Monday, January 25, 2021

And more snow

It continued to snow through most of yesterday afternoon and then as night fell it started to freeze so the roads are hazardous to say the least. We are warm which is the main thing.

I messaged the cleaner and told her to stay put, apparently a lorry as overturned on the route between her and us, so nothing getting through anyway. No point in her coming out and getting involved in a accident, the cleaning can wait.

Nasty tablet morning, I fell asleep sitting up, DB had got up and dressed, brought me tea and coffee, so have not been up long....its -2 outside. I have turned the bedroom radiator off and opened the window, shut the door, I am not keen to have to pay for warming the sky!! Will shut the window before DB goes for his siesta. Just realised I did not read the meters last week, hey ho.

So a bit of cleaning just to freshen the place up, after that possibly trimming the blocks for Niblets quilt and reading. I have books on both my tablet and from the library to read..

Supper tonight will be cold chicken, salad and half a jacket spud. A dessert from the fridge possibly cheese cake.


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