds in Oxford Street before Christmas, no face covering and no social distancing.........

One thing that did please me this morning, anyone coming to the UK from abroad will not be able to claim benefits for 5 years. We could not do that under EU rules and it is the one thing which has been abused for so long. It has been going on for decades..........

Enough.......I had a better night last night but then I was exhausted. I have found someone to do the ironing for me, bed linen only.....I just cannot stand long enough to iron the huge quilt covers and sheets. I did the duvet cover and sheet yesterday, had to sit down and recover before I could tackle the sheet. I have tried sitting down to iron, just cannot get on with it.....feels alien.

DB continues to make progress, he is now going his normal 'household duties' as he calls them and has been out to the garden on a couple of occasions. I am so hoping we get a year when he is not in hospital!! 

Supper tonight cauliflower and calabrese gratin with jacket spuds and baked tomato........ we are eating mince pies for dessert just now.

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