Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Double Brrrrr

It was very cold overnight, even DB pulled the quilt up, we were toastie warm, a bit of a shock when we got out of bed, I think I need to set the clock for the heating to come on earlier......it was still pretty brrr even though I turned up the thermostat when we went to bed.

The delivery lady from the chemist came a calling with our scripts that I had to post last week. My medication was ok, although I ordered both lots, it was DB who needed a top up of one of his medications. Its a good job we have a big medicine cupboard in the bathroom!!

The snow did start to thaw yesterday, but froze again over night, the roads seem to be ok, but I will leave going to the Post Office until tomorrow.

The cleaner did not come yesterday, I told her to stay at home, as it happened there was a lorry jack knifed on the road between her and us which caused a lot of problems.  We do get some very large lorries coming from the continent to a factory in Langer. There is also a John Deere factory on the same road. Lorries are not allowed to come through our village, so have to come in via the Nottingham road. Its a very narrow winding road with some bad bends on it, there is also a steep but short hill into Langar which also causes problems.

I will shove the G Tec round and wave the duster at the dust this morning.

Yesterday I set to and made 2 days worth of lentil soup and also tonight's braised steak, I have one container of steak for the freezer against another supper. I plan to move excess stuff that's crammed into the house freezer out into the shed freezer. I could do with a blackboard to write on what's in the outside freezer.

So supper tonight is braised steak with veggies, not sure about dessert just now, may be a sponge pudding.

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