Sunday, December 13, 2020

Still raining

It has not stopped raining all morning, very grey and wet, glad we have not got to go out.

We have a busy few days coming up. Tuesday I have to drive into Glenfield Hospital to collect a monitor for DB. Wednesday, the new table is due for delivery, so I need to sort out the sewing room tomorrow, I want to get it in place asap; and Thursday the electrician is coming to the bathroom fan which does not appear to be working properly.

We were late up again this morning, it seems we sleep longer in the dark mornings, I woke at 8.45 am to get our Sunday breakfast.

I see that Boris is going to hold more talks, what a waste of time and breath, just do and and come out with No Deal, we all know that is the most likely senario.

We have roast lamb for supper, cheese cake for dessert.

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