Sunday, January 24, 2021


Do not have anything large delivered on a Sunday!!! The bell went at 8am, the freezer. We had a very hard frost last night and the bolt had frozen on the gate, eventually we got the gate undone, freezer wheeled to the back, shed open, the chap flatly refused either to unpack, it so I could check it was not damaged or use his sack barrow to put it into the shed!! Not happy.

However, I rang our ever helpful Chapel trustee and he brought the heavy weight sack barrow round and between the two of us we got it unpacked and put on the pallet......good job done. B is the most helpful person I have ever come across. All the rubbish in the bin and the garden cleared up. So at 10 minutes past 9 all is well.

We had a severe frost overnight -2 so the heating is turned up to warm the house then I will turn it down again.

Its a grey morning, we had a quite heavy fall of snow yesterday afternoon but it did not lie on the roads, problem could be black ice this morning, glad I do not have to go out!!

DB is not very pleased, a cat has relieved its self in one of the garden pots........I will have to go out and shift it and then put a cover on the pot. The cat regularly fouls the front grass, it belongs to the lady across the road, she is hoping to move into town once covid is under control, I have to admit I hope who ever comes into the bungalow does not have a cat. Its not just us it favours. Her next door neighbour took up his grass and put down stone,  it fouls that as well.

So to supper, chicken with veg, I have a couple of parsnips to use up and some veg that is rapidly approaching, if not past its eat by date. The rice pudding last night was scrumptious, there is enough to have tonight.

2pm and we have a blizzard blowing outside, the snow is settling and the forecast is for a drop in temperature tonight.......wonderful if you do not have to go out. The new freezer is frozen down, I was going to move some stuff into it, will wait till its stopped snowing now.

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