Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rainy Day

Very dank and grey this morning. We both had a bad night, it was 3am before I put out the light I made bacon butties and  coffee, we had breakfast in bed and have just got up........10.45am.

We enjoyed yesterdays lunch, we have the puddings left, will have one tonight and one tomorrow, finish them up.

I need to do some clearing up in the sewing room and have a bit of a move round. The bigger table is due to be delivered on Wednesday, I will have to put the legs on, but that should be ok. I will sew up Lille Miss's cushion before I start to take the room to bits.

I have to go into Leicester on Tuesday to collect a monitor for DB and return the one he was given when he had to loop put in. So thats Tuesday accounted for. WE also have the council coming to look at the extractor fan in the bathroom, it is not switching on and off as it should.

Not much happening today, a quiet day. Possibly fish and chips for supper, need to see hoe much fish I have in the freezer.

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