Sunday, December 6, 2020


Bright and cold, not as much blue sky as there was yesterday, but we do not appear to have a frost, hope for the same tonight, I have to go into Melton to collect an order from Aldi. To do this I have to go up and down the hill which was my skid pan 2 years ago. If there is nothing coming I can at least try and stick to the middle of the road round the bends!!

No plans for today, we were late waking up, so a late lie in and breakfast, we will have a light lunch and I will cook the supper for around 4.30pm. A bit earlier.

DB has started picking up some of his little jobs, he washed and dried the breakfast pots, I am still doing most of the supper pots that involve saucepans etc.

Roast pork, veggies and the last of the jelly for supper tonight.

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