Thursday, February 4, 2021

A fine morning

It is still quite cold, but not as cold as it has been. There is activity in the lane as tractors come and go, it will be interesting to see if the snowdrops are through as we drive into town. One piece of land opposite the turn to the lane has been sold, Wonder who has bought it and what for.

Trip into town to get my click and collect order from Aldi, DB is coming with me 'for the ride' he has not been out for ages apart from into the garden. 

I spent yesterday  sewing blocks for niblets quilt and then unpicking them and sewing them right. The fact I have not done any quilting for a while shows!!! I have decided to do extra blocks so I do not have to sash be honest I will be glad when its finished. I am just going to quilt it in the ditch, its not going to be a work of art, far from it. I am just waiting now for my other daughter to ask me to do one for her grand daughter.

I was tired yesterday after slaving over the machine so I used two of the WFF meals. DB had corned beef hash and I had sweet and sour chicken. So it will be frittata and salad tonight. We just had ice cream for dessert, so the same tonight.

DB is still going on about the cat mess in the garden, its really nasty, no way am I getting a cat so we will just have to put up and shut up. The lady the cat belongs to will be moving into town when they have suitable accommodation for her, hopefully the problem will go away then.

The garden is showing signs of life, daffs putting their noses up, DB says the stuff we put on the garden last back end has done its job, no signs of anything 'weedy' coming through. I have to get into a mind set for clearing the two herb beds by the back door, putting fresh compost in and planting up new herbs. The containers Nick made for us 10 years ago, so they are doing well. DB paints them with preservative every year, there is one in the front which I am going to move round to the back, it has alpine plants in and could also do with being replanted.

So after we have been to collect the shopping it will be lunch and then I will hope to get a another couple of blocks done. I need to have it finished for Niblets birthday on March 11th.

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