Thursday, January 21, 2021

Bad night

We had rain and strong winds blowing onto the front of the bungalow, just as we were settling down OH announced he had palpitations again!!, he settled down about 2am, it was after 3.30am before I dozed off, kept waking up, so gave up at 7.30am and got up.

He did not wake until after 9am and the palps have gone. I did check his pulse rate and it was ok, not in the danger zone.

Wonder of wonders the electrician is coming after lunch, as is the lady to collect the ironing.

Its a scratch supper tonight 3 eggs left so fritatta, cucumber, red pepper, celery and tomato in a salad. It will be a bit early as we are expecting the Morrison delivery between 5.30 and 6.30 this evening.

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